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Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

Its not a play words when those words are spoken to a mother about her unborn child. any mother like me will take it as curse.And its not the first time someone has cursed my baby.it has happened before too in july and i feel neuro is that very same person who got banned for cursing my baby before.

No offences meant but does that make any difference in the end?If only saying and stuff could change anything...Be cool nothings gonna happen.

And you are no sane person by any means either..The dead Indian soldiers you curse are someone's son/brother/father/uncle too.

Either dont get into this $hit or you dont complain.
Makkale..thayavu seithu enda sandainalum inga vendam....:disagree:

Why don't you start with flying independent Tamil Nag flag on both sides, and then make efforts for some other country to accept Tamil independence. Currently, you are flying Indian flags. This is dichotomous to say the least.

Ticker, I know you care jack **** about Tamils or their sentiments. I doubt you even know where Tamil Nadu is there on the South Asia map either. So all this grandstanding and sympathy only makes you look like a fool. We have seen you Paks indulging in much more severe **** fights regarding ethnicities and some even completely disowning the Mohajirs alike. Differences are there and will be there in a multi-ethnic, multi lingual country like India, but we grow with it. Ours is not the country that got split due to ethnicity or language. That would be yours.

Kashmir come's to my mind....then there are a few other states

Are you seriously going to compare Kashmir with us ? I mean seriously ?
Some of you have a real problem...and i am not saying this after just reading your comments.I have lived in Chennai for 2 years.

Anyways **** it..

Tamils shouldn't say anything about Rajapakse's India arrival then you people feel happy is it?. For Gujarat riots US denied visa for Modi , did US having any relation with Indian muslims? why they took such action?. But India invited that mass murderer as chief guest in CWG now BJP inviting him and hurting tamil's sentiment , really it make to feel shame about India.

Give the details/note about that real problem.
Would the Punjabis accept it if Tamils demanded 1/3 of Punjab as their homeland?

Would the Malayalis accept it if Tamils demanded 1/3 of Kerala's land area and 2/3 of its coastline?

Would the Kannadigas accept it if Tamils demanded 1/3 of Karnataka and 2/3 of its coastline as their homeland?

Would the Telugu people accept it if Tamils demanded 1/3 of Andhra Pradesh and 2/3 of its coastline as their homeland?

I think we all know the answer :)

Tamils are free to have an independent state made out of their homeland of Tamil Nadu.

They have no right to claim the homelands of other people.

Sri Lanka is not a state but nation you illiterate troll.

A nation has ethereal duty of protecting its citizens, provide them shelter, dignity and right to be part of the governance which they dispose by forming states. A Gujarati will never ask a piece of land from Punjab because he has his own state crafted out of India on the bases of survey done on lingual bases.

The way you Sinhalas talk, give nonsensical examples gives good insight about how you see you own native population, your racism and discrimination SL Tamils face by the hands of Hindu temples destroying Sinhala Buddhists.
Tamils shouldn't say anything about Rajapakse's India arrival then you people feel happy is it?. For Gujarat riots US denied visa for Modi , did US having any relation with Indian muslims? why they took such action?. But India invited that mass murderer as chief guest in CWG now BJP inviting him and hurting tamil's sentiment , really it make to feel shame about India.

Give the details/note about that real problem.

Details?...Its somewhat related to Tamil supremacy and looking at non-Tamils as outsiders.There is no feeling in some people that an Indian should have for another Indian.Most of the people i have met infact all have felt "unwelcoming attitude" in TN specially in Chennai.
Details?...Its somewhat related to Tamil supremacy and looking at non-Tamils as outsiders.There is no feeling in some people that an Indian should have for another Indian.Most of the people i have met infact all have felt "unwelcoming attitude" in TN specially in Chennai.

Dude you are over-hyping the problem. Yes Tamils at large do indeed feel their culture is a tad more sophisticated than others, I will not deny that. But that is what an unbroken culture of 2500 years can give to you. But that feeling of outsider is present in all the states that are linguistically organized and not to mention the language difference. People from northern states that almsot contiguous in language cant understand that. I know coming from the armed forces background you have a different prism, but the common man on the street is not used to that. You should excuse them for that. This is the same man with an 'unwelcome' attitude that will put in his meagre earnings for some soldier from some other part of the country if the country tomorrow goes to war or some natural calamity strikes somewhere.

And word of advice - try not to speak much in Hindi, if the other does not know it especially, not to feel unwelcome in TN.
Details?...Its somewhat related to Tamil supremacy and looking at non-Tamils as outsiders.There is no feeling in some people that an Indian should have for another Indian.Most of the people i have met infact all have felt "unwelcoming attitude" in TN specially in Chennai.

Their best CM to date is a Malayalee(MGR) and their present CM is a Karnataka Native..not to mention they turned Maratha Shivaji Rao Gaikwad to Rajnikanth that we know today.
Dude you are over-hyping the problem. Yes Tamils at large do indeed feel their culture is a tad more sophisticated than others, I will not deny that. But that is what an unbroken culture of 2500 years can give to you. But that feeling of outsider is present in all the states that are linguistically organized and not to mention the language difference. People from northern states that almsot contiguous in language cant understand that. I know coming from the armed forces background you have a different prism, but the common man on the street is not used to that. You should excuse them for that. This is the same man with an 'unwelcome' attitude that will put in his meagre earnings for some soldier from some other part of the country if the country tomorrow goes to war or some natural calamity strikes somewhere.

And word of advice - try not to speak much in Hindi, if the other does not know it especially, not to feel unwelcome in TN.

