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President of Bangladesh confirms 16 MRCA, 8 attack helicopter and 6 BD built frigates on live TV

F-16V is too expensive for BD in my opinion. This is a quality MRCA for sure but BAF also needs quantity. So refurb F-16 Blk 50/52 with AESA and AIM-120C could prove to be a better choice. Anyway this is pure speculation since we dont know for sure which one will be chosen or has already been chosen as EFT is also rumoured.

On another note, about the 6 FFG. If they are truly going to be based on the 054A then BN might get the LY-80N as the VLSAM. Do you know the operational range and success rate of LY-80N. Or is there a possibility of acquiring FD-2000N?

Well my knowledge about Chinese MRSAM and LRSAM is rather hazy. If Bangladesh does new builds, it is only logical that they'd try to incorporate the cluster of smaller MRSAM missiles in the VLS setup while leaving the LRSAM's as single launch.

The Thais bought the Naresuan class frigates from China but completely revamped the sensors and also the VLS systems to US and EU specs/vendors. That will be expensive for BN to do, but they might ask the Chinese to incorporate a much later vintage VLS system in these frigates. I reckon they might use a later vintage stealth integrated RF mast technology for the sensor mast as well, as shown in the speculated design for Jiangkai class 054B (4000 tons displacement). Note the large VLS cluster.



Another possibility - like the article says is that the 4000 ton frigate might use an enlarged version of the large Algerian corvette design C28A delivered by China sometime ago. Displacement will go up from 2800 to 4000 tons by adding a taller command deck.

But all this is mere speculation, albeit narrowed down speculation, instead of 'wild' ones.

For my sanity check, I'd ask @Ronin, @Avicenna, @UKBengali and @Michael Corleone bhais to comment on these.
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My observation:
(copied from the other forum)

The frigate contract would most likely be PLAN Type-054A+ frigates with transfer of technology. AESA radar and multirole VLS system technology could be incorporated from type-052D Destroyer. There were reports that Turkey offered Bangladesh Navy frigates from its MILGEM project but BN rejected it in favour of the type-054A.

For attack helicopters, it would probably be the AH-64. A few pages ago, I posed about BAF negotiating with US for AH-64.
However, there are many Russian websites claiming that BAF has already purchased 8 MI-35M. Previously, BAF has shown interest in Mi-28N, Z-10, T-129 and Mi-35M.

A BAF pilot after test flight of Mi-35.


BAF officials inspecting Z-10.

T-129 was shown in army billboards and even if it is purchased in the near future,it will be for the army aviation, not the air force.

However, the AH-64 is the most probable for BAF out of all these and BAF has been already negotiating recently for these helicopters. Pictured here are Bangladeshi soldiers with an American AH-64.

For fighter jets, I cannot say for sure which aircraft BAF would go for. BAF has not bought any 4th gen fighter jet in the last 20 years so I am not sure which direction BAF will go. Russia's SU-30MKK/MKI based variants seemed to be the top contender for years and so is the MiG-35 but the quality of Russian equipment cannot keep up with its other competitors and hence Bangladesh is not purchasing any major defence equipment from Russia anymore since 2013. Their continued support for Myanmar in the rohingya crisis is also a big factor here. However, there is still a chance they might go for Russian birds.


The Chinese J-10CE has a good chance as the Chinese engines have matured and improved alot, it has AESA radar and has PL-15 which is a game changer. There are also pictures of BAF pilots test flying the J-10. However, along with the Russians, the Chinese also deeply support the Myanmar and provides the backbone of its military.

The Royal Air force has offered Eurofighter Typhoon to BAF in mid 2019. Typhoons would give BAF a major advantage over its regional counterparts but its high price tag means it would be difficult to fit them into BAF budget.

And lastly, there is the F-16. Along with the Ah-64, BAF was also negotiating for fighter jets but no model has been named. BAF would most likely look for F-16 E/F block 60 or F-16V Block 70/72. BAF was previously interested in F-16 in the 1990s but due to security issues, the USA refused to sell the 36 F-16s BAF requested. In recent time, military cooperation between the two countries increased greatly and the US is finally willing to sell BAF its newest F-16 variants. Pictured here are Bangladeshi officials inspecting US fighter jets.
My observation:
(copied from the other forum)

The frigate contract would most likely be PLAN Type-054A+ frigates with transfer of technology. AESA radar and multirole VLS system technology could be incorporated from type-052D Destroyer. There were reports that Turkey offered Bangladesh Navy frigates from its MILGEM project but BN rejected it in favour of the type-054A.

