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Family opposes move to get Bhagat Singh's book released by Modi

Sorry to rain on your parade but what are you talking about ? :cheesy:

Can you provide example of those Leadership and Moral Authority ?

Sure . why not ?

He was just 19 year old when he co-founded Hindustan Socialist Republic Association ...first acted as secretary and then soon became leader of this organization ...

"My life has been dedicated to the noblest cause, that of the freedom of the country. Therefore, there is no rest or worldly desire that can lure me now " an excerpt of letter he left while running away from home to avoid marriage ...

His act to refuse to apologise and refuse to appeal and courage with which he faced his death gives him 'moral authority' any revolutionary can boast off ...

Since he had killed Saunders ....will you resort to call him murderer ???

You seemed to know only about his BOMBing mission !!!

Seems you do not know enough about Bhagat Singh ...otherwise you would have had used this important negative point in argument to 'belittle' ....for better or worse Indian hero !!!
Bhagat Singh was an Communist and an Atheist because he was a communist. :lol:

He was also an self proclaimed ardent follower of French anarchist Auguste Vaillant. Auguste Vaillant last words were "Death to the Bourgeoisie! Long live Anarchy!" :cheesy:

Modi is certainly not an anarchist. Nor has he disrespected any religion. He has been doing constructive social work for the last 10 years. Where were you ?

So? How does it matter?

For no other reason, but merely Because his beliefs were different from what you hold, his deeds become petty?

At least, he treated all humans equal. Does Modi have that quality? Can he ever have it?

And if Bhagat Singh were really so bad, do you not think Modi is on the wrong side for endorsing the man?

I wonder what will you say next... that Subhash Chandra Bose was not a hero because he wanted dictatorship in India. That Mahatma Gandhi was not a hero because he wanted a country based on non-violence and equality for all religions. Or Mother Theresa was not a hero because she treated only the poor, not the rich. Just as Bhagat Singh was not a hero because he was an atheist and, a communist - as you say.

Why not mention the name you would consider the ultimate hero ever, someone who is not affiliated to any ideology, and has never done a thing that could be considered wrong in your eyes.

Having an opinion is a good thing, but it is even better when you base it on logic and knowledge.
It is good to fight for a lost cause, I do that too here, quite often actually! But you know, you ought to be factually correct, unless you wish to be treated too lightly. And in this post of yours, sorry to say, but you sure are talking without considering any facts.

So here are some that you should consider before opining something as absurd as you did:

1. Bhagat Singh intentionally threw the bomb away from the crowd to keep anyone from getting killed, and later surrendered. The only testimony against Bhagat Singh's surrender was of Sobha Singh (I think father of Khushwant Singh), who was Knighted merely for this testimony, that Bhagat Singh tried to shoot before getting arrested.

2. Bhagat Singh was NOT hanged for throwing the bomb in the assembly, for which he was charged with attempt to murder. Rather, Bhagat Singh was hanged for killing Saunders, who, he thought had killed Lala Lajpat Rai.

3. Bhagat Singh's father was a rich and influential man of the area and he could have gotten him a pardon easily, but Bhagat Singh denied - He was never to go against his own beliefs, come what may.

He may not have been a saint, he was no less either, since there are very few men in this world who would stand tall on their firm beliefs and treat life and death the same. A contemporary of his was Mahatma Gandhi, who had said that if he were to be killed, and had anything bad to say about his killer before dying, people should consider him a hypocrite and all that he stood for would be false.

So, when people can call Abhimanyu a hero of Mahabharat, I would say Bhagat Singh was no less.

Did he not have the material to be one?

I did not say he was not Heroic, just that he is not the kind of hero I want my kids to emulate.

Ok. So he was hanged for the murder of John P. Saunders, which of course was a mistake as he actually wanted to kill Mr. Scott, who was the SSP of Lahore. :cheesy:

So to put matters straight he shot and killed somebody without warning, then threw a bomb in the assembly full of unarmed and unprotected people and he's a hero because he did this ?

