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Sri Lanka 'happy' Jayalalithaa lost clout in New Delhi

because its not entirely Buddhist....
what i know..srilankan army consists of Buddhist,Christians and Muslims...
and also 'karuna' led hindu faction also helped them to wipe LTTE...

Also i how does this troll from time and again gets away with posting stuff with no verification ? I wonder is he pulled those numbers out of his arse.. The number of civilian deaths both in the north and those killed by suicide bombers and Sinhalese and Muslim villages that were hacked to death by his ilk for 30 years .. Stands around 150,000..
a bit too late - China has navy bases in 2 SL ports

this invitation to an oath taking ceremony is highly provocative and unnecessary perhaps India's geo-political compulsion deviates from TN interest , best the 2 go their separate ways .....
Yes China has 2 bases(thanks to our policies) but they are not military bases yet. But it can be if our politicians will follow same policies.
Secondly Modi invited every saarc leader including Nawaz Sharif so no big deal.
Well to his credit Dr. Swarmy is a Indian nationalist as oppose to ethno religious or linguistic extremists you see these days.. He is a rare find in the subcontinental politics

The fact that i'm entirely in agreement with you is the latter.. Not only the LTTE leadership but the majority of it's cadres were drawn from low caste Catholic communities in the East.. It's entire global political and financial wings were run by Catholics.. In it's esense the the LTTE is a Catholic organization.. That is one reason why they have so much of backing by certain sections of the church in the West and NGO's.. From Fr Emmanuel of the GTF to Rudrakumaran of the TGTE are all Catholic Tamils

I found it hilarious how many ignorant Indians in this forum and elsewhere were made to believe that the conflict was a Buddhist oppression on Hindu's, In actual reality Buddhism and Hinduism in the island had only a thin veil separating each other .. So it was never a conflict of religious differences

Btw just for the info i'm a Christian myself
what i read..there was two factions within LTTE..one was Christians led prabhakaran and other hindus led karuna...later some problems arose between them and leaded to the broke away of karuna...amd helped the srilankan army to wipe out prabharan..
what i read..there was two factions within LTTE..one was Christians led

By en large most fighting cadre was Catholic.. Actually Hindu clergy never espoused violence.. But it was the Catholic church (Certain sections) that openly advocated it.. The Bishops of Mannar Rajappu Joseph, Parishes of Mullaitivu, Trincomallee even Batticaloa.. It's still going on

The high caste Hindu Vellaya's chose to migrate to Colombo or was in relative saftely in Jaffna.. Most never saw the war front, Just funded thier macabre supremist wet dream
Economic sanctions will serve no purpose for 2 reasons 1. India is not some economic superpoer and secondly China is already on SL's side and waiting for such steps by India so that they will ensure full support to SL while getting back lots of deals say a military base in SL.(Then expect SL to treat Tamils even badly and India will just watch as It'd have no influence on SL).
Secondly India will do everything in Its caliber internationally or personal influence on SL to ensure Justice for those SL tamils but by not enegaging or talking to them will not solve it if not worsen situation for sl tamils more.

What India has done other than watching till now? India can only be close to srilanka at the cost of TN.

This is what the govt done till now with its caliber internationally.
India abstains from anti-Lanka resolution at UN - The Times of India

If India is silent, it has to face further humiliations like this. In future as a good will gesture, tamils may support yashin malik in Kashmir issue.
First, Jaya never asked for a war against Srilanka, asking for economic sanctions . India failed miserably in its lankan aspect, for that why innocent tamils has to pay the penalty? Many innocent lives lost, for this crime what you and rest of India asks Tamil Nadu to do? just to drop the matter as it is?

Funny, how when the SL army was in trouble, TN politicians & LTTE supporters were running around saying that India must not intervene/interefere in SL matters and now....... No thanks, we are done with this issue. Some polite reminders, some gentle political pressure....that's all that will be available.

This is a dead issue. No use slogging this very dead horse.......

If India is silent, it has to face further humiliations like this. In future as a good will gesture, tamils may support yashin malik in Kashmir issue.

