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Sri Lanka 'happy' Jayalalithaa lost clout in New Delhi


but Vaiko will be there,probably will get some ministry.now thats some shock.plus,AIADMK and DMk has vital numbers in RS which NDA is going to need to pass any bill.

Bugger has already started to be a nuisance.. His political survival depends on Tamil extremism and separatism, Funded by the LTTE remnants


BJP’s TN allies oppose Rajapaksa visit - The Hindu

Would it be possible for the Modi administration to grant fringe politicians like Vaiko vital ministries ?? After all him and his MDMK were soundly beaten at the elections..

I don't see Jayalalitha being as confrontational as she had been under the UPA, Her political adversaries have been decimated in TN this time around.. So she really dont need to play the Lankan card for upmanship against DMK.. It was all politics

I meant when the UPA was in the center

And the above news will be a major set back to optimism of a renewed progressive foreign policy of a BJP govt if it does happen.. Not only is the likes of MDMK a threat to the union of India let alone a neigbouring country, They have been soundly rejected at the polls by their own constituents

Any way politics produces strange bed fellows. Dr.Subrahmanyam Swamy who is the arch enemy of LTTE is in BJP and Vaiko the cock sucker of LTTE supremo is being inducted to the Parliament through back door by the very BJP.
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I meant when the UPA was in the center

And the above news will be a major set back to optimism of a renewed progressive foreign policy of a BJP govt if it does happen.. Not only is the likes of MDMK a threat to the union of India let alone a neigbouring country, They have been soundly rejected at the polls by their own constituents

It is not, May be Vaiko will Influence Modi
not only for ceylon,he is dangerous to neighboring karnataka and kerala....
he made many inflammatory speeches against malayalis and Kannadigas...he once howled to kick all malayalis from Tamilnadu...and was a master brain behind wide spread attacks on malayalis across tamilnadu in late 2011....
not only for ceylon,he is dangerous to neighboring karnataka and kerala....
he made many inflammatory speeches against malayalis and Kannadigas...he once howled to kick all malayalis from Tamilnadu...and was a master brain behind wide spread attacks on malayalis across tamilnadu in late 2011....

Like i stated before.. Politics makes strange bed fellows. Dr.Subrahmanyam Swamy who is the arch enemy of LTTE is in BJP and Vaiko the cock sucker of LTTE supremo is being inducted to the Parliament through back door by the very BJP.

I guess the initial euphoria of a stable govt is diminishing even before it's been appointed if the reports are true.. Lets hope they're not for all sake
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Indian Tamil leaders shouldn't interfere in Lankan Tamil issues: Swamy - IBNLive

Dr Subramanian Swamy, a senior BJP leader and a strong critic of the LTTE, has asked the Prime Minister elect Narendra Modi to bring all our neighbours together on the day of his swearing-in.

Speaking to ibnlive, Dr Swamy said, “it is a masterstroke. It is a Modi masterstroke. He has invited all SAARC countries to his swearing in ceremony. Earlier except Bhutan, all other neighbours were against us. We can now change that.”

Talking about the AIADMK chief and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa’s opposition to inviting Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa to Modi’s swearing in, Dr Swamy said that foreign affairs is the domain of the Centre.

Here is what he said:

“This invitation to Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa is an invitation from one sovereign country to another sovereign neighbouring country. Constitutional principle under the 7th schedule of the Constitution makes it clear that international relation is the exclusive right of the Central government. State governments have no say when it comes to foreign relations. We follow democratic principles of consultation and seek the views and opinions of the state governments. But, it is not a Constitutional right. The Centre can try to build a consensus. That’s it.

There is a series of allegations of human rights violations against the Sri Lankan government. It happened even during the second World War in which millions of civilians died. When America dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, only the civilians died, no military personnel died. Human rights are a collateral damage in a war. Even the LTTE is also equally responsible for the death of thousands of civilians. Of course it was a war. Even the LTTE has been indicted by many for the loss of lives and human rights violations.

What way the Tamils in Tamil Nadu or their government in Tamil Nadu are responsible for the welfare of Sri Lankan Tamils in Jaffna? Jaffna has its own elected government. The Chief Minister of Jaffna has repeatedly requested the Indian Tamils and politicians not to interfere in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka. He feels that the Indian Tamil politicians are creating more trouble and enmity between Sinhalese and Tamils in Sri Lanka.

