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"Hinduism divides people in the name of caste...uprooting Hinduism is upholding equality" - Dravidian Minister speaks up against Hinduism

Imagine a Christian minister's son had said such things about Islam or the Prophet in Pakistan, what would be happening to him ?
No prize for guessing correct answer.
Muslim are divided into Sunni, Shia, Ahmadia, and others. Caste system is as bad and sworn enemy of each other.
Sunni and Shiah are not enemy to each other LOL

If they are enemy so how can Shiah can do Hajj and Umrah in Mecca dude

Many Shiah Afghan also go to majority Sunni Muslim Indonesia after they leave their country.
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Muslim are divided into Sunni, Shia, Ahmadia, and others. Caste system is as bad and sworn enemy of each other.
Only a ⚫🍆🛐🐒 would compare Muslim sects to their own vile and filthy caste system. A Shia can become a Sunni and vice versa. Dalits have, and always will remain Dalits.

Imagine a Christian minister's son had said such things about Islam or the Prophet in Pakistan, what would be happening to him ?
Why would a Christian minister's son say that about Islam?

Islam guarantees him his rights. Islam won't force him to become a sweeper or sanitation worker. Islam won't have him beaten and murdered for wearing a moustache or riding a horse.

Stalin had spoken against Sanatana Dharma not against Hinduism.
Sanatana Dharma is used interchangeably with Hinduism.

Only someone completely ignorant about Indian history and politics would make some of the statements made in this thread. The Dravidian movement was started by Periyar against the dominant position of the minority Tamil Brahmins in Tamil society. The movement has largely achieved its goals and Tamil Brahmins have been politically marginalised for decades now. Even in North India, Brahmin dominance of the political structure is a thing of the past. Modi is from a backward caste and as far as I know out of 28 states and 8 UTs in India, only 1 has a Brahmin chief minister and even she is vehemently anti-Brahminical. There is very little separist sentiment in Tamil Nadu and other Southern states. Even during the height of Tamil nationalism when the LTTE was fighting for Ealem, there was very little support for the idea that Tamil Nadu be part of India. On the contrary, many supported the Tamil provinces of SL being incorporated into India.

The power structure in Pakistan is essentially unchanged since 1947, with the same set of powerful families and unelected institutions ruling the country. The Pakistani stereotypes about India like the caste system and oppression of Dravidians may have been true in 1947, but India's power structure today is completely different from what it was 75 years ago because of the evolution of democracy. Groups that were once marginalised rule the country today. Many Pakistanis cannot accept this fact because they mistakenly assume that just because Pakistani society failed to evolve and the democratic process was a failure, the same would be true in India.

I wondered who this pajeet was writing these essays for, and of course, it's because he's replying to the ⚫🍆🛐🐒 roleplaying as a Pakistani.

Ignoring your Wikipedia tier history lesson which no one really cares about:

"Pakistani stereotypes about India like the caste system and oppression of Dravidians may have been true in 1947" - It's not a "stereotype". Caste oppression is still widespread across India. Pajeets really think saying democracy saar is sufficient to prove caste oppression is now gone.
Dravidians are figthing for Dravidstan and they are allies of Pakistan & Muslims.
Lol. Dravidstan is not even of Dravidian etymology. It is Persian. There was a demand for Dravida Nadu in the 50s and early 60s, but firstly there was no interest from non-Tamil speakers because they feared being dominated by the Tamils and secondly the Indian government, unlike Pakistan, conceded most of their demands and did not try to impose Hindi all over the country. There has been no serious demand since 1960s for geographical realignment in South India except the demand for Telangana state, which was also granted.

Caste oppression is still widespread across India.
How many years have you lived in India. You seem to be an ignoramus. There was been strong caste-based affirmative action in India since independence which has upended the old caste power structure.

Do you know how many positions of power are held by Brahmins today compared to in the 1950s ? First learn the facts from some independent source and then comment.
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How many years have you lived in India.
Not an argument.

There was been strong caste-based affirmative action in India since independence which has upended the old caste power structure.
Which is why there are Dalits still getting attacked for riding horses?

Do you know how many positions of power are held by Brahmins today compared to in the 1950s ?
No, it doesn't matter, because a decrease in their power share doesn't mean oppression doesn't exist.
Why would a Christian minister's son say that about Islam?

Islam guarantees him his rights. Islam won't force him to become a sweeper or sanitation worker. Islam won't have him beaten and murdered for wearing a moustache or riding a horse.

Stop the bull crap, we all know, what happens in your Islamic Republic, how minorities are silenced by using blasphemy laws or are burnt alive by a mob or have their churches burnt.

We also know what happen to even Muslim ministers, who even speak up for a Chiristan woman accused of blasphemy. He pumped full of lead, by his own bodyguard.

We also know, what happens to people, who speak against your religion in countries where there is freedom of speech. They get heads chopped off by you lot.

If a minority doesn't dare to speak their mind in your country, it is out of fear of retribution and not some great some reverence they have for your religion.
Stop the bull crap, we all know, what happens in your Islamic Republic, how minorities are silenced by using blasphemy laws or are burnt alive by a mob or have their churches burnt.
What's your point? Hindus have been raping, murdering, and burning churches in Manipur for several months straight. Are Christians speaking up against Hindus? Would they need to?
If a minority doesn't dare to speak their mind in your country, it is out of fear of retribution and not some great some reverence they have for your religion.
What would they have to say about our religion though? Our religion doesn't exclusively target them in the same sadistic way Hindus have forced their own to become janitors and prostitutes.

