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India's incoming PM looks forward to strong relations with Sri Lanka

Don't feel sorry if something happened like wise cuz,

1) Fishermen are illegally crossing an international border to steal some other country's resources.
2) They do it intentionally.

Its not that simple,it all started after the Indian govt handed over kachatheevu to SL,ordinary people dont understand these politics.they have been fishing in those waters for generations,and the in 1974 Govt tells them you cannot fish there,poor fishermen who lives his life day today wont understand these things.
Applying force will take you no where,non tamil people dont understand that,but if there are few incidents of killing of Indian fishermen by SL navy,then people from other parts of India will join the tamil people in the dispute.

The best solution is to have an understanding by bothe SL and India to handle the situation with soft hands.

By the way i am not from Tamilnadu.
Its not that simple,it all started after the Indian govt handed over kachatheevu to SL,ordinary people dont understand these politics.they have been fishing in those waters for generations,and the in 1974 Govt tells them you cannot fish there,poor fishermen who lives his life day today wont understand these things.

This issue is not about Katchchathivu. Illegal fishing by Indian (Tamilnadu) fishermen is occurring from Chillaw in western seaboard of SL to Tricno in the east. The lucrative fishing ground is not in Katchchathivu but Katchchathivu is on the tiny part of the lucrative fishing ground.

Moreover Sri Lankan fishermen was fishing in those waters for centuries too. Don't you think they also have a right to fish? BTW the fishing grounds and the seabed is Sri Lankan property. No one should be let to ruin it for personnel gains.

Also the current IMBL runs miles away from Katchchathivu was agreed between Indian and Sri Lankan governments with total legality. Therefore as law abiding citizens, Indians should respect the international law. If they don't we Sri Lankans have to teach them that.

Applying force will take you no where,non tamil people dont understand that,but if there are few incidents of killing of Indian fishermen by SL navy,then people from other parts of India will join the tamil people in the dispute.

Applying excessive force is wrong I agree. And SLN is not using excessive force. Even so SLN used excessive force India cannot do anything because we excess force in Sri Lankan territory on illegal criminals who do not listen to the national and international laws. Be it Tamil or non Tamil.

You Indians talk big on things but cannot discipline your own people to abide to the law. Good luck on becoming a world leader.

The best solution is to have an understanding by bothe SL and India to handle the situation with soft hands.

Best solution is to inform the illegal poachers that they will risk their lives if they cross the IMBL intentionally.
This issue is not about Katchchathivu. Illegal fishing by Indian (Tamilnadu) fishermen is occurring from Chillaw in western seaboard of SL to Tricno in the east. The lucrative fishing ground is not in Katchchathivu but Katchchathivu is on the tiny part of the lucrative fishing ground.

Moreover Sri Lankan fishermen was fishing in those waters for centuries too. Don't you think they also have a right to fish? BTW the fishing grounds and the seabed is Sri Lankan property. No one should be let to ruin it for personnel gains.

Also the current IMBL runs miles away from Katchchathivu was agreed between Indian and Sri Lankan governments with total legality. Therefore as law abiding citizens, Indians should respect the international law. If they don't we Sri Lankans have to teach them that.

Applying excessive force is wrong I agree. And SLN is not using excessive force. Even so SLN used excessive force India cannot do anything because we excess force in Sri Lankan territory on illegal criminals who do not listen to the national and international laws. Be it Tamil or non Tamil.

You Indians talk big on things but cannot discipline your own people to abide to the law. Good luck on becoming a world leader.

Best solution is to inform the illegal poachers that they will risk their lives if they cross the IMBL intentionally.
You are saying the samething what the Indian govt is saying.you forget it was the Indian Govt who signed the agreement,so we all accept its your properly.
thats what i said,the Indian Govt and Sl should find a way,you enter and i shoot wont help.
The distance between rameshwaram and SL is roughly 40 km i think.so some fishermen enter SL waters knowingly or unknowingly.
The solution is not to shoot but force them on to the Indian waters by increasing petrol by SL navy.
You are saying the samething what the Indian govt is saying.you forget it was the Indian Govt who signed the agreement,so we all accept its your properly.
thats what i said,the Indian Govt and Sl should find a way,you enter and i shoot wont help.
The distance between rameshwaram and SL is roughly 40 km i think.so some fishermen enter SL waters knowingly or unknowingly.
The solution is not to shoot but force them on to the Indian waters by increasing petrol by SL navy.

Shooting is not the answer and no one is shot in Sri Lankan waters. That is the first point.
Unintentional entries into the SL waters are acceptable but intentional once cannot. Those poachers are organized gangs of criminals. They form large pacts in the waters and come to SL side in collective fishing using the disastrous bottom trawling method which is illegal. This is not an simple thing as you think.

And SL navy is doing their best by arresting the fishermen and confiscating their boats. Those shooting incidents are merely fabricated stories intended for the flame bating in Indian media and political arena to cover all the wrong doings of the Indian fishermen.
Its not that simple,it all started after the Indian govt handed over kachatheevu to SL,ordinary people dont understand these politics.they have been fishing in those waters for generations,and the in 1974 Govt tells them you cannot fish there,poor fishermen who lives his life day today wont understand these things.
Applying force will take you no where,non tamil people dont understand that,but if there are few incidents of killing of Indian fishermen by SL navy,then people from other parts of India will join the tamil people in the dispute.

The best solution is to have an understanding by bothe SL and India to handle the situation with soft hands.

By the way i am not from Tamilnadu.

It is indian government that has publicly accepted that Katchatheevu was not given to SL by india. SO how can u ask for something you didnt give?

1. TN ppl can attend religious festivities in Katchatheevu, but they cant fish in those seas.
2. SL fishermen afte end of war are fishing in these areas now, so when they are bullied by TN fishermen the SL navy has to take a stand.
3. No fishermen have been killed as alleged by TN after 2009.

When you come across SL related news from TN sources you will have to seriously think about and not accept it face value.

The SL and Ind govern s do not have to come to agreements. The international border regulations should matter.

Personally i hope SL govern will not use our navy to stop TN fishermen, rather i want to see our govern strengthen our fishing community in north providing them equipment
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