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Sri Lanka 'happy' Jayalalithaa lost clout in New Delhi

That was one of the mistakes we did in past and still paying for that.

So ultimately India is responsible for the rise of LTTE and loss of innocent tamil lives due to that armed uprising. So its India's responsibility to fix that.
So ultimately India is responsible for the rise of LTTE and loss of innocent tamil lives due to that armed uprising. So its India's responsibility to fix that.
Yes Its India's responsibility to fix it to an extent but tell me how will amma's path solve it? If India won't talk, won't do business with SL, will It solve tamil problem? Or make India even more insignificant in SL's case as India will lose all influence on SL?
Yes Its India's responsibility to fix it to an extent but tell me how will amma's path solve it? If India won't talk, won't do business with SL, will It solve tamil problem? Or make India even more insignificant in SL's case as India will lose all influence on SL?

First, Jaya never asked for a war against Srilanka, asking for economic sanctions . India failed miserably in its lankan aspect, for that why innocent tamils has to pay the penalty? Many innocent lives lost, for this crime what you and rest of India asks Tamil Nadu to do? just to drop the matter as it is?
Yes Its India's responsibility to fix it to an extent but tell me how will amma's path solve it? If India won't talk, won't do business with SL, will It solve tamil problem? Or make India even more insignificant in SL's case as India will lose all influence on SL?

Given that TN attrition politics have passed numerous resolutions in their assembly for the breakup of another sovereign nation and encouraging separatism.. India herself is fighting a number of separatist insurgencies

I wonder how that will be received by the new administration in the center ? Which is known to be more nationalist than the UPA
That is wrong. Dr. Swamy's anger is justified. As a Hindu he has reasons to be angry. And this word 'supremacist Aryan' is an abrahamic invention. Please don't confuse it with someone being proud to be a Hindu.

I am proud to be a Buddhist but that does not translate to hate without reason. In every discourse that he has said, there is not one single lie whether it is on Saudi, on sharia, on politics, on statistics, on terrorism or on anything. He talks facts which shady agencies and crooked groups don't appreciate. They hate him because he talks facts which they know they are guilty of.

This conversion bullshit has to stop. It only breeds fanatics and foot soldiers for 'the Cause', another nonsensical abrahamic invention, degrading the divine.

The problem is LTTE had a lot of 'religious' foreign funding due to this. They have not just killed an Indian PM but also cause so much problems for the Tamils themselves. Look at the misery they brought Tamil people. Did it achieve them anything? Instead, thousands of innocent civilians were killed.
its not religion,some extremists in them are causing all these problem...no religion,be it abrahamical or non,teaching its followers to kill other peoples or those who oppose them.....
Buddhism is said to be most peaceful religion or way of life...but its the same followers,who are killing hundreds of muslims in burma??can't we blame whole Buddhism for there actions??
First, Jaya never asked for a war against Srilanka, asking for economic sanctions . India failed miserably in its lankan aspect, for that why innocent tamils has to pay the penalty? Many innocent lives lost, for this crime what you and rest of India asks Tamil Nadu to do? just to drop the matter as it is?
Economic sanctions will serve no purpose for 2 reasons 1. India is not some economic superpoer and secondly China is already on SL's side and waiting for such steps by India so that they will ensure full support to SL while getting back lots of deals say a military base in SL.(Then expect SL to treat Tamils even badly and India will just watch as It'd have no influence on SL).
Secondly India will do everything in Its caliber internationally or personal influence on SL to ensure Justice for those SL tamils but by not enegaging or talking to them will not solve it if not worsen situation for sl tamils more.
Buddhism is said to be most peaceful religion or way of life...but its the same followers,who are killing hundreds of muslims in burma??can't we blame whole Buddhism for there actions??

why are you feeling shy to admit your ruthless Buddhist cousins who killed 150,000 Tamils in SL in the name of religion ?
Jaya never supported LTTE/Probhakarn in her entire political career, she always stoop up against LTTE. She condemns the murder of innocent tamil lives in srilanka. Three times unanimous resolution passed against srilanka in the state assembly, what's the central govt's response for the 7crore Indian tamils demands? the govt responded earlier when hindus in other countries are in crisis, why not now? Is it because, we are tamils? or it's frightened?

In TN BJP got a single seat for the first time, only because of the expectations of youth that modi will do something.If Centre sticks to this policy firmly, a separatist movement in TN is not very far, then chinese port will not be in srilanka, it may be in chennai and we may need to decide our own fate. Even 100s of Modi cant control the situation at that time.

