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Bangladesh is getting closer to Eurofighter Typhoon

Your problem isn't necessarily one EFT v one JF17 block 3

It's if Myanmar (doubtful) utilises the JF17 in the same way Pakistan does

The JF17 is equipped with a
PL15 and SD10 BVR missiles, range of PL15 especially outstrips the meteor

Block 3 is aesa equipped

And ask yourself what missile or armament is missing from JF17 inventory, everything from anti ship missiles to BVRs are present

Now this is where it gets interesting 👇👇👇👇

For the same cost of 16 eurofighters

You can get maybe 3 times as many JF17s block 3s, maybe more

Do you understand what the implications of this are

Now it's questionable whether Myanmar can actually afford this


If it can then think about it


Just because you can buy 3 times as many JF-17 Block 17s as EFT latest Tranche planes does not mean you can operate 3 times as many for the same cost.

You will still need the same number of pilots to train whether you have EFTs or JF-17s.
EFT engines will not need to be replaced after 10-15 years like the Russian RD-93MA in the JF-17 Block 3 will be.
Chinese weapons like PL-15 definitely won't be 1/3rd the cost of European ones. Maybe 1/3rd to 1/2 cheaper.

Now consider this scenario:

2 EFTs armed with 14 Meteors each in "beast mode" against 6 JF-17s with 4 PL-15s each.

Both plane types have AWACs support and know of each other's presence at the same time. EFTs with their canard-design and more T/W ratio use their high-altitude aerodynamic advantage to get high and fast first and launch 8 Meteors simultaneously before JF-17s can get into launch positions.

Just think a little about how many of those 6 JF-17s would survive a first attack by just 2 EFTs.
Myanmar military junta is one of the stupidest military I have seen.

I don't know how will the Myanmar military tackle so many problems. First Myanmar had investments pouring in from foreign countries but the military coup changes everything and in future Myanmar economy will become much worse.

Moreover the entire citizen of Myanmar is against the army.

The ethnic armed forces also declared war against the Myanmar army

USA and European nations will put sanctions and might also initiate proxy war against Myanmar.

My question is Myanmar military is not so strong and big in terms of manpower to tackle attacks from different sides. They also have to worry about the economy of the country too. How will they survive?

@DalalErMaNodi @bluesky @Homo Sapiens
They wont survive.

BD has been even more stupid by not taking advantage of the current instability to push the return of the rohingya. Diplomatic and a military pressure goes a long way to a solution. Anyone else would tell Burma to take back the Rohingya or we make chittagong larger by taking the arakan.

Heck the chinese will even support BD if, BD drops its India fetish.

Its a total shit show all around by BD.

Just because you can buy 3 times as many JF-17 Block 17s as EFT latest Tranche planes does not mean you can operate 3 times as many for the same cost.

You will still need the same number of pilots to train whether you have EFTs or JF-17s.
EFT engines will not need to be replaced after 10-15 years like the Russian RD-93MA in the JF-17 Block 3 will be.
Chinese weapons like PL-15 definitely won't be 1/3rd the cost of European ones. Maybe 1/3rd to 1/2 cheaper.

Now consider this scenario:

2 EFTs armed with 14 Meteors each in "beast mode" against 6 JF-17s with 4 PL-15s each.

Both plane types have AWACs support and know of each other's presence at the same time. EFTs with their canard-design and more T/W ratio use their high-altitude aerodynamic advantage to get high and fast first and launch 8 Meteors simultaneously before JF-17s can get into launch positions.

Just think a little about how many of those 6 JF-17s would survive a first attack by just 2 EFTs.

Only thing is the PL-15s stated range is more than the meteors and the JF-17B3s aesa radars range is also more than the ETFs phased array radar thus they will get a lock on before the EFTS even know.

