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Family opposes move to get Bhagat Singh's book released by Modi

How would you know it was merely out of revenge?

And how was Bhagat Singh related to Lala Lajpat Rai to seek revenge?

Lala Lajpat Rai was leading a non-violent movement, whereas Bhagat Singh's ideology was completely opposite. Had it been Mahatma Gandhi to die in that lathi charge, Bhagat Singh would still have done the same, because he believed in going for those who attacked the leaders. It is not called "revenge".

Bhagat Singh also used to write a lot. I have not read a single piece where he mentioned the word "revenge". And were it only for revenge, a personal vendetta, why would the Congress Party support him against the hanging, even further, why would Mahatma Gandhi, while deploring his act, want his sentence commuted to life?

You see, Hindu principles are coded in Bhagawad Gita that was sung right before and in favor of, a great and extremely violent war.

What do you think Krishn say to Arjun when Arjun implored why should he kill his kith and kins? If your answer is anything other than, "righteousness weighs heavier than blood", then I do not know what else to say.

Why do you think the day right after Chakravyuh, Krishn took Arjun to Jayadrath? Did Krishn give Karn any chance to defend himself? Arjun waited, but Krishn, the supposed author of Gita, was unrelenting. Was that merely for Arjun's revenge from Dyut Krida? No, righteousness demands sacrifices.

So, no - it was not for revenge. Bhagat Singh's act was to show that the imposed law of the Britishers will not be tolerated to such an extent that the ideals of the age are felled one after another with complete immunity.

And I thought you knew, that it was the criticism and appeal for his surrender from senior Congress leaders that he decided to let down his guard.

Read Bhagat Singh: Immortal revolutionary of India.

Bhagat Singh was in the same protest march with Lala Lajpat Rai when he died. Lala died on 17 Nov, saunders was killed on 17 Dec.

The Mahabharata war was a 'WAR', one in which everyone arrives in a battle field ready to do battle with proper shields and weapons. Even before the war starts, a warning is given by blowing the couch shells and then the war starts. That is ethics and morality even in war. The Hindu way of life.

Bhagat Sing was arrested in the Assembly immediately after he threw two bombs and fired two rounds from his automatic pistol which then jammed. Congress had nothing to do with it.

The only valid point you make is about Karna being shot by Arjuna. Morality is only between two moral person, not between and immoral and moral person.

There is nothing that indicates immoral action by saunders that warranted his death.

What you need to tell me is that there is no morality in war. :angel:
The word you utter will stay in this thread ....and every person who will read this thread will know what you said , how you denied your own words , how you tried to wear cloak of ethic and morality to belittle Bhagat singh ....how you justified gujrata riots ....how abusive you turned when flaws and inconsistency in your statements were shown ???

So much for the person espousing ethics and morality to resort to abuse when merely confronted with truth ...?

and this person sits to judge action of Bhagat singh revered by billion souls ....

LOL...is that supposed to goad me into replying to you ? :lol:

I care a fcuk about how people see me in this form. You have a problem in handling the truth. Why don't you just quit reading this thread ?
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Read Bhagat Singh: Immortal revolutionary of India.

Bhagat Singh was in the same protest march with Lala Lajpat Rai when he died. Lala died on 17 Nov, saunders was killed on 17 Dec.

The Mahabharata war was a 'WAR', one in which everyone arrives in a battle field read to do battle with proper shields and weapons. Even bore the war starts, a warning is given by blowing the couch shells and then the war starts. That is ethics and morality even in war. The Hindu way of life.

Bhagat Sing was arrested in the Assembly immediately after he threw two bombs and fired two rounds from his automatic pistol which then jammed. Congress had nothing to do with it.

The Mahabharat war, while agreed upon by everyone to follow the ethics, witnessed every single ethical code flouted by every single warrior.

When Abhimanyu was killed by flouting one rule, Krishn found it right to flout all the rules, including usage of his own weapon that he had vowed against. What do you think, was it revenge?

And I have read, in more than one articles, that Bhagat Singh had been appealed by the mass leaders to surrender. I will surely let you know the source of my info as soon as I get my hands on it.
Bhai... I think everyone participating in this thread knows that Bhagat Singh too was in the same march. I do not understand what it has to do with 'revenge'.

The Mahabharat war, while agreed upon by everyone to follow the ethics, witnessed every single ethical code flouted by every single warrior.

When Abhimanyu was killed by flouting one rule, Krishn found it right to flout all the rules, including usage of his own weapon that he had vowed against. What do you think, was it revenge?

And I have read, in more than one articles, that Bhagat Singh had been appealed by the mass leaders to surrender. I will surely let you know the source of my info as soon as I get my hands on it.

Bhagat Singh turned revolutionary after the death of Lala. He swore revenge.

Krishna never used his weapon to kill anyone which was what he had vowed.
LOL...is that supposed to goad me into replying to you ? :lol:

I care a fcuk about how people see me in this form. You have a problem in handling the truth. Why don't you just quit reading this thread ?

