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Family opposes move to get Bhagat Singh's book released by Modi

whats wrong if he realeses the book.

Bhagat Singh went beyond religion to fight for the people, irrespective of their religious affiliations.

If Bhagat Singh wanted, he could have easily fought and even died fighting without renouncing his faith. But the matter of faith is a matter of belief, and Bhagat Singh decided not to believe anything simply because it was in some scriptures, rather he decided to live it, otherwise, it would be hypocrisy. Thus, Bhagat Singh never allowed his faith or religious beliefs to play any role whatsoever in all he did. He did not become an atheist to hide his identity, rather to renew his identity basing it not on scriptures but on his own understanding of the world, and for the sake of the people.

Whereas, Modi is yet to prove that he is ready to go beyond the lines of religious faith and work for the masses irrespective of their religious faith. Time and again Modi has proved that in his eyes, Muslims are not equal to Hindus. His eager endorsement of Hindutva is not wrong in itself, but is not a necessity either. However, with his being a mass leader in a secular nation, he ought to treat Islamic faith with as much respect as he treats Hinduism. Such partial treatment is completely opposite to the ideas and martyrdom that "Bhagat Singh" stood for, and still stands for.

Fact is, Modi is simply trying to cash in on Bhagat Singh's name. If he were really dedicated to any social cause, he would rather utilize his time to do something constructive, not this.

The family's stand is very valid as well as urgent!
Modi should not be invited for this purpose.

This is not about politics.... May be some freedom fighter or army chief will be better option.

Same story applied to bloody congress leaders aka gandhi who are eating butter bread for name of Mahatma Gandhi.

The story that Nathuram Godse murdered Mahatma Gandhi is only half truth ....The complete truth is that he had been murdered many times by Congress !!!
Lets put this in proper perspective.

1. Bhagat Singh was hanged for throwing a BOMB in the Assembly. Not one, but two !! He was no saint. A patriot ? Of course, but not exactly the hero material you would want your children to emulate.

His action injured 1 englishman and 3 Indians. George Ernest , B. A. Dalal, R. B. Rao, Shankar Rao and S. N. Roy. Thankfully no one was killed.

2. For a family of such a person to raise doubt's on Modi smells more of politics. :angel:

3. Bhagat Singh, for better or for worse, is an Indian Hero. His family can no more claim him than the family of Mahatma Gandhi can claim him. All Indians can claim him. Those who admire him and all those who dont.

4. Reality is Bhagat Singh was more useful dead than alive. As a martyr he inspired more people than he could have with his communist agenda, if he was alive. This of-course is purely my opinion.

Throwing BOMB against mighty British empire over which sun wouldn't set was an act of courage ....It was symbolic !!!

I know you do not mean it ...but the way you put it ....it brings Bhagat singh to the level of ordinary criminal ....
Lets put this in proper perspective.

1. Bhagat Singh was hanged for throwing a BOMB in the Assembly. Not one, but two !! He was no saint. A patriot ? Of course, but not exactly the hero material you would want your children to emulate.

His action injured 1 englishman and 3 Indians. George Ernest , B. A. Dalal, R. B. Rao, Shankar Rao and S. N. Roy. Thankfully no one was killed.

2. For a family of such a person to raise doubt's on Modi smells more of politics. :angel:

3. Bhagat Singh, for better or for worse, is an Indian Hero. His family can no more claim him than the family of Mahatma Gandhi can claim him. All Indians can claim him. Those who admire him and all those who dont.

4. Reality is Bhagat Singh was more useful dead than alive. As a martyr he inspired more people than he could have with his communist agenda, if he was alive. This of-course is purely my opinion.

How DARE you maggot? Third rate clown- are you trying to slander Bhagat Singh's sacrifices for his motherland to protect your rioting hero?
His character is absolutely astonishing ....sometimes simply unbelievable ....sometimes it is hard to believe that such man ever existed ....

A leader can't be defined on basis of just following ....I believe a leader is the one who sets an example and has deeply appealing moral authority that he has earned through his own actions ...

You can say Bhagat singh has left his legacy through his actions ....I am sure many must have been inspired by his acts of bravery and courage !!! He is leader of all those martyrs and revolutionaries ...for he leads among all by his act of immense sacrifice amidst savage tyranny ...

Sorry to rain on your parade but what are you talking about ? :cheesy:

Can you provide example of those Leadership and Moral Authority ?
Lets put this in proper perspective.

1. Bhagat Singh was hanged for throwing a BOMB in the Assembly. Not one, but two !! He was no saint. A patriot ? Of course, but not exactly the hero material you would want your children to emulate.

His action injured 1 englishman and 3 Indians. George Ernest , B. A. Dalal, R. B. Rao, Shankar Rao and S. N. Roy. Thankfully no one was killed.

2. For a family of such a person to raise doubt's on Modi smells more of politics. :angel:

3. Bhagat Singh, for better or for worse, is an Indian Hero. His family can no more claim him than the family of Mahatma Gandhi can claim him. All Indians can claim him. Those who admire him and all those who dont.

4. Reality is Bhagat Singh was more useful dead than alive. As a martyr he inspired more people than he could have with his communist agenda, if he was alive. This of-course is purely my opinion.

He is 100% hero material ...that I will like to emulate ...

If I can have even iota of courage he dsiplayed ...I will say I am blessed !!!
Throwing BOMB against mighty British empire over which sun wouldn't set was an act of courage ....It was symbolic !!!

I know you do not mean it ...but the way you put it ....it brings Bhagat singh to the level of ordinary criminal ....

Throwing Bomb was symbolic ? ... what does it symbolize ?

