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Family opposes move to get Bhagat Singh's book released by Modi

Courage to face the result of you action does not give any body 'moral authority', it only earns them 'Respect'.

There is nothing to belittle here. Just an open recognition of the fact that he shot somebody without warning and then threw a bomb in an assembly building full of unarmed civilians.

He was Heroic, but there have been far greater Hero's in Indian independence fights.

I have no reason to belittle Bhagat Singh, just trying to put things in perspective. You are free to admire him. That is your right.

Context in which particular actions are committed are equally important . The intentions of such act is all the more important .

The violence that Bhagat Singh committed was in contenxt of inhuman killing of peacefully protesting sexagenarian leader like Lala Lajpat Rai in specific and Indian independence movement in general ( British had tried to sabotage Independence movement by bringing Simon commission which lead to death of Lala Lajpat Rai ) .

The impressions of massacre of Jalianwala bagh played role in shaping revolutionary path that Bhagat Singh took ...

anyway , person like you who justifies Gujarat riots have no ' moral authority ' to judge actions of Bhagat Singh ...

he and his actions both are above your judgement ....!!!
Somehow, I tend to think that you do want you children to emulate him, minus the hanging part.

But remember, it was not the hanging that makes him a hero. It was his firm belief in what he held as his ideal. So many were hanged before him, and so many after him, while fighting for the same cause. None equaled the determination of Bhagat Singh.

Do you know why I compare Bhagat Singh to Abhimanyu and consider them heroes? Not because they died untimely deaths. Rather, because they saw a position that none else was ready to take. It was a position for a greater cause that they firmly believed in. And in both the cases, their wars could not have been won had they not stepped forward. Irrespective of the outcome, which coincidentally in both cases resulted in their deaths, they both went to fight, and their deaths resulted in their respective sides surpassing the critical phase.

In case of Abhimanyu, Chakravyuh was broken and gave his side the critical upper hand. In case of Bhagat Singh, the Congress party dealt with the Viceroy and got freed almost all the workers across party and religious lines and the country saw a much needed renewed faith in the movement to free India.

You say you do not want to emulate him, but it is so because he got hanged in the end. But hangings and deaths are always a matter of chance. Would you not have wanted your children to emulate him, had he survived and become a great leader of independent India?

You make a good point and I do agree with the assessment that his death was of great value. I have said so in my earlier post. You can flip back and check it.

His courage and conviction is exactly what makes him heroic.

Bhagat Singh had purpose, direction and action to reach his aim. Unfortunately no value systems to guide his path. I do not want any kids to emulate him because his actions lacked the ethical and moral values that kids need to learn and real heroes need to have.

Any Hero with a purpose and without morality is just a thug.
You make a good point and I do agree with the assessment that his death was of great value. I have said so in my earlier post. You can flip back and check it.

His courage and conviction is exactly what makes him heroic.

Bhagat Singh had purpose, direction and action to reach his aim. Unfortunately no value systems to guide his path. I do not want any kids to emulate him because his actions lacked the ethical and moral values that kids need to learn and real heroes need to have.

Any Hero with a purpose and without morality is just a thug.

Okay, so when and where did Bhagat Singh compromise morality, by killing Saunders, or by throwing the bomb?

Don't you think his values may have been way different from the values we hold dearly today, given those times and situations?

Actually, a thug, or a criminal, would be the one to go beyond the law to fulfill his selfish means. So, when and where was Bhagat Singh selfish in his acts?
Fair enough.

Well I am totally agree with you ... even if they come to power still they cant make temple on that place.
People here want modi not for Ram mandir but for development ..... For ram mandir politics LK Adavani is already there.
Buddy modi never did vote bank politics its only congress who want to use his name as fear to take muslim vote and you have to agree with that point.

In BJP Atal Vihari Bajpayi and Modi made their name because of development but non of congress leader can do that. Congress run by a family.

If in flourishing democracy the Indians vote for that family then its not the fault of that family but majority of Indians vote for them. Regrading politics on Ram temple by BJP or Minorities by congress no one is saint here of the two

The thinking that Modi as PM will with magic wand change all the ills of our country is nothing more then Arabian fantasy tale. Gujarat itself has been found wanting on numerous fronts both economic and social which i do not wish to discuss here. This larger then life image of modi through internet is not going to be much useful except making some spice in elections apart from making regional parties more stronger
Okay, so when and where did Bhagat Singh compromise morality, by killing Saunders, or by throwing the bomb?

Don't you think his values may have been way different from the values we hold dearly today, given those times and situations?

Actually, a thug, or a criminal, would be the one to go beyond the law to fulfill his selfish means. So, when and where was Bhagat Singh selfish in his acts?

He sees Bhagat Singh's actions unethical and immoral ....
But he glorifies Gujarat riots ...I don't know what ethical and moral value system he follows ???