It's you who have problem handling truth ...use of abusive language is sign of your frustration !!!

You have been thoroughly exposed ...your continued use of offensive words is indicative of that ...

This is what happens when people who pretend to be highly ethical and moralistic are exposed ...immediately they change and become hostile...
It's you who have problem handling truth ...use of abusive language is sign of your frustration !!!

You have been thoroughly exposed ...your continued use of offensive words is indicative of that ...

This is what happens when people who pretend to be highly ethical and moralistic are exposed ...immediately they change and become hostile...

:lol: ...........whatever makes you happy. :wave:

BTW I never claimed to be either moral or ethical. How is that relevant ? :disagree:
Bhagat Singh turned revolutionary after the death of Lala. He swore revenge.

Krishna never used his weapon to kill anyone which was what he had vowed.

You know the story behind this portrayal?


So, if you were to take my advice, please revisit Mahabharat to fix your principles and values. Had it not been for complete begging of Arjun, Krishn would have used the Sudarshan Chakra on Bhism already. Yes, same Krishn who sent Ghatotkach at middle of night knowing very well he will be consumed by Karn. The very same Krishn who instigated Bheem to hit Duryodhan below belt.

Parantu, kshama daanam raajan, I do not wish to go any further on the topic.
:lol: ...........whatever makes you happy. :wave:

BTW I never claimed to be either moral or ethical. How is that relevant ? :disagree:

You didn't ....off course with your statements of justifying Gujarat riots you can't claim to be ethical and moralistic even if you wish to .

But you tried to play this big ethics and morality drama just to belittle Bhagat singh ...

In your very first post ....you tried to portray Bhagat singh like any ordinary criminal ....

worse you compared him to Gujarat rioters ....and in your comparison " Rioter hero who put muslims in their place better than bombing hero " .....

all along you have been trying to show how Bhagat singh's actions were unethical and immoral ....taking ethical and moral high-ground ....which i off course exposed by showing how previously you defended and in fact rated your 'rioting heroes' better and that's how what I say is relevant ....
You know the story behind this portrayal?


So, if you were to take my advice, please revisit Mahabharat to fix your principles and values. Had it not been for complete begging of Arjun, Krishn would have used the Sudarshan Chakra on Bhism already. Yes, same Krishn who sent Ghatotkach at middle of night knowing very well he will be consumed by Karn. The very same Krishn who instigated Bheem to hit Duryodhan below belt.

Parantu, kshama daanam raajan, I do not wish to go any further on the topic.

You do realize that your are contradicting yourself.

If Bhagat Singh wanted to fight the British till the end he then should not have surrendered to the British after the bombing. End of they day you have to be true to your belief, whatever it is.

He first shot and ran away, then he threw bomb, shot twice and surrendered. Think about that while I mull about the MB.
You didn't ....off course with your statements of justifying Gujarat riots you can't claim to be ethical and moralistic even if you wish to .

But you tried to play this big ethics and morality drama just to belittle Bhagat singh ...

In your very first post ....you tried to portray Bhagat singh like any ordinary criminal ....

worse you compared him to Gujarat rioters ....and in your comparison " Rioter hero who put muslims in their place better than bombing hero " .....

all along you have been trying to show how Bhagat singh's actions were unethical and immoral ....taking ethical and moral high-ground ....which i off course exposed by showing how previously you defended and in fact rated your 'rioting heroes' better and that's how what I say is relevant ....

You have a fragile ego, poor comprehension and horrible inability to put together facts and make cogent case. Do you really think anything you say has any relevance ? In case you still do not realize I have no need to defend what I said. I am free to say whatever I want, whenever i want, however i want. Deal with it idiot.
You do realize that your are contradicting yourself.

If Bhagat Singh wanted to fight the British till the end he then should not have surrendered to the British after the bombing. End of they day you have to be true to your belief, whatever it is.

He first shot and ran away, then he threw bomb, shot twice and surrendered. Think about that while I mull about the MB.

No need to mull on MB man, I am done with this thread anyway. Got a busy day ahead.
You have a fragile ego, poor comprehension and horrible inability to put together facts and make cogent case. Do you really think anything you say has any relevance ? In case you still do not realize I have no need to defend what I said. I am free to say whatever I want, whenever i want, however i want. Deal with it idiot.

I am afraid you are wrong. You are on international forum and you make statements against national figure based on some taking moral high-ground ...now that flaws and inconsistencies in arguments have been shown to you ...instead of facing facts you take refuge to personal abuse ...

fragile ego , poor comprehension and horrible inability to put facts together are your traits apart from some other characteristics of yours like dishonesty , lack of integrity as well as hypocrisy !!!
Do you really think anything you say has any relevance ?.

LOL... what I say has lot relevance for you...that's why you come back again and again to reply to my posts !!!

Had it been irrelevant ,you would have ignored them and moved on ...but no ! you do come back to reply me !!!
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