Well..I hardly talk in Hindi but the only other language left for me to communicate is English and when i do communicate in English those few who have a problem get the oppurtunity.By the way a South Indian friend of mine advised me to not talk in English too much as people considered it a more negative language than Hindi.

The thing is that i am not saying all are like that infact most of my friends are from TN but you cannot deny that some people do have a problem be it TN,KA or KL.

And talking of Chennaites...well some of them have an attitude of their own be it North Indian or Tamils itself...They never hesitate to show Non-Chennaite Tamils that they belong to a much superior city than them..so i cant really complain much.
Usually I ignoring her post in every thread but she deliberately wanting me to reply for her post(#58) and she talked about my earlier post which I had been deleted 3-4 days back. That Ticker idiot want me to speak up… many times once I opened my mouth he become cry baby and creating drama. Anyone just go through the thread and tell me who started to troll.


come down to earth.... you have enough embarrassed Indians on PDF. Why do you even have the flags of India on your avatar














Hes Indian... Their culture allows them to dont worry
come down to earth.... you have enough embarrassed Indians on PDF. Why do you even have the flags of India on your avatar

Lets not jump the gun.

Well..I hardly talk in Hindi but the only other language left for me to communicate is English and when i do communicate in English those few who have a problem get the oppurtunity.By the way a South Indian friend of mine advised me to not talk in English too much as people considered it a more negative language than Hindi.

Well he practically played a prank on you..:P If people know Hindi, then its not a problem. But if they dont, there is a chance for that unwelcomeness to show outside.

The thing is that i am not saying all are like that infact most of my friends are from TN but you cannot deny that some people do have a problem be it TN,KA or KL.

As I said, its a common problem in all linguistically organized states. The language identity is so strong that people look anyone who speaks a different tongue as an outsider.

And talking of Chennaites...well some of them have an attitude of their own be it North Indian or Tamils itself...They never hesitate to show Non-Chennaite Tamils that they belong to a much superior city than them..so i cant really complain much.

Yeah Chennai sucks though. Shitty climate with sometimes equally shitty people.

Their best CM to date is a Malayalee(MGR) and their present CM is a Karnataka Native..not to mention they turned Maratha Shivaji Rao Gaikwad to Rajnikanth that we know today.

Well the best is Kamaraj. But MGR too was a good one.
Its not a play words when those words are spoken to a mother about her unborn child. any mother like me will take it as curse.And its not the first time someone has cursed my baby.it has happened before too in july and i feel neuro is that very same person who got banned for cursing my baby before.

We understand dear, clearly he has no respect to females. What to say more he is having Indian flag in his avatar and want independence for TN. I wonder why these B*st*rds even speak for India. Heck I will care the people of such state.

And word of advice - try not to speak much in Hindi, if the other does not know it especially, not to feel unwelcome in TN.

to whom will you advice this?? people of Punjab, UP, Bihar, MP, Sindh, Bengal east, Bengal West, baluchistan, J&k, UK, HP, NCT, Arunachal Pradesh.... speak this language. This is language has third largest speakers in the world by population. Can you tell me where the 'Tamil' language is spoken except for TN and your "beloved" Srilanka??

You can speak Tamil right in the Rajiv chok of delhi and in the heart of Lucknow, I bet no one will hate you, but they will welcome you as guests
to whom will you advice this?? people of Punjab, UP, Bihar, MP, Sindh, Bengal east, Bengal West, baluchistan, J&k, UK, HP, NCT, Arunachal Pradesh.... speak this language. This is language has third largest speakers in the world by population. Can you tell me where the 'Tamil' language is spoken except for TN and your "beloved" Srilanka??

You can speak Tamil right in the Rajiv chok of delhi and in the heart of Lucknow, I bet no one will hate you, but they will welcome you as guests

Calm down sweetheart. I was only giving a friendly tip to feel at home while visiting Tamil Nadu. I have been in enough places in Naarth to know the existence of a particular word called Madrasi. As I said lets not have a go here. This is not the place. And I dont give a **** to which language is being spoken by how many people either.

We understand dear, clearly he has no respect to females.

Well dear Khap panchayats and honor killings aren't exactly the way people respect a female.
We understand dear, clearly he has no respect to females. What to say more he is having Indian flag in his avatar and want independence for TN. I wonder why these B*st*rds even speak for India. Heck I will care the people of such state.

to whom will you advice this?? people of Punjab, UP, Bihar, MP, Sindh, Bengal east, Bengal West, baluchistan, J&k, UK, HP, NCT, Arunachal Pradesh.... speak this language. This is language has third largest speakers in the world by population. Can you tell me where the 'Tamil' language is spoken except for TN and your "beloved" Srilanka??

You can speak Tamil right in the Rajiv chok of delhi and in the heart of Lucknow, I bet no one will hate you, but they will welcome you as guests

Absolute rubbish discussions by most Indians here. Frankly, this South vs North thing is getting old really fast, people form both sides need to move on and live as one nation. The only rational person here is KS.

To people that are criticizing Tamils on their patriotism, you would do well to remember that when India was partitioned in 1947, they stuck by us and helped rebuild the rest of India. Indian nationalism was non-existent, the country had barely been formed. There were calls by some extremists down South to separate from India and form a new nation called Dravidistan. All of Northern, Western and Eastern India was wrecked with riots, killings, rapes, damaged property, etc. We North Indians simply put were a liability to the Southern states. But majority of the people from the South including Tamils never abandoned us. They stuck with us and helped us get back on our feet. Calling such people anti-nationals should make you ashamed of yourselves.
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