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Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

Congress and BJP are doing the same thing.

Tamils needs separate nation like Israel.When center ignoring our feelings means there is nothing wrong to take anti-India stance to harm India. Tamils have no enmity towards China and Pakistan personally those are north Indian and NE Indian problems if china favors tamils interests then we wholeheartedly welcoming China presence in IOR.
what will you do to the tamil brahmins then who are about 5-7% of the population. you are donig the almost same to them today what SL did to lankan tmils in the 60s-70s. If you get a country thenyou will do to the Tamil brahmins what SL did to the lankan tamils in 90s and 2000s.. yes or no?
what will you do to the tamil brahmins then who are about 5-7% of the population. you are donig the almost same to them today what SL did to lankan tmils in the 60s-70s. If you get a country thenyou will do to the Tamil brahmins what SL did to the lankan tamils in 90s and 2000s.. yes or no?

Jayalalitha is an Iyengar dude. Which world are you living..You think she came into power after only being voted by mamas and mamis from Mylapore ?

To people that are criticizing Tamils on their patriotism, you would do well to remember that when India was partitioned in 1947, they stuck by us and helped rebuild the rest of India. Indian nationalism was non-existent, the country had barely been formed. There were calls by some extremists down South to separate from India and form a new nation called Dravidistan. All of Northern, Western and Eastern India was wrecked with riots, killings, rapes, damaged property, etc. We North Indians simply put were a liability to the Southern states. But majority of the people from the South including Tamils never abandoned us. They stuck with us and helped us get back on our feet. Calling such people anti-nationals should make you ashamed of yourselves.

I wanted to say this (except the liability part for I never thought that way) , but refrained from doing so. Thanks for putting that down. There is indeed a justifiable anger here about the collusion Congress had with Rajapaksa in the genocide that was unleashed in Lanka and the Central Govt's appararent inaction on the killings of our fishermen by the Lankan navy. But I for one recognize that our own political parties especially the ch***ya who is part of the UPA is also responsible for that. And every day the Central Govt doesnt look into it, when the fishermen are being murdered, it only adds to the anger. For this one aspect I have a tremendous respect for Vajpayee je who really cared about this issue.
Jayalalitha is an Iyengar dude. Which world are you living..You think she came into power after only being voted by mamas and mamis from Mylapore ?
i dont know man. but from what i read she is the product of dravidian politics. TN people dont vote for any other than any Dravida party. but the point is about reservations in TN which is the highest in the land. and i personally know the brahmins there who are scared for their lives if tn becomes a separate country. at the moment they face discrimination in TN , but live without fer because of indian govt.

OK, but no tamil has addressed this question.. tamils in TN want eelam because SL discrimnates against lankan tamils.
then why are they doing exactly the same kind of discrimination in TN agains brahmins. even recently DMK chief said that the brahmins should be made to shive at the sight of us or soemthing like that.
i dont know man. but from what i read she is the product of dravidian politics. TN people dont vote for any other than any Dravida party.

She is not part of any Dravidian politics. There is nothing called Dravidian politics today. Its as inclusive as it can get.

but the point is about reservations in TN which is the highest in the land. and i personally know the brahmins there who are scared for their lives if tn becomes a separate country. at the moment they face discrimination in TN , but live without fer because of indian govt.

Lol you serious bro ? I dont know any Brahmin who is scared for his life, nor is TN going to become an independent country any soon. Tell them to calm down and have a nice plate of thayir saadam without the fear of getting lynched. :D
Well dear Khap panchayats and honor killings aren't exactly the way people respect a female.

Khaps hav not done any thing wrong... I know the actual story. The English media portray bad image for khaps by providing limited story. If they are so bad why they are still existing :azn:

Neither state govt nor the central can do anything of khaps. Khaps are not made by govts. they have much stronger hold over people than govt itself
She is not part of any Dravidian politics. There is nothing called Dravidian politics today. Its as inclusive as it can get.

Lol you serious bro ? I dont know any Brahmin who is scared for his life, nor is TN going to become an independent country any soon. Tell them to calm down and have a nice plate of thayir saadam without the fear of getting lynched. :D

the only solution is to have a state for each cast of india.. so make about 17568 states. some states will cover as much as 2 streets
OK, but no tamil has addressed this question.. tamils in TN want eelam because SL discrimnates against lankan tamils.
then why are they doing exactly the same kind of discrimination in TN agains brahmins. even recently DMK chief said that the brahmins should be made to shive at the sight of us or soemthing like that.

Arey baba..you are not living in the 60s anymore. This is 2012. No one says like that anymore...:disagree:

Khaps hav not done any thing wrong... I know the actual story. The English media portray bad image for khaps by providing limited story. If they are so bad why they are still existing :azn:

Neither state govt nor the central can do anything of khaps. Khaps are not made by govts. they have much stronger hold over people than govt itself

Well then you dont know the entire story of what Neuro said either. If terrorism is bad why is it existing ? Because mind-fucked people will continue to exist along with the sane ones. Same goes for Khaps too.

See how much you got pricked when I said something about what matters to you. That is how it is for all. Remember it the next time you go on a high-horse ride.
Absolute rubbish discussions by most Indians here. Frankly, this South vs North thing is getting old really fast, people form both sides need to move on and live as one nation. The only rational person here is KS.