If I was in the BAF sure id negotiate with other nations to gain leverage with China, then when costs/terms are reasonable i'd order lets say 36 J10Bs & 36 JF17B3s on an EMERGENCY BASIS CONTRACT. That is the planes are produced, ready, tested, and delivered within 3 years. The J-10B would easily be the natural successor to the F7s. The package would even include lets say 2-3 AWAC aircrafts as well. The benefits of this deal would also lead to the natural introduction of lets say the J31 a few years down the line when the system has matured.

Operability and synergy would be achieved, but not just that. In case of any conflict with India then operability/synergy would also be there between the BAF-PLAAF-PAF.

The BAF would go from a none-existent air force to a force that could easily take on Myanmar, but not just that also a force which would be a major threat to the IAF. Since think about it the BAF has a lot less airspace to defend vis via the IAF. With 70 top notch jets back by AESA radars , AWACS, and long range PL15s.
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I don't think you understand the geopolitical situation in Bangladesh's neighborhood at all.

On one side we have an increasingly hegemonistic India, fuelled by their Hindutva ideology. We already have their politicians calling Bangladeshis names publicly and considering us as threats.

On the other hand, we have a genocidal military Junta, who have been testing our patience since the 90s. We had several confrontations with Myanmar since the 90s. The reason you can't remember there was ever a serious confrontation between the two doesn't mean there was none. From small-scale border skirmishes to naval stand-offs over disputed territory. The reason Bangladesh was successful in resolving those issues diplomatically, was because Bangladesh had been on par with Myanmar till 2010. But in 2017, Myanmar caught Bangladesh napping with defence, especially the air force. There is a significant power gap now, especially because of their investment in the air force with Migs, Sukhois and JFTs. And they took full advantage of that. They were successful in pushing 1 million refugees in our territory which is a significant burden on our economy and security risk. They knew all well we were ill-equipped to go to war with them and will be forced to accept refugees.

Bangladesh does not need to "go looking for a threat". It is already there. There is a reason Bangladesh has been increasing military expenditure in sync with GDP growth. We need a strong military to maintain the status quo and protect our economy. Bangladesh does not need to be an aggressor, but we certainly do need deterrence from external aggressors.

Ideally, Gripens in larger quantity (32 Gripens as opposed to 16 EFT or Rafale) should be the best choice for BAF. But, the top brass has conducted their assessment and has decided to go for the twin-engine platform in small quantity. Hence the connection to EFT. The reputation of EFT alone is sufficient to keep the Burmese misadventures at bay. Not to mention the Western connections it will bring and strengthen Bangladesh on diplomatic negotiations. EFT is a strategic investment, rather than a tactical one.

Having a toothless airforce with only Helos is completely unrealistic and will lead to Bangladesh's downfall. Weak are bullied everywhere.

Thanks for the explanation, it does seem the Burmese are troublesome indeed. As for India, pointless even fighting them, best you can do is try to make any invasion too costly for them. 16 planes will not keep IAF out of BD airspace for long.
Myanmar hasn't even acquired that variant of the aircraft and some folks are making it out to be the planet cracker or some deathstar... Lmao..

Price isn't always a good judge of quality but sometimes it is and this is one of those times, ;)
If there is going to be an MMRCA for BD , it will be Rafale. Period. We know the EFT- no great shakes over Rafale. The incremental capex and opex costs for BD doesn't make any financial sense at all.
Typhoon is expensive to maintain
Thanks for the explanation, it does seem the Burmese are troublesome indeed. As for India, pointless even fighting them, best you can do is try to make any invasion too costly for them. 16 planes will not keep IAF out of BD airspace for long.

Agreed. A war against India, however remote the possibility may be, will always be one of Bangladesh resorting to guerilla tactics, something we have experience in. The fight will be on the ground. Hence our military has focused on jungle warfare, built up a stock of ATGMs and MANPADS, and now plans in motion to manufacture ATGMs locally. The strategy is simple- do what Afghans and Vietnamese did to the US. Eventually, the cost will be far greater for the invaders to hold on to our land.