For attack helicopters, it would probably be the AH-64. A few pages ago, I posed about BAF negotiating with US for AH-64.
However, there are many Russian websites claiming that BAF has already purchased 8 MI-35M. Previously, BAF has shown interest in Mi-28N, Z-10, T-129 and Mi-35M.

A BAF pilot after test flight of Mi-35.


BAF officials inspecting Z-10.

T-129 was shown in army billboards and even if it is purchased in the near future,it will be for the army aviation, not the air force.

However, the AH-64 is the most probable for BAF out of all these and BAF has been already negotiating recently for these helicopters. Pictured here are Bangladeshi soldiers with an American AH-64.

For fighter jets, I cannot say for sure which aircraft BAF would go for. BAF has not bought any 4th gen fighter jet in the last 20 years so I am not sure which direction BAF will go. Russia's SU-30MKK/MKI based variants seemed to be the top contender for years and so is the MiG-35 but the quality of Russian equipment cannot keep up with its other competitors and hence Bangladesh is not purchasing any major defence equipment from Russia anymore since 2013. Their continued support for Myanmar in the rohingya crisis is also a big factor here. However, there is still a chance they might go for Russian birds.


The Chinese J-10CE has a good chance as the Chinese engines have matured and improved alot, it has AESA radar and has PL-15 which is a game changer. There are also pictures of BAF pilots test flying the J-10. However, along with the Russians, the Chinese also deeply support the Myanmar and provides the backbone of its military.

The Royal Air force has offered Eurofighter Typhoon to BAF in mid 2019. Typhoons would give BAF a major advantage over its regional counterparts but its high price tag means it would be difficult to fit them into BAF budget.

And lastly, there is the F-16. Along with the Ah-64, BAF was also negotiating for fighter jets but no model has been named. BAF would most likely look for F-16 E/F block 60 or F-16V Block 70/72. BAF was previously interested in F-16 in the 1990s but due to security issues, the USA refused to sell the 36 F-16s BAF requested. In recent time, military cooperation between the two countries increased greatly and the US is finally willing to sell BAF its newest F-16 variants. Pictured here are Bangladeshi officials inspecting US fighter jets.

I think you are spot on with a Type-054A+ that would incorporate an AESA radar and VLS technology from Type-052D frigate.

As you say talk of Euro-fighter also does not make too much sense as even only 16 with the full package of weapons, infrastructure, maintenance and training would come in at a whopping 4.5-5 billion US dollars.

Russian aircraft are highly unlikely due to the fact that not only is Russian aviation falling behind even the Chinese now but they are supporters of both India and Myanmar.

The only thing that I would disagree with you on is the possibility of BAF getting F-16 Block 70 - this is likely to be argued against by India as it would be nearly as good as the Rafale that India has got now. Remember USA has an interest in building up India as a hedge against China.

US is far more likely to want to offload it's F-16 Block 50/52s that it has no need of now since F-35A production is in full swing. F-16 Block 50/52 with AIM-120C seems the most likely combo if BAF gets the F-16. This is sufficient to take on MAF.

16 refurbished F-16s may cost only 500 million US dollars in terms of just the planes and the associated weapons, infrastructure, maintenance and training would probably come to another 1.5-2 billion US dollars and so 2-2.5 billion US dollars in total. This amount of money would be affordable within the current BD defence budget of 4.5-5 billion US dollars a year when arms imports are taken into account.
The aforementioned are big ticket purchases. Once the contracts are signed, they'll be publicly announced by the manufacturers. I believe the president of Bangladesh just highlighted what's in the pipeline, which has been already mentioned times and again by other members of this forum. Similar news can be attributed to Bangladeshi PM but still nothing concrete.
Bangladeshi here dream on taking India, obsession is flattery but remember if in any hypothetical situation of war ,india won't use jets but missiles in first hour of war then might not even need our eastern air command to take on you,the mass missile raid and naval blockade will crush you down and then our air force will soften you up & infantry will capture,first develop capabilities to take on Myanmar which already was given an Indian Submarine Kilo Class and will get Flankers & Kilo Class submarines from Russia & has acquired AEW crafts and FC1 Xialong or JF17B and a Landing Platform Dock and ASW ships for its Navy in just 2019 whereas bangla forces are just giving sermons not even a MoU or agreement just hot air and delusions of taking on India, even if India fires it's old 80s prithvi 1 you bangla would start crying genocideView attachment 598860 View attachment 598861

Main to dr gya SUPA POWER ROAORING. We forget it's 2020. And India is Supa Pawa.
The aforementioned are big ticket purchases. Once the contracts are signed, they'll be publicly announced by the manufacturers. I believe the president of Bangladesh just highlighted what's in the pipeline, which has been already mentioned times and again by other members of this forum. Similar news can be attributed to Bangladeshi PM but still nothing concrete.