On what grounds? That we invite SL leader to India? :lol:

You need to come out of this regional 'politics'. We need to re-enforce the water border with SL and warn our fishermen not to go there.

Tight monitoring has to happen from both India and SL. It is like saying we Sikkimese wander into China and then they stop us and that becomes illegal.

And only these politicians are concerned with the Tamil cause. Please remember, that LTTE was a movement indigenous to Sri Lanka. While we can ask SL to not discriminate, we cannot attack them or threaten them because it is their internal matter.


This is exactly what Modi is doing: building fertile grounds to clarify: "We welcome you to peace and will do everything to cooperate ONLY and ONLY if our interests are not compromised".

And BTW it is Prabhakaran not what you wrote Mr. Indian Tiger.

why are you feeling shy to admit your ruthless Buddhist cousins who killed 150,000 Tamils in SL in the name of religion ?

Hey hey.. that is not Buddhists. That is hooliganism. And htey have to be punished by law. We don't support this violence.
why are you feeling shy to admit your ruthless Buddhist cousins who killed 150,000 Tamils in SL in the name of religion ?
because its not entirely Buddhist....
what i know..srilankan army consists of Buddhist,Christians and Muslims...
and also 'karuna' led hindu faction also helped them to wipe LTTE...
@kaykay @abj, @Indo-guy

As a Lankan i dont think TN would lose clout in center just because they lost the bargaining power. It was stupid of Lankan gov to think so. At the same time TN or its voters are fools to think that MOdi would be anti Lankan.

This armwrestling of the incian center by TN on issues relating to SL-Ind relationship is not purely done by Jayalalitha or Vaiko. It was stupid of Modi to give more status to Vaiko who is even rejected by his own constituency. It is an invitation to trouble. Modi doesnt need Vaiko. It is Vaiko who needs Modi.

Though you dont believe what is behind Jayalalitha's actions is Eelam seperatists in west. They have money power and have a hand at organising anti Lankan protests as well. Eelamist tamils are harmful for both india and SL. If you doubt, look at manlion's actions.
Yenna separatist movement in TN,yocihitutha pasiriya....we have our own problems ,we should be bothered about our TN first.tamil Sl are srilankans not Indians.

Very well said.

We Indians can raise concerns about the safety or discussions but it is the same as Pakistan meddling in our internal affairs.

Let us not be regionalistic and give it one chance.

Mr. Vaiko and Jayalalitha are simply looking for some ministerial posts. While Jayalalitha is the CM of one state, she must understand that this is in national interests.

We invited Sharif of Pakistan as well. Did Punjabis or Rajasthanis or J&K folks raise hell?


We invited Bangladeshi representatives... did we northeastern Indians raise hell?


So it is now time to move out of regional politics and see the bigger picture.
Economic sanctions will serve no purpose for 2 reasons 1. India is not some economic superpoer and secondly China is already on SL's side and waiting for such steps by India so that they will ensure full support to SL while getting back lots of deals say a military base in SL.(Then expect SL to treat Tamils even badly and India will just watch as It'd have no influence on SL).

a bit too late - China has navy bases in 2 SL ports

Secondly India will do everything in Its caliber internationally or personal influence on SL to ensure Justice for those SL tamils but by not enegaging or talking to them will not solve it if not worsen situation for sl tamils more.

this invitation to an oath taking ceremony is highly provocative and unnecessary perhaps India's geo-political compulsion deviates from TN interest , best the 2 go their separate ways .....
Well to his credit Dr. Swarmy is a Indian nationalist as oppose to ethno religious or linguistic extremists you see these days.. He is a rare find in the subcontinental politics

The fact that i'm entirely in agreement with you is the latter.. Not only the LTTE leadership but the majority of it's cadres were drawn from low caste Catholic communities in the East.. It's entire global political and financial wings were run by Catholics.. In it's esense the the LTTE is a Catholic organization.. That is one reason why they have so much of backing by certain sections of the church in the West and NGO's.. From Fr Emmanuel of the GTF to Rudrakumaran of the TGTE are all Catholic Tamils

I found it hilarious how many ignorant Indians in this forum and elsewhere were made to believe that the conflict was a Buddhist oppression on Hindu's, In actual reality Buddhism and Hinduism in the island had only a thin veil separating each other .. So it was never a conflict of religious differences

Btw just for the info i'm a Christian myself
what i read..there was two factions within LTTE..one was Christians led
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