If India wants to do something for the Tamils in Sri Lanka, it has to deal with the elected President of Sri Lanka. We can’t force the Sri Lankan government to do something, which they don’t want to do. We can persuade them. They can concur with us. We can’t by-pass the Constitutional provisions and established norms.

We are also facing the allegations of human rights violations in Kashmir, Nagaland and Manipur etc. How can we single out Sri Lanka? We must remember all these things.

We are allowing Pakistan and China to strengthen their ties and base in Sri Lanka. It is not good for India. Vacuum allows our enemies to take an upper hand in Sri Lanka.

Finally, the Lok Sabha election is an example. The MDMK chief Vaiko, who is considered very close to the LTTE, has been defeated by Indian Tamil voters. It was a humiliating defeat. Vaiko was our alliance partner. He brought us down.

I say that foreign policy is the domain of the Centre. It is not a state subject”.
Indian PM Modi has to respect TN, otherwise it will lead to disaster for India. TN state is very strange state in India, sometimes I feel Tamils are not belong to India either. seriously! They are different from rest of Indian community.

With Modi either you guys will go top of the region. but if something goes wrong with Modi's leadership India will ended in the deepest level in the region. That's the risk you guys have with Modi. Only the time can answer those question....let's wait and see..... ;)
Stupidity at its best.... Tamils are not India? Seriously what do they teach u there? One thing is clear, Modi is sending a clear msg out there, join me or face the consequences. Its never about Jaya, she was a very strong against LTTE from the beginning.
I again repeat Srilanka got away with things with UPA but dont expect the same concessions with him.
Like i stated before.. Politics makes strange bed fellows. Dr.Subrahmanyam Swamy who is the arch enemy of LTTE is in BJP and Vaiko the cock sucker of LTTE supremo is being inducted to the Parliament through back door by the very BJP.

I guess the initial euphoria of a stable govt is diminishing even before it's been appointed if the reports are true.. Lets hope they're not for all sake
personally i think vaiko is the only true tamil leader,who always stand up and raise his voice for tamil cause..be it eezham issue,kaveri with karnataka or mullaperiyar issue with kerala..all other Tamil leaders like karuna or even jaya keep silent and didn't do anything...though he lost in lok sabha election..but still has good support among local tamil masses...as an Indian citizen,he has every other rights to raise his voice for tamils or take rajiya sabha seat..there is nothing wrong in being a tamil/malayali/sinhala rationalist...but when it harms friendly relations with neighboring states or india's foreign policy..thats the problem...
Mr. Vaiko is playing the same cheap politics now stopping Modi ji, as Akhileshullah does in UP in the name of 'secoolarism'.

This is wrong.

personally i think vaiko is the only true tamil leader,who always stand up and raise his voice for tamil cause..be it eezham issue,kaveri with karnataka or mullaperiyar issue with kerala..all other Tamil leaders like karuna or even jaya keep silent and didn't do anything...though he lost in lok sabha election..but still has good support among local tamil masses...as an Indian citizen,he has every other rights to raise his voice for tamils or take rajiya sabha seat..there is nothing wrong in being a tamil/malayali/sinhala rationalist...but when it harms friendly relations with neighboring states or india's foreign policy..thats the problem...

My friend from TN, you must see that the invitation is a polite warning that welcomes friendship but keeps all options open if ANY part of India is harmed. :)

I think our countrymen from tamil nadu must see the bigger picture once and trust the new PM.
Mr. Vaiko is playing the same cheap politics now stopping Modi ji, as Akhileshullah does in UP in the name of 'secoolarism'.

This is wrong.

My friend from TN, you must see that the invitation is a polite warning that welcomes friendship but keeps all options open if ANY part of India is harmed. :)

I think our countrymen from tamil nadu must see the bigger picture once and trust the new PM.
hope so.....i am a malayali,not tamil...

Like i stated before.. Politics makes strange bed fellows. Dr.Subrahmanyam Swamy who is the arch enemy of LTTE is in BJP and Vaiko the cock sucker of LTTE supremo is being inducted to the Parliament through back door by the very BJP.

I guess the initial euphoria of a stable govt is diminishing even before it's been appointed if the reports are true.. Lets hope they're not for all sake
Subramanian swamy is nothing better...a man with brahmin/aryan supremacist mentality...his hatred for LTTE is just because of its christian presence,especially its top leaders like prabha,anton,george,soosai all were christian converts...
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