Nope as no one ever said 16 MRCA would be purchased. This is concrete with actual numbers and a deal is imminent in this case.
The entire world is scared from that huge stack of weapons
Our C13B's made in China are 1300 ton corvettes. Our BNS Bangabandhu is a modified Ulsan-class frigate made in Korea which displaces 2500 tons.

Our corvettes and frigates are smaller size than those of some countries because of lower patrol endurance requirements. There are many corvette classes in other countries which displace higher than 2500 tons. But you cannot call a corvette a corvette (rather than an LPC) because of displacement size. These terms are determined by how heavily armed a ship is.

Our six new frigates will probably be higher displacement than 2500 tons, closer to 4000 tons. That is my opinion. You can look at other navies (like Thai Navy for example) to see the expansion pattern as their economies grew larger.

In any conflict between India and China - Bangladesh AF will be limited at most to letting China use our airspace. We will probably not use any of our AF assets against India if we can help it. It sets a bad precedent.

But speculations are just that, chance of such a conflict happening are near zero...

Thai Navy? They dont have much clear pattern on how to purchase their main equipments, they spending abruptly and without much regard to commonality, much much worse than us Indonesian. If you want a more clear pattern and with good logical and rational choice along with long term strategy you should look at Singapore
Actually not quite correct.

Russia is for peacekeeping stuff and so can be ruled out of the list. It will no longer be a supplier of major war-fighting weapons systems due to their outdated tech and the fact that they cannot be trusted on either India or Myanmar.

Here is the modified list minus Russia:

China - Submarine, Frigate, Next-Gen Frigate Programme, Corvette, Tanks.
USA for MRCA, Attack helicopter, Transport aircraft
Europe for Utility and S&R Helicopter
Turkey - MLRS(18 Kasirga T-300B MLRS have been ordered)

China is likely to get a large contract for J-10CE as BD military sees India as the biggest threat and Western arms cannot be trusted against India. It is also the favourite in my opinion to get the contract for the 6 next-gen frigate programme as BN is wanting them to take on IN in the Bay of Bengal.
Turkey should start seeing major orders as the decade goes on as they are the only country that can be relied on 100% against both India and Myanmar.

We know it is reliable as the Chinese have dumped the AL-31F for the WS-10B on their single-engined J-10C.
You do not put an unreliable engine on a single-engine fighter unless you are at war.

your military upgrades or equipment acquisition is your internal matter... but BN take on IN in Bay of bengal is pure joke...just match with Indian Coast guard then talk about IN... you guys are pure joke.. why to drag India in every thread...
your military upgrades or equipment acquisition is your internal matter... but BN take on IN in Bay of bengal is pure joke...just match with Indian Coast guard then talk about IN... you guys are pure joke.. why to drag India in every thread...

Taking on IN in BoB is too far fetched. It's not probable at all. However, we are talking about applicable deterrence in case BD is under threat by the big fat bully of the region with it's supa pawa wet dreams! BN will lose in case of hypothetical war against IN no doubt but having the deterrence to deal a huge blow will make ur Navy think 10 times before doing anything stupid.
And if u really think a CG is match of a Navy consisting of FFGs, CCGs and SSKs then u r the ultimate joke here.
Anyway, good luck with ur wet dreams of becoming a blue water navy!
The only thing that I would disagree with you on is the possibility of BAF getting F-16 Block 70 - this is likely to be argued against by India as it would be nearly as good as the Rafale that India has got now. Remember USA has an interest in building up India as a hedge

Has India ever objected to Bangladeshi defense purchase? average Indians do not look at Bangladesh as an adversary. Most actually think of Bangladesh as an ally. There is some anxiousness among people in the East, but that is not seen as a potential for military conflict
your military upgrades or equipment acquisition is your internal matter... but BN take on IN in Bay of bengal is pure joke...just match with Indian Coast guard then talk about IN... you guys are pure joke.. why to drag India in every thread...
Taking on IN in BoB is too far fetched. It's not probable at all. However, we are talking about applicable deterrence in case BD is under threat by the big fat bully of the region with it's supa pawa wet dreams! BN will lose in case of hypothetical war against IN no doubt but having the deterrence to deal a huge blow will make ur Navy think 10 times before doing anything stupid.
And if u really think a CG is match of a Navy consisting of FFGs, CCGs and SSKs then u r the ultimate joke here.
Anyway, good luck with ur wet dreams of becoming a blue water navy!

BD doctrine is to make the cost of war to India
so high that they do not take that option.
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