People who negotiate for their patriotism will at best get the finger.
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what i read..there was two factions within LTTE..one was Christians led prabhakaran and other hindus led karuna...later some problems arose between them and leaded to the broke away of karuna...amd helped the srilankan army to wipe out prabharan..

sorry you have swallowed SL propaganda wholesale , LTTE was not a religious ideology based freedom movement and Prabhakaran was no Christian,
Just name me some high ranking Christian and Muslim officers in SL army ?

BTW this is not about LTTE - its cadre was 10,000 the max - the issue is genocide of 150,000 Tamils by the Sinhala Buddhist regime

Buddhism is said to be most peaceful religion or way of life...but its the same followers,who are killing hundreds of muslims in burma??can't we blame whole Buddhism for there actions??

Myanmar Buddhist radicalism inspired by Sri Lanka Buddhist activism - The Comprehensive Guide to Myanmar - Myanmar/Burma News

India should decide if it wishes to play to the 15 million Sinhala gallery or 70 million Tamils, which includes a 5 million strong influential diaspora
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Funny, how when the SL army was in trouble, TN politicians & LTTE supporters were running around saying that India must not intervene/interefere in SL matters and now....... No thanks, we are done with this issue. Some polite reminders, some gentle political pressure....that's a;; that will be available.

This is a dead issue. No use slogging this very dead horse.......

People who negotiate for their patriotism will at best get the finger.

We are Indians for only 100 years, but we are tamils for more than 10000+ years. We wont give a sh!t, if India is not concerned about the voice of Tamil Nadu. It'll be one more Kashmir in future.
Yes China has 2 bases(thanks to our policies) but they are not military bases yet. But it can be if our politicians will follow same policies.
Secondly Modi invited every saarc leader including Nawaz Sharif so no big deal.

The problem here is thus.. What some of these TN supremacists want is a ultimatum.. If rest of India do thier bidding irrespective of the national interests diplomatic or security, We will consider to be Indians

If not.. Beware we will break away and create out mono ethnic/linguistic nation, That we failed to achieve in India from 1893,1947,1963 and more lately through terrorism in northern Sri Lanka in the 1980's

Take it or leave it.. If people here honestly does not see this they are only kidding themselves
What India has done other than watching till now? India can only be close to srilanka at the cost of TN.

This is what the govt done till now with its caliber internationally.
India abstains from anti-Lanka resolution at UN - The Times of India

If India is silent, it has to face further humiliations like this. In future as a good will gesture, tamils may support yashin malik in Kashmir issue.
Sure dude. Good luck with your speratist demands. May Yasin malik and Pakistan fullfill your demands and you give them Kashmir in return.
We are Indians for only 100 years, but we are tamils for more than 10000+ years. We wont give a sh!t, if India is not concerned about the voice of Tamil Nadu. It'll be one more Kashmir in future.

Yawn...........brave words from a guy who didn't believe enough to go fight the SL army himself.....
sorry you have swallowed SL propaganda wholesale , LTTE was not a religious ideology based freedom movement and Prabhakaran was no Christian,
Just name me some high ranking Christian and Muslim officers in SL army ?

BTW this is not about LTTE - its cadre was 10,000 the max - the issue is genocide of 150,000 Tamils by the Sinhala Buddhist regime

Myanmar Buddhist radicalism inspired by Sri Lanka Buddhist activism - The Comprehensive Guide to Myanmar - Myanmar/Burma News

India should decide if it wishes to play to the 15 million Sinhala gallery or 70 million Tamils, which includes a 5 million strong influential diaspora
i write what i read:...
may or may not be Christian conspiracy...but how comes all main LTTE leaders supposed to be Christians?? including the present Tamil diaspora leaders...
even the hardcore pro LTTE leader of Tamilnadu 'seeman' happens to be a Christian....
btw ..i don't hate Christianity..i myself born in a Christian family....
Sure dude. Good luck with your speratist demands. May Yasin malik and Pakistan fullfill your demands and you give them Kashmir in return.

LOL, lwhy Pakistan even SL will assist TN in its aspiration, just revise SL history how Premadasa armed LTTE to fight IPKF, India is a common enemy
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