Also, you keep trying to skirt around the fact that Udhayanidhi Stalin isn't just a minority, nor is he committing blasphemy. He is from a community which has been at the receiving brunt of your filthy, vile, and barbaric caste system centuries and is making a factual statement on how Hinduism was responsible for this caste system. You will never be able to find an equivalent hypothetical for Pakistan and Islam.
Lol. Dravidstan is not even of Dravidian etymology. It is Persian. There was a demand for Dravida Nadu in the 50s and early 60s, but firstly there was no interest from non-Tamil speakers because they feared being dominated by the Tamils and secondly the Indian government, unlike Pakistan, conceded most of their demands and did not try to impose Hindi all over the country. There has been no serious demand since 1960s for geographical realignment in South India except the demand for Telangana state, which was also granted.

You can keep lying but balkanization of India will start from the South India.

South Indian are leaving Hinduism and reverting to Islam (Re: AR Rehman )

South Indians love Pakistan and Islam.
Try doing that pedoperiyar worshipper DMKtards.
What's your point? Hindus have been raping, murdering, and burning churches in Manipur for several months straight. Are Christians speaking up against Hindus? Would they need to?

What would they have to say about our religion though? Our religion doesn't exclusively target them in the same sadistic way Hindus have forced their own to become janitors and prostitutes.

Also, you keep trying to skirt around the fact that Udhayanidhi Stalin isn't just a minority, nor is he committing blasphemy. He is from a community which has been at the receiving brunt of your filthy, vile, and barbaric caste system centuries and is making a factual statement on how Hinduism was responsible for this caste system. You will never be able to find an equivalent hypothetical for Pakistan and Islam.
Manipur is a tribal conflict and not a communal one. Manipuris are not fighting because of their religion..they are fighting for reservation.

They don't need to say a lot about your religion to tick you off, they don't even need to say anything about your religion to tick you off ..a simple drawing is enough, for you people to go about chopping their heads.

Some one throwing away a verse from your book is enough for you to go about burning them alive.

That is how intolerant you people are and you dare to preach others.
You can keep lying but balkanization of India will start from the South India.

South Indian are leaving Hinduism and reverting to Islam (Re: AR Rehman )

South Indians love Pakistan and Islam.
Dude leave that imagination.....Enought with the false dream of India being conquered by Pakistani.

That hadith of Muslim conquering India had already happened in the past and India did being ruled by Muslim for centuries in the past
Dude leave that imagination.....Enought with the false dream of India being conquered by Pakistani.

That hadith of Muslim conquering India had already happened in the past and India did being ruled by Muslim for centuries in the past
The user you are replying to is a Hindu.
Manipur is a tribal conflict and not a communal one.
Then why are they burning churches? 100+ churches burned. The affected Kukis themselves clearly state that there the violence is also motivated by communal hatred (see example from a Kuki BJP MLA below):
"Proof of state complicity can clearly be discerned from the fact that what started out as a purely ethnic-communal violence was later on attempted to be portrayed by the Chief Minister as the state's war on 'narco terrorists',"
They don't need to say a lot about your religion to tick you off, they don't even need to say anything about your religion to tick you off ..a simple drawing is enough, for you people to go about chopping their heads.

Some one throwing away a verse from your book is enough for you to go about burning them alive.
Once again, what's your point?? Have you forgotten you Hondey will do the exact same thing with anyone seen with a cow? If you want to do a head-to-head with Ijlam on intolerance, you'll still lose, because no matter how many things you come up with, we already know:
  1. Hondey will butcher minorities for doing things which "hurt their religious sentiments"
  2. But Hondey will also butcher their own oppressed low-caste underclass for transgressing against their rotten and filthy caste system
The user you are replying to is a Hindu.

Then why are they burning churches? 100+ churches burned. The affected Kukis themselves clearly state that there the violence is also motivated by communal hatred (see example from a Kuki BJP MLA below):

Once again, what's your point?? Have you forgotten you Hondey will do the exact same thing with anyone seen with a cow? If you want to do a head-to-head with Ijlam on intolerance, you'll still lose, because no matter how many things you come up with, we already know:
  1. Hondey will butcher minorities for doing things which "hurt their religious sentiments"
  2. But Hondey will also butcher their own oppressed low-caste underclass for transgressing against their rotten and filthy caste system
Not only churches were burnt, 3500 homes were burnt, crops were burnt, temples were burnt..even ambulances were burnt.

But conflict is not over religion. They all are fighting for reservation and government jobs. They were living peacefully with each other inspite of their religion, till reservation issue came about.

My point is, if a minister's son belonging to minority community said anything against majority religion in Pakistan, he wouldn't be alive today.
Muslim are divided into Sunni, Shia, Ahmadia, and others. Caste system is as bad and sworn enemy of each other.
There are more than 73 sects among Muslims and each one of them calls other sect Kafir.. Quaran says only one of these 73 sects will go to Jannat and meet Hoorein 72 lower sects will go to Jahannum and be used like the wood for fire. What are all these sects if not lower castes? Lol!!

Btw, the followers of Periyar are not much different than followers of Prophet. Periyar married his adopted daughter and was a biggest British tool and British @$$licker!!

Dravidians are figthing for Dravidstan and they are allies of Pakistan & Muslims.

We will suply arms to fight you Hindus.

rok sako to rok lo

View attachment 951173
Yeah please supply them arms as soon as possible!! Got dollars??

Manipur is a tribal conflict and not a communal one. Manipuris are not fighting because of their religion..they are fighting for reservation.

They don't need to say a lot about your religion to tick you off, they don't even need to say anything about your religion to tick you off ..a simple drawing is enough, for you people to go about chopping their heads.

Some one throwing away a verse from your book is enough for you to go about burning them alive.

That is how intolerant you people are and you dare to preach others.
They are fighting because of poppy production getting stopped. Illegal immigrants are growing poppies deep in the forest and the current government raided many such farms and arrested the illegals. They needed any reason to make noise and now like any anti India forces they are supported by Congress Party of Pakistan and allies!!
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