There is no way Bangladesh can match India in a conventional war. The air force and navy will be out of the picture within days the conflict begins. 16 EFTs at best will just delay the inevitable.
Thanks for the explanation, it does seem the Burmese are troublesome indeed. As for India, pointless even fighting them, best you can do is try to make any invasion too costly for them. 16 planes will not keep IAF out of BD airspace for long.
And why will IAF attack BAF? I know Bangladeshis on this forum hate India but be practical, India doesn’t consider BD as an enemy and our efforts to boost relations are an example of it.

Our PM Visited you for a new start, we provided initial lot of vaccines to BD nad BD Army.
But here BD guys hate India but practicality is better.
Agreed. A war against India, however remote the possibility may be, will always be one of Bangladesh resorting to guerilla tactics, something we have experience in. The fight will be on the ground. Hence our military has focused on jungle warfare, built up a stock of ATGMs and MANPADS, and now plans in motion to manufacture ATGMs locally. The strategy is simple- do what Afghans and Vietnamese did to the US. Eventually, the cost will be far greater for the invaders to hold on to our land.

There is no way Bangladesh can match India in a conventional war. The air force and navy will be out of the picture within days of conflict begins. 16 EFTs at best will just delay the inevitable.
Thats why network of SAM, strike drones, cruise missles are more important than shiny new EFT.

For 4 billion BD can build all of the above in a year or 2

Just because you can buy 3 times as many JF-17 Block 17s as EFT latest Tranche planes does not mean you can operate 3 times as many for the same cost.

You will still need the same number of pilots to train whether you have EFTs or JF-17s.
EFT engines will not need to be replaced after 10-15 years like the Russian RD-93MA in the JF-17 Block 3 will be.
Chinese weapons like PL-15 definitely won't be 1/3rd the cost of European ones. Maybe 1/3rd to 1/2 cheaper.

Now consider this scenario:

2 EFTs armed with 14 Meteors each in "beast mode" against 6 JF-17s with 4 PL-15s each.

Both plane types have AWACs support and know of each other's presence at the same time. EFTs with their canard-design and more T/W ratio use their high-altitude aerodynamic advantage to get high and fast first and launch 8 Meteors simultaneously before JF-17s can get into launch positions.

Just think a little about how many of those 6 JF-17s would survive a first attack by just 2 EFTs.

They are not going to head towards each other in a straight line

The EFT is not a stealth fighter that it won't be picked up (although I'm not 100% on Myanmar's radar situation)

And the EFT can't afford to simply ignore the reality that the PL15 is a very capable missile at a large distance

This may be all pie in the sky make believe as Myanmar may not have the money for anything

But if you ONLY have 16 fighters and for similar costs your opponent can pick up 40-50 fighters which have much lower costs of operation and cost per flight hour

Where will you place your few fighters against multiple enemies coming from different directions?

The missile features an active electronically scanned array radar,[4] and has a range exceeding 200 km. It is 4 meters long and incorporates a dual-thrust rocket motor, capable of a speed of Mach 4.

The PL-12 (Chinese: 霹雳-12; pinyin: Pī Lì-12; lit. 'Thunderbolt-12') is an active radar-guided beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile developed by the People's Republic of China. It is considered comparable to the US AIM-120 AMRAAM and the Russian R-77.[4]

Numbers are a asset in of themselves
And why will IAF attack BAF? I know Bangladeshis on this forum hate India but be practical, India doesn’t consider BD as an enemy and our efforts to boost relations are an example of it.

Our PM Visited you for a new start, we provided initial lot of vaccines to BD nad BD Army.
But here BD guys hate India but practicality is better.

It's because your turning into a hindutva extremist communal shithole and you think neighbors or anyone else won't notice
They wont survive.

BD has been even more stupid by not taking advantage of the current instability to push the return of the rohingya. Diplomatic and a military pressure goes a long way to a solution. Anyone else would tell Burma to take back the Rohingya or we make chittagong larger by taking the arakan.

Heck the chinese will even support BD if, BD drops its India fetish.

