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Quran’s Punjabi translation top seller at the Chandigarh Book Fair

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Ghulam ahemd twisted Quranic verses in garb of translation to fit his flase claims and this Punjabi translation is indeed NOT Quranic translation but corrupted version

We are happy to hear anything related to India in holy texts .... :), for us Religion should aid Nationalism .... :)
Ghulam ahemd twisted Quranic verses in garb of translation to fit his flase claims and this Punjabi translation is indeed NOT Quranic translation but corrupted version

Yes there is possibility this punjabi translation is corrupted, i was talking about arabic version. Arabic version is same in every sect of Islam.
Good .I am happy that ahmaddiya tries to spread the light.If wahabbis were not ruling pakistan ,a considerable portion of pakistan would be ahmaddiya today.If Pakistan and India were one nation ,the following of Ahmaddiya would be comparable to Darul e deoband or Barelvi sect. Sad that Pakistan tries to crush the truth of Ahmadiya to please their saudi wahabbi masters.

The wahabbis are going to be harbingers of destruction of islam in the hands of West/Russia/Israel .

you are ignorant. if ahemdis were so much right why India did not have considerable portion of ahemdis after all ahemdi cult was found in qadyan india.

BTW India is not ruled by wahabis why doesnt India failed to start worldwide worship tour for qadyanis of the qadyan area in India?
I didn't Troll. I was not aware Quran is same in every sect of Islam. You people have been shouting on PDF that Ahmadiyya Community is not Muslim. I thought they might have a different version.. :o: Look at your language and see who is Trolling and flaming... :bad:

I think at times converting kashmir valley to ahmaddiya,bahai ,christianity and hinduism can solve the kashmir problem .What do you think?
Yes there is possibility this punjabi translation is corrupted, i was talking about arabic version. Arabic version is same in every sect of Islam.

dont have much time now but will try to post something i found many years back where qadyanis along with their brit masters spreaded a corrupted arabic version too which looked similar but those who read Quran daily or often do diffrentiate.

this pubjabi translation is for sure corrupted

I think at times converting kashmir valley to ahmaddiya,bahai ,christianity and hinduism can solve the kashmir problem .What do you think?

:P :P do it if you can
you are ignorant. if ahemdis were so much right why India did not have considerable portion of ahemdis after all ahemdi cult was found in qadyan india.

BTW India is not ruled by wahabis why doesnt India failed to start worldwide worship tour for qadyanis of the qadyan area in India?

Ahmadiyya is not a cult.Barelvi,wahabbi ,Deobandi,sunnis are violent cultists.Sunnis practise Taqiyya .Its in their blood. Not a wonder shias in Baghdad supported Hulagu Khan to stop the sunni caliphate.
We are happy to hear anything related to India in holy texts .... :), for us Religion should aid Nationalism .... :)

if it was holy then. but unfortuantely it is quite unholy text.
dont have much time now but will try to post something i found many years back where qadyanis along with their brit masters spreaded a corrupted arabic version too which looked similar but those who read Quran daily or often do diffrentiate.

this pubjabi translation is for sure corrupted

:P :P do it if you can

That will be easy.Deportations of people who refuse to convert and rewarding those who convert. or it can be done the Spanish inquisition or Russian orthodox style .
Ahmadiyya is not a cult.Barelvi,wahabbi ,Deobandi,sunnis are violent cultists.Sunnis practise Taqiyya .Its in their blood. Not a wonder shias in Baghdad supported Hulagu Khan to stop the sunni caliphate.

the qadyani birth place is India. why you indians dont start building qaydan ans holy place for qadyanis ;)
are you ahemdi?
The other day you asked me If I was a Shia ? :) I am not Ahmedi as I consider any one who claims to be a prophet after Muhammad (pbuh) , a Imposter !!

The qadiyanis say that the word "Khatim un Nabiyeen" used in Koran means "The seal of prophets" which does not necessarily mean "The last of the prophets" , They deny Ahadith

They say that it is not mentioned in quran clearly that Jesus ascended to skies where he is alive, and they are right on this . they deny the ahadith which explain the story of jesus. they dont believe in "coming back" of Jesus christ and this also is not mentioned in Koran ... They say the promised Mesiah or Mahdi , if any , was mirza Ghulam Ahmed
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dont have much time now but will try to post something i found many years back where qadyanis along with their brit masters spreaded a corrupted arabic version too which looked similar but those who read Quran daily or often do diffrentiate.

this pubjabi translation is for sure corrupted

Prove it.

The other day you asked me If I was a Shia ? :) I am not Ahmedi as I consider any one who claims to be a prophet after Muhammad (pbuh) as a Imposter !!

The qadiyanis say that the word "Khatim un Nabiyeen" used in Koran means "The seal of prophets" which does not necessarily mean "The last of the prophets" , They deny Ahadith

They say that it is not mentioned in quran clearly that Jesus ascended to skies alive, and they are right on this . they deny the ahadith which explain the story of jesus. they dont believe in "coming back" of Jesus christ and this also is not mentioned in Koran ... They say the promised Mesiah or Mahdi , if any , was mirza Ghulam Ahmed

You are communist?or muslim?
if it was holy then. but unfortuantely it is quite unholy text.

If that is popular in masses we will use it for the sake of unification ..... :). Any way we are not into GOD much ..... :).
Muslim Socialist

Mainstream islam is a feudalistic and imperialist religion.The only Socialist religions are Russian Christian Orthodoxy and other Eastern Orthodoxy ,Mahayana Buddhism,Sikhism,Huji Shia Islam,Ahmaddiya Islam,Bahaism.
Different INTERPRETATION is not "corrupting" the Holy Koran !! Even Shia and Sunni differ in Interpretation of various verses .. And the Ahmedis dont have any "corrupted version of The book" , nor they speak against Jesus , You are misinformed on this

Yeah, in a way you are also right.. Interpretations can vary.. But as Spring Onion saying, if he has claimed prophecy (nauzubillah) then hell fire is waiting for him eagerly ...
As it is mentioned in -
Surat An-Nisa' [4:56] : "Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise."
(may Allah swt save us from this type of sin)
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