Criminality is defined by law, but since that were by the British it is irrelevant. Let us talk about Ethics and Morality. I do mean what I said.

How DARE you maggot? Third rate clown- are you trying to slander Bhagat Singh's sacrifices for his motherland to protect your rioting hero?

Better a rioting hero who put muslims in their place than a bomb throwing hero. :wave:
How DARE you maggot? Third rate clown- are you trying to slander Bhagat Singh's sacrifices for his motherland to protect your rioting hero?

As I said just like all bast@rd congressi trying to cash name of Mahatma Gandhi.

During rajiv ghandhi era more people got killed in riots so you can award his a riot here of India.
As I said just like all bast@rd congressi trying to cash name of Mahatma Gandhi.

During rajiv ghandhi era more people got killed in riots so you can award his a riot here of India.

I asked you not to reply to my posts @$$hole. Keep off.
Bhagat Singh went beyond religion to fight for the people, irrespective of their religious affiliations.

If Bhagat Singh wanted, he could have easily fought and even died fighting without renouncing his faith. But the matter of faith is a matter of belief, and Bhagat Singh decided not to believe anything simply because it was in some scriptures, rather he decided to live it, otherwise, it would be hypocrisy. Thus, Bhagat Singh never allowed his faith or religious beliefs to play any role whatsoever in all he did. He did not become an atheist to hide his identity, rather to renew his identity basing it not on scriptures but on his own understanding of the world, and for the sake of the people.

Whereas, Modi is yet to prove that he is ready to go beyond the lines of religious faith and work for the masses irrespective of their religious faith. Time and again Modi has proved that in his eyes, Muslims are not equal to Hindus. His eager endorsement of Hindutva is not wrong in itself, but is not a necessity either. However, with his being a mass leader in a secular nation, he ought to treat Islamic faith with as much respect as he treats Hinduism. Such partial treatment is completely opposite to the ideas and martyrdom that "Bhagat Singh" stood for, and still stands for.

Fact is, Modi is simply trying to cash in on Bhagat Singh's name. If he were really dedicated to any social cause, he would rather utilize his time to do something constructive, not this.

The family's stand is very valid as well as urgent!

Bhagat Singh was an Communist and an Atheist because he was a communist. :lol:

He was also an self proclaimed ardent follower of French anarchist Auguste Vaillant. Auguste Vaillant last words were "Death to the Bourgeoisie! Long live Anarchy!" :cheesy:

Modi is certainly not an anarchist. Nor has he disrespected any religion. He has been doing constructive social work for the last 10 years. Where were you ?
Throwing Bomb was symbolic ? ... what does it symbolize ?

Criminality is defined by law, but since that were by the British it is irrelevant. Let us talk about Ethics and Morality. I do mean what I said.

Better a rioting hero who put muslims in their place than a bomb throwing hero. :wave:

I guess where you come from people aren't born with brains.
He is 100% hero material ...that I will like to emulate ...

If I can have even iota of courage he dsiplayed ...I will say I am blessed !!!

Well in that case do not throw that bomb anywhere near my home or place of work :P

I strongly suggest you sneak into pakistan and throw a bomb there. Just make sure you tell them you are not a Hindu. I do not want more 'hindu terror' propaganda. :rolleyes:
Well in that case do not throw that bomb anywhere near my home or place of work :P

I strongly suggest you sneak into pakistan and throw a bomb there. Just make sure you tell them you are not a Hindu. I do not want more 'hindu terror' propaganda. :rolleyes:

You're an idiot
Lets put this in proper perspective.

1. Bhagat Singh was hanged for throwing a BOMB in the Assembly. Not one, but two !! He was no saint. A patriot ? Of course, but not exactly the hero material you would want your children to emulate.

His action injured 1 englishman and 3 Indians. George Ernest , B. A. Dalal, R. B. Rao, Shankar Rao and S. N. Roy. Thankfully no one was killed.

2. For a family of such a person to raise doubt's on Modi smells more of politics. :angel:

3. Bhagat Singh, for better or for worse, is an Indian Hero. His family can no more claim him than the family of Mahatma Gandhi can claim him. All Indians can claim him. Those who admire him and all those who dont.

4. Reality is Bhagat Singh was more useful dead than alive. As a martyr he inspired more people than he could have with his communist agenda, if he was alive. This of-course is purely my opinion.

It is good to fight for a lost cause, I do that too here, quite often actually! But you know, you ought to be factually correct, unless you wish to be treated too lightly. And in this post of yours, sorry to say, but you sure are talking without considering any facts.

So here are some that you should consider before opining something as absurd as you did:

1. Bhagat Singh intentionally threw the bomb away from the crowd to keep anyone from getting killed, and later surrendered. The only testimony against Bhagat Singh's surrender was of Sobha Singh (I think father of Khushwant Singh), who was Knighted merely for this testimony, that Bhagat Singh tried to shoot before getting arrested.

2. Bhagat Singh was NOT hanged for throwing the bomb in the assembly, for which he was charged with attempt to murder. Rather, Bhagat Singh was hanged for killing Saunders, who, he thought had killed Lala Lajpat Rai.

3. Bhagat Singh's father was a rich and influential man of the area and he could have gotten him a pardon easily, but Bhagat Singh denied - He was never to go against his own beliefs, come what may.

He may not have been a saint, he was no less either, since there are very few men in this world who would stand tall on their firm beliefs and treat life and death the same. A contemporary of his was Mahatma Gandhi, who had said that if he were to be killed, and had anything bad to say about his killer before dying, people should consider him a hypocrite and all that he stood for would be false.

So, when people can call Abhimanyu a hero of Mahabharat, I would say Bhagat Singh was no less.

Did he not have the material to be one?
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