To people that are criticizing Tamils on their patriotism, you would do well to remember that when India was partitioned in 1947, they stuck by us and helped rebuild the rest of India. Indian nationalism was non-existent, the country had barely been formed. There were calls by some extremists down South to separate from India and form a new nation called Dravidistan. All of Northern, Western and Eastern India was wrecked with riots, killings, rapes, damaged property, etc. We North Indians simply put were a liability to the Southern states. But majority of the people from the South including Tamils never abandoned us. They stuck with us and helped us get back on our feet. Calling such people anti-nationals should make you ashamed of yourselves.
I agree with you Tamils are really more patriotic than any one else, now can you explain the posts below
ya ya, dont blame us for the foolish policies the the central government is taking and not giving importance to its own Tamil population in TN. Did I ask the north Indians to create panga with the Chinese and the Pakistanis in the first place, you did it and to make sure that SL does not become your enemy, you are sacrificing Tamil fisher men in TN to the SL Navy bullets.
continue doing so and sure you'll see TN taking your feared position of SL becoming Chinese colony.

if INDIA is not prepared to save its Tamil citizens (fisher men) who get murdered in the hands of SL Navy and there is ample chance that educated youth like me will become agents of CHINA against the GOI.

Yes I am a Tamil first and I am an Indian next. It is said "Vantharai valavikum Tamilagam) do you know why it is so, we locals do not enjoy the same prosperity that those who don't belong here enjoy its because we do not consider us Tamils first where as in the rest of the states its their enthinicity that comes first and besides my fore fathers and their fore fathers where Tamils. INDIA is just a new thing for me for which has only 66 years known to me, but Tamils and their sentiments far over weigh what bull crap you are talking about.

Congress and BJP are doing the same thing.

Tamils needs separate nation like Israel.When center ignoring our feelings means there is nothing wrong to take anti-India stance to harm India. Tamils have no enmity towards China and Pakistan personally those are north Indian and NE Indian problems if china favors tamils interests then we wholeheartedly welcoming China presence in IOR.

Gud work... whatever we thoughts it should come out into actions ryt but that logic failed here. If India supports Rajapakse means anti-Indian sentiments is inevitable in TN as a nation not bothered about the unity then why a state giving damn about Indian unity.

and here is the golden one

let the present condition prevail, and the GoI go against its own people IN TN, then there is ample chance that if approched by a CHINESE agent, I will go against the union of INDIA,
you think only NORTH INDIANS are INDIANs are we are not? if that is the case and you think that we are expendables for the confort of the NORTH, then fu%k you guys.

Arey baba..you are not living in the 60s anymore. This is 2012. No one says like that anymore...:disagree:

Well then you dont know the entire story of what Neuro said either. If terrorism is bad why is it existing ? Because mind-fucked people will continue to exist along with the sane ones. Same goes for Khaps too.

See how much you got pricked when I said something about what matters to you. That is how it is for all. Remember it the next time you go on a high-horse ride.
at least Khaps do not demonstrate anti-national feeling... they even try to work with govt. Can you explain the posts which I have posted just now
the only solution is to have a state for each cast of india.. so make about 17568 states. some states will cover as much as 2 streets

Looks good. But where will Brahmins create their state from. You guys are there from Kashmir to Tamil Nadu ?

please google for the speech given by karunanidhi during some anniversary of Dravida movemnet

Brahmin association seeks Karunanidhi's arrest | The Asian Age

Dude anniversary of Dravida movement (May it R.I.P).Do you expect him to go on a love orgy with Brahmins there ?. Periyar was against idols and Hinduism..today Stalin and Alagiri are staunch Hindus. Go figure...lolzz
I agree with you Tamils are really more patriotic than any one else, now can you explain the posts below

Dude you know nilch about the issue be it the Lankan civil war or the fisherman killings and yet you keep judging people ? Look man you are really pushing it.

at least Khaps do not demonstrate anti-national feeling... they even try to work with govt. Can you explain the posts which I have posted just now

What is definition of anti-national ? I consider killing of females for exercising their right to marry the ones of their choice to be anti-national too. Not only its anti-national as its skewing the sex ratio and hence affecting the demographic dividend of the nation but its anti-humane too.
Tamil Nadu is one of the strongest economies in India, next to Gujarat.

I wonder why any North Indian would look down on a South Indian. Aren't South Indians much richer and more highly educated than the Northern ones?
Tamil Nadu is one of the strongest economies in India, next to Gujarat.

I wonder why any North Indian would look down on a South Indian. Aren't South Indians much richer than the Northern ones?

Probably the same reason why some Chinese look down upon Cantonese despite Hong Kongers being wealthier than mainland Chinese.
Tamil Nadu is one of the strongest economies in India, next to Gujarat.

I wonder why any North Indian would look down on a South Indian. Aren't South Indians much richer and more highly educated than the Northern ones?
North indians are watered down version of pakistanis thats the reason.They have nothing in there hand.keep begging from other states but want to rule the india.north indian states are thats why called the diseased states of india pulling india as a country down
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