Its a total shit show all around by BD.
No Bangladesh government should not do anything. PM Hasina is wise enough and I respect her decision to not rehabilitate the Rohingya right now.

Myanmar military although ruthless and lunatic, are somewhat cunning and sly. For 72 years they have managed to survive be it US sanctions, ethnic wars and foreign pressure.

The current general Ming Aung Hlaing seems to be quite a cunning person.

Bangladesh government should not try to push Rohingya into Myanmar now. Let them analyze the situation for some time.
And why will IAF attack BAF? I know Bangladeshis on this forum hate India but be practical, India doesn’t consider BD as an enemy and our efforts to boost relations are an example of it.

Our PM Visited you for a new start, we provided initial lot of vaccines to BD nad BD Army.
But here BD guys hate India but practicality is better.

I agree that chance of India-BD conflict is remote.

But, the distrust between the people of the two countries is real. No matter how many vaccines you donate, it will not change the years of mistrust.

Indian politicians openly use Bangladesh to rile up their constituents, and it works in their favor. This clearly indicates that Indians, do have an inherent disliking of Bangladeshis. Likewise, general Bangladeshis have a strong distrust of the Indian Govt. and their tendency to interfere.

I am not talking about Jamaatis or brain-dead Mullahs. I am talking about general patriotic Bangladeshis, regardless of their political and ideological beliefs. In fact, one of the most vocal critic groups of India in Bangladesh you will among the hardcore leftists- communists.

Modi for all his flaws, at the very least has decency and maturity to not antagonize Bangladesh. Can you say the same for Amit Shah or Yogi Adityanath? How long until any of these guys or someone with their mentality comes to power in India?

Hitler was also a small time nobody when he started. It didn't take long for his mercurial rise on the basis of the power of "Fear". Us against Them.

At the end of the day- what led to the partition will always be the key factor. Religion.

Bangladesh is still perceived as a "Muslim country oppressing Hindus" by most Indians aka the Bhakts. Even though our present govt. is doing all in its power to maintain a "Secular" image.

Forget Indian Politicians talking trash about Muslims. You go through comment sections of any Indian news outlet, you will get a crystal clear picture of what many Indians think about Bangladesh.

So Bangladesh has a genuine case to worry against such religious zealots. And hence, there will never be blind trust between the two countries.

P.S.: Please don't ask me silly questions like "what has India done to Bangladesh for such distrust?" It has been answered a thousand times in PDF. Please research on your own.
Thats why network of SAM, strike drones, cruise missles are more important than shiny new EFT.

For 4 billion BD can build all of the above in a year or 2

You need both SAM and fighters to successfully defend air space. SAMs alone are not sufficient. In addition, the fighters will give us offensive capabilities to keep the Burmese in check. Everything has its purpose.

Bangladesh does have a multi-layered SAM procurement program in place. Like everything with Bangladesh, it has been moving at snails pace as well, unfortunately.
There have been some progress in that regard - with regards to the procurement of Leonardo's Kronos Land radar and GM 400 from Thales for greater coverage of air space. They inducted FM-90s for SHORAD role several years ago. Still no solid word on MRSAM, apart from the rumors about Hisar-O from Turkey.
Indian politicians openly use Bangladesh to rile up their constituents
Honestly the issue is of illegal settlers like some Bangladeshis in North East who came in 1971 escaping Pak army killing, and never returned back. Plus rohingyas too. Politicians anywhere on earth don’t think before opening their mouth. Even Pakistani politicians say they’ll nuke India, we just laugh and let it go.
Not necessarily... buying fighters are not like buying candy at the store... negotiating deals are tough and itself takes years, then production, testing, training, setting up the infrastructure (Bases, storage, weapon complexes, training ground crews)... plus we know how things work in Europe...even if a deal is signed today 5 years is very optimistic.
the topic says Bangla is close to EFT...so we're not speculating deals but rather sealing of one...also, EFTs T1 are available for