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President of Bangladesh confirms 16 MRCA, 8 attack helicopter and 6 BD built frigates on live TV

LOL all talking about F-16, but thing is EFT MOFO on the line :D

IMO BD should also operate heavy UAVs for counter air ops with SOW.

CM-102 Anti radiation
C-705KD anti-ship missile
C-701 AGM

I can give further reasoning if you require.
Chinese surprise is coming :enjoy:
Bangladeshi here dream on taking India, obsession is flattery but remember if in any hypothetical situation of war ,india won't use jets but missiles in first hour of war then might not even need our eastern air command to take on you,the mass missile raid and naval blockade will crush you down and then our air force will soften you up & infantry will capture,first develop capabilities to take on Myanmar which already was given an Indian Submarine Kilo Class and will get Flankers & Kilo Class submarines from Russia & has acquired AEW crafts and FC1 Xialong or JF17B and a Landing Platform Dock and ASW ships for its Navy in just 2019 whereas bangla forces are just giving sermons not even a MoU or agreement just hot air and delusions of taking on India, even if India fires it's old 80s prithvi 1 you bangla would start crying genocideView attachment 598860 View attachment 598861

Please stop trying to hijack the thread. Open a separate thread under 'Akhand Bharat Wet Dreams' section.

This is really a joke. BD fans were dreaming for a huge Air Force. But what they got? 16 ACs.

BD has only 1 enemy which is myanmar and 16 F-16 Block 72 Grippen or J-10 are more then enough for a small air force.
I can understand 16 MRCA means 1 squadron, but how about the 8 Mig-29? The half squadron of fighter always make me uncomfatable.
What is the size of the 6 frigates? In BD official terms, do they differentiate corvette and frigate?
India has been spending on average $50 billion dollars a year on defence for past 10 years. If India does threaten, Bangladeshis should know that it is the end of Bangladesh. India will not by the way. It's not in its nature. If it wanted it would have done long time back.
But on Indian East border, Indian has only 72 3rd generation fighters, while we have 96 3rd generation fighters and 64 2nd generation fighter. If BD air force joins in ...
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What is the size of the 6 frigates? In BD official terms, do they differentiate corvette and frigate?

Our C13B's made in China are 1300 ton corvettes. Our BNS Bangabandhu is a modified Ulsan-class frigate made in Korea which displaces 2500 tons.

Our corvettes and frigates are smaller size than those of some countries because of lower patrol endurance requirements. There are many corvette classes in other countries which displace higher than 2500 tons. But you cannot call a corvette a corvette (rather than an LPC) because of displacement size. These terms are determined by how heavily armed a ship is.

Our six new frigates will probably be higher displacement than 2500 tons, closer to 4000 tons. That is my opinion. You can look at other navies (like Thai Navy for example) to see the expansion pattern as their economies grew larger.

In any conflict between India and China - Bangladesh AF will be limited at most to letting China use our airspace. We will probably not use any of our AF assets against India if we can help it. It sets a bad precedent.

But speculations are just that, chance of such a conflict happening are near zero...
Our C13B's made in China are 1300 ton corvettes. Our BNS Bangabandhu is a modified Ulsan-class frigate made in Korea which displaces 2500 tons.

Our corvettes and frigates are smaller size than those of some countries because of lower patrol endurance requirements. There are many corvette classes in other countries which displace higher than 2500 tons. But you cannot call a corvette a corvette (rather than an LPC) because of displacement size. These terms are determined by how heavily armed a ship is.

Our six new frigates will probably be higher displacement than 2500 tons, closer to 4000 tons. That is my opinion. You can look at other navies (like Thai Navy for example) to see the expansion pattern as their economies grew larger.

In any conflict between India and China - Bangladesh AF will be limited at most to letting China use our airspace. We will probably not use any of our AF assets against India if we can help it. It sets a bad precedent.

But speculations are just that, chance of such a conflict happening are near zero...

The real question is, given all the considerations, what is the type of those 16 fighters?