If killing makes bhagat singhs actions unethical and immoral ....then all revolutions around the world ....all wars around the world will have to be called as unethical and immoral !!!
He sees Bhagat Singh's actions unethical and immoral ....
But he glorifies Gijarat riots ...I don't know what ethical and moral value system he follows ???

If killing makes bhagat singhs actions unethical and immoral ....then all revolutions around the world ....all wars around the world will have to be called as unethical and immoral !!!

Bhagat Singh did everything for the sake of his people and selflessly sacrificed himself for the people. Modi does everything for consolidating his power...and these jokers don't understand the difference.
[Bregs];4871312 said:
This thread is about Bhagat singh book

Yaar next when modi say any thing about Rahul then the new thread will be called rahul's insult & if modi bash congress about corruption then it'll be about congress corruption.... then there will be not a thread about modi??:what:
He sees Bhagat Singh's actions unethical and immoral ....
But he glorifies Gijarat riots ...I don't know what ethical and moral value system he follows ???

If killing makes bhagat singhs actions unethical and immoral ....then all revolutions around the world ....all wars around the world will have to be called as unethical and immoral !!!

In his very first post in this thread, he stated that it is his opinion. I think we should respect that and explore further what leads to his opinion. If we find a flaw, we point it out. If he finds a flaw in our approach, he may point it out.

So I suppose best approach would be to ask him what reasoning he bases his opinion on.
[Bregs];4871636 said:
If in flourishing democracy the Indians vote for that family then its not the fault of that family but majority of Indians vote for them. Regrading politics on Ram temple by BJP or Minorities by congress no one is saint here of the two

The thinking that Modi as PM will with magic wand change all the ills of our country is nothing more then Arabian fantasy tale. Gujarat itself has been found wanting on numerous fronts both economic and social which i do not wish to discuss here. This larger then life image of modi through internet is not going to be much useful except making some spice in elections apart from making regional parties more stronger

He dnt have any magic wind but have so many different ideas...... You have seen more then 6 decades of these congress raj and nothing good happened to our country so not try some thing different. Just look at the last 10 years of congress raj, people dnt have money to eat, how can you still praise congress.

We are living in worse condition then african countries because of congressi rule and still you want that family to rule India ???
In his very first post in this thread, he stated that it is his opinion. I think we should respect that and and explore further what leads to his opinion. If we find a flaw, we point it out. If he finds a flaw in our approach, he may point it out.

So I suppose best approach would be to ask him what reasoning he bases his opinion on.

well I asked him .

But he seems to have selective memory ...he skipped my uncomfortable questions rather skillfully !!!

I also want to see how can he justify Gujarat riots when he condemns Bhagat singh's actions !!!

Seems he has no answers to these questions ..!!!
Okay, so when and where did Bhagat Singh compromise morality, by killing Saunders, or by throwing the bomb?

Don't you think his values may have been way different from the values we hold dearly today, given those times and situations?

Actually, a thug, or a criminal, would be the one to go beyond the law to fulfill his selfish means. So, when and where was Bhagat Singh selfish in his acts?

Try to view this whole thing objectively.

Bhagat singh wanted to kill Scott as a 'Revenge' for death of Lala Lajpath Rai, he kills Saunders by mistake.

1. Was his motive personal or for the good of the nation ? It was Personal.

2. Was the reason for killing Scott justified ? No. Scott was just doing his job assigned to him, which was Mob control. It was probably an Indian policeman who beat Lala Lajpath Rai to death.

3. Did he take action against the Indian policeman ? No.

4. Was killing Saunders a mistake ? Yes.

5. Did he confront Saunders and confirm his identity ? NO

6. Did he give Saunders a chance to defend himself ? No.

7. Once he succeed in his mission did he hand over himself to the law ? No.

Why did he not have the courage to hand himself over to the law once he killed saunders ?

Now look at his actions in bombing the Assembly with the same objectivity.

Why did he hand over himself to the police after the bombing ? but not when he killed saunders ?

Value systems have remained the same since the days of Ramayan. That is why Ramayan and Mahabharat is relevant even today.

Finally it is always Morality and Ethics that define Heroes, not people who show courage or Win battles.
From congress point of view India's all problems revolve around Gujarat's riot & that also 2002 one....

& things are fine in the rule of congress ..

But only people outside of gujarat opposes modi fiercely more then gujarati people...

samajh nahi aata "bhais baccha de rahi hai to bhaise ki g@@nd kyon fatt rahi hai"??:azn:

"Better a rioting hero who put muslims in their place than a bomb throwing hero. "

This is what you said in post no. 22 .

So you think rioting hero who put muslims in their place is better than a bombing hero ???

It shows your hypocrisy !!!

It's pathetic that in process to demean Bhagat Singh you go on to justify Gujarat riots ...only to starkly deny your own statements later ....

You can't stay true to your own words ....that puts question marks over your sincerity and credibility !!!
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