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Bangladesh Might Be The Next Stop For LCA Tejas

As far as I know, LCA Tejas are single engine fighter jets. The author needs to stop taking the readers as idiots and not try soo hard to forward his foolish pitch.

P.S: I don't want to destroy the work of author so not gonna point out other non-factual and unrealistic content. It's not worth the effort.
Sir you forget to read above line its all about MRCA OR LCA TEJAS MK-2
India is BDs primary threat. It is a country of racist hindutva fascists.

There will never be a day when bd india friendship is anything more than cosmetic.

Unfortunately BAF leadership is probably the least competent of any BD government organisation. It does not even know its purpose..... there is no bar low enough that they can achieve....an utter embarrassment.
I pray you get the government you wished for and India becomes your arch enemy..
Bangladesh should go for the Tejas. It is what they deserve as a people. And, also they must show their loyality to India and how better to do it then buy a fighter jet from them?

And you deserved a better upbringing, one that wouldn't inculcate in you such senseless hate and disdain for others, regardless it is nothing but a childish coping mechanism for the shortcomings of your own "people".
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Bangladesh if decides can easily get a complete airforce package from India with full TOT....

2 squadrons of Tejas MkII, Netra awacs and AKASH air defense batteries..... a deadly yet a cost effective complete package with complete autonomy from the neighbour next door.....
Bangladesh is an Islamic nation and will not buy from a pagan nation like India.

JF-17 is the way to go for Bangladesh.
Without support from Jews, Christians and Pagans your so called land of pure will not survive even a month. Middle eastern Sheikhs won't give two cents. Remember it is atheist China who is protecting Pakistan and not Saudi Arabia.
You dont buy critical weapons from your arch enemy.

There really is close to zero chance of it being considered..... however BAF is run by idiots.... if there was ever a chance to sell these garbage in return for handsome backhanders....the time is now .....
BAF leadership will be awarded a garland of Bata shoes if they buy Tejas. The public will not like it plus Indian products are of no good.
Jf-17 is equally horrible but it is somewhat better than the Tejas because of immense Chinese contribution in producing the JF-17 aircraft.
This would be pretty good. There might be a Tejas vs. JF-17 encounter with Myanmar. I think BD should go for it the article makes a good case for it. What are the down sides? It'll even keep India off BDs' back.
JF-17 is equally horrible. But it is somewhat better than Tejas because JF-17 has been co-produced with China.
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While Tejas is lot better than the fighters BAF is flying right now, I am not sure whether it will accept Israeli parts in the fighter. That would become our handicap in selling to Islamic minded countries.
I believe like the IAF, BAF also flies the MiG-29...then why is Tejas only meant to replace the MiG-21s in the IAF....
Without support from Jews, Christians and Pagans your so called land of pure will not survive even a month. Middle eastern Sheikhs won't give two cents. Remember it is atheist China who is protecting Pakistan and not Saudi Arabia.
And these Christians, Jews and Pagans is looted the subcontinent so much that we are empty in 47, they are not supporting us they supporting themselves, giving loans and making lots of interests
And these Christians, Jews and Pagans is looted the subcontinent so much that we are empty in 47, they are not supporting us they supporting themselves, giving loans and making lots of interests
Please clarify the bold portion. I am actually confused about these two statements.
I am just curious, nothing else!
I believe like the IAF, BAF also flies the MiG-29...then why is Tejas only meant to replace the MiG-21s in the IAF....

MIG 21 number was huge compared to MIG 29 number in IAF..... when all Fishbeds were active that time number was 250+ whereas MIG 29 are just 66 with airforce and 42 with navy.....also 21s are generation behind 29s...and unlike BAF, IAF MIG 29s are now heavily upgraded and are more powerful.... they will stay at least till 2035 hence Tejas are mainly meant to replace Fishbeds in IAF
The strategic outlook of Bangladesh is different from the strategic outlook of India where Bangladesh views China as a strategic partner and India views China as an enemy. Bangladesh must choose Chinese aircraft. LCA must not be an option for Bangladesh.
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