What do you think @Bilal9?
India has been spending on average $50 billion dollars a year on defence for past 10 years. If India does threaten, Bangladeshis should know that it is the end of Bangladesh. India will not by the way. It's not in its nature. If it wanted it would have done long time back.
To hell with that $50 billion dollar. Lion share of that is spent on maintaining and giving salary and pension of overstaffed military personnel. Little remain to buy modern hardware. Go read some reports, 70 percent of Indian military equipments are obsolete. Should have phage out decades ago.

Paper elephant
India spends a fortune on defence and gets poor value for money


Pakistan is spending $10 billion dollar. Yet giving a nightmare to that $50 billion.:P Pakistan is our ideal. Currently we are spending $4 billion dollar on defence. It may reach $10 billion in the next 10 years given the growth trajectory. While your economic mess suggest not much defence budget hike for at least few years. By 2030, if your budget reach $70-80 billion and our reach 10 billion. It would be enough for us to tackle that under equipped, bulky Paper elephant.
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The real question is, given all the considerations, what is the type of those 16 fighters?

What do you think @Bilal9?

Well I have it on personal anecdote from reliable industry insiders in the US that BAF and Bangladesh Govt. folks were conducting talks with Lockheed Martin and Boeing several months ago. Apaches and F16's were targets.

If the F16V Block 70/72 is chosen, which is the new baseline for all new F16's (and even refurb ones with AF's having older F16 variants) - I am hoping they will come with AESA radars, Conformal Tanks (CFT's) and spine housings for electronics a la Israeli Sufa variants. Being that F16's are truly all-weather multirole fighters nowadays, it is a toss-up which role the F-16 will fill in BAF inventory (other than simply air superiority), but I trust BAF will be given a wide swath of choices and hardware to match by the vendor.

I am a little buzzed with the prospect that we will be finally fielding a fighter as good as say Thailand and Pakistan. If the F-16 rumor is true then I am quite stoked...our fly-boys deserve nothing less to hone their skills on.

OTOH - there is news that Lockheed Martin is pushing India hard to open an F-21 (F16IN) production line as well, so if the vendor wants us to buy anything Made in India at some point, I am completely against it. I am guessing the production in India (with Tata System involvement) will only be to supply that specific variant for the IAF.
Well I have it on personal anecdote from reliable industry insiders in the US that BAF and Bangladesh Govt. folks were conducting talks with Lockheed Martin and Boeing several months ago. Apaches and F16's were targets.

If the F16V Block 70/72 is chosen, which is the new baseline for all new F16's (and even refurb ones with AF's having older F16 variants) - I am hoping they will come with AESA radars, Conformal Tanks (CFT's) and spine housings for electronics a la Israeli Sufa variants. Being that F16's are truly all-weather multirole fighters nowadays, it is a toss-up which role the F-16 will fill in BAF inventory (other than simply air superiority), but I trust BAF will be given a wide swath of choices and hardware to match by the vendor.

I am a little buzzed with the prospect that we will be finally fielding a fighter as good as say Thailand and Pakistan. If the F-16 rumor is true then I am quite stoked...our fly-boys deserve nothing less to hone their skills on.

OTOH - there is news that Lockheed Martin is pushing India hard to open an F-21 (F16IN) production line as well, so if the vendor wants us to buy anything Made in India at some point, I am completely against it. I am guessing the production in India (with Tata System involvement) will only be to supply that specific variant for the IAF.

F-16V is too expensive for BD in my opinion. This is a quality MRCA for sure but BAF also needs quantity. So refurb F-16 Blk 50/52 with AESA and AIM-120C could prove to be a better choice. Anyway this is pure speculation since we dont know for sure which one will be chosen or has already been chosen as EFT is also rumoured.

On another note, about the 6 FFG. If they are truly going to be based on the 054A then BN might get the LY-80N as the VLSAM. Do you know the operational range and success rate of LY-80N. Or is there a possibility of acquiring FD-2000N?
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