Even his father could not have got him a pardon.

Of course he was a man of strong beliefs and conviction and courage, but being a hero is much more than that. There must be ethics and morality that guide your action and not just a desire to take revenge.

In Mahabharat, Abhimanyu's story is to teach people how a hero should NOT be.
Throwing Bomb was symbolic ? ... what does it symbolize ?

Criminality is defined by law, but since that were by the British it is irrelevant. Let us talk about Ethics and Morality. I do mean what I said.

Better a rioting hero who put muslims in their place than a bomb throwing hero. :wave:

Bhagat singh had no intention to kill any one ...when he bombed assembly ....It was symbolic of defiance of British empire ....It was means to attract attention of whole world ...the bomb assembly news reverberated through out the british empire reached London . It was signal that Indians can not go on tolerating British tyranny ....

He was brave to court arrest !

It was unthinkable at that time by any rate to attack assembly ...Bhagat Singh did what was unthinkable ...

You talk of ethics and morals ...in same breath will you annul and demean all revolutions worldwide ....for all of them had involved killing .

Do you want to claim all revolutions are therefore immoral and unethical ???

You justify religious riots in Gujarat and you question revolutionary acts of Bhagat Singh ....your dishonesty and biase is quite evident isn't it ???
As I said just like all bast@rd congressi trying to cash name of Mahatma Gandhi.

During rajiv ghandhi era more people got killed in riots so you can award his a riot here of India.

Bro its still better then BJP played with sentiments of millions and millions of Hindus on Ram Temple, Lord Ram is above any politics and is revered at the time of birth and death but BJP used his name deceptively

Congress used or misused Mahatma Gandhi is a different take as he was a member till his assassination of congress party unlike Lord Ram which is not the personal fiefdom of BJP/RSS and is above anything on this universe leave aside BJP
Sure . why not ?

He was just 19 year old when he co-founded Hindustan Socialist Republic Association ...first acted as secretary and then soon became leader of this organization ...

"My life has been dedicated to the noblest cause, that of the freedom of the country. Therefore, there is no rest or worldly desire that can lure me now " an excerpt of letter he left while running away from home to avoid marriage ...

His act to refuse to apologise and refuse to appeal and courage with which he faced his death gives him 'moral authority' any revolutionary can boast off ...

Since he had killed Saunders ....will you resort to call him murderer ???

You seemed to know only about his BOMBing mission !!!

Seems you do not know enough about Bhagat Singh ...otherwise you would have had used this important negative point in argument to 'belittle' ....for better or worse Indian hero !!!

Courage to face the result of you action does not give any body 'moral authority', it only earns them 'Respect'.

There is nothing to belittle here. Just an open recognition of the fact that he shot somebody without warning and then threw a bomb in an assembly building full of unarmed civilians.

He was Heroic, but there have been far greater Hero's in Indian independence fights.

I have no reason to belittle Bhagat Singh, just trying to put things in perspective. You are free to admire him. That is your right.
I did not say he was not Heroic, just that he is not the kind of hero I want my kids to emulate.


OK . No problem ....ask your kids to emulate Narendra Modi !!!

By the way are you old not to be able to emulate anybody ???

Since you keep on talking ...I won't have my kids emulate this one ....that one ...

You seems to be a tyrant father ....God bless your kids !!!

why not emulate something yourself ....rather than impose emulations on your kids ???
Bhagat singh had no intention to kill any one ...when he bombed assembly ....It was symbolic of defiance of British empire ....It was means to attract attention of whole world ...the bomb assembly news reverberated through out the british empire reached London . It was signal that Indians can not go on tolerating British tyranny ....

He was brave to court arrest !

It was unthinkable at that time by any rate to attack assembly ...Bhagat Singh did what was unthinkable ...

You talk of ethics and morals ...in same breath will you annul and demean all revolutions worldwide ....for all of them had involved killing .

Do you want to claim all revolutions are therefore immoral and unethical ???

You justify religious riots in Gujarat and you question revolutionary acts of Bhagat Singh ....your dishonesty and biase is quite evident isn't it ???

Bhagat Singh's intention's is a matter of speculation.

The british had enough of Symbol's showing defiance. The entire Independence movement was that symbol of defiance. Throwing a bomb told them nothing new.

Bhagat Singh just copied what Auguste Vaillant did earlier. It was not 'unthinkable', Vaillant had thought of it and had done excatly the same thing in the Chamber of Deputies.

There is a difference between Revolutionaries challenging someone with arms and then fighting them in a fair fight and when someone shoots the other in the back. One action is more Heroic than the other. One is Ethical and Moral, the other is not.

I never said riots in Gujarat was moral or ethical, just necessary. I never said Bhagat Singh did not have an impact, just questioned the morality. There is no dishonesty here, and certainly no bias.
[Bregs];4871560 said:
Bro its still better then BJP played with sentiments of millions and millions of Hindus on Ram Temple, Lord Ram is above any politics and is revered at the time of birth and death but BJP used his name deceptively

Congress used or misused Mahatma Gandhi is a different take as he was a member till his assassination of congress party unlike Lord Ram which is not the personal fiefdom of BJP/RSS and is above anything on this universe leave aside BJP

Fair enough.

Well I am totally agree with you ... even if they come to power still they cant make temple on that place.
People here want modi not for Ram mandir but for development ..... For ram mandir politics LK Adavani is already there.
Buddy modi never did vote bank politics its only congress who want to use his name as fear to take muslim vote and you have to agree with that point.

In BJP Atal Vihari Bajpayi and Modi made their name because of development but non of congress leader can do that. Congress run by a family.
I did not say he was not Heroic, just that he is not the kind of hero I want my kids to emulate.

Ok. So he was hanged for the murder of John P. Saunders, which of course was a mistake as he actually wanted to kill Mr. Scott, who was the SSP of Lahore. :cheesy:

So to put matters straight he shot and killed somebody without warning, then threw a bomb in the assembly full of unarmed and unprotected people and he's a hero because he did this ?

Even his father could not have got him a pardon.

Of course he was a man of strong beliefs and conviction and courage, but being a hero is much more than that. There must be ethics and morality that guide your action and not just a desire to take revenge.

In Mahabharat, Abhimanyu's story is to teach people how a hero should NOT be.

Somehow, I tend to think that you do want you children to emulate him, minus the hanging part.

But remember, it was not the hanging that makes him a hero. It was his firm belief in what he held as his ideal. So many were hanged before him, and so many after him, while fighting for the same cause. None equaled the determination of Bhagat Singh.

Do you know why I compare Bhagat Singh to Abhimanyu and consider them heroes? Not because they died untimely deaths. Rather, because they saw a position that none else was ready to take. It was a position for a greater cause that they firmly believed in. And in both the cases, their wars could not have been won had they not stepped forward. Irrespective of the outcome, which coincidentally in both cases resulted in their deaths, they both went to fight, and their deaths resulted in their respective sides surpassing the critical phase.

In case of Abhimanyu, Chakravyuh was broken and gave his side the critical upper hand. In case of Bhagat Singh, the Congress party dealt with the Viceroy and got freed almost all the workers across party and religious lines and the country saw a much needed renewed faith in the movement to free India.

You say you do not want to emulate him, but it is so because he got hanged in the end. But hangings and deaths are always a matter of chance. Would you not have wanted your children to emulate him, had he survived and become a great leader of independent India?
OK . No problem ....ask your kids to emulate Narendra Modi !!!

By the way are you old not to be able to emulate anybody ???

Since you keep on talking ...I won't have my kids emulate this one ....that one ...

You seems to be a tyrant father ....God bless your kids !!!

why not emulate something yourself ....rather than impose emulations on your kids ???

I will try to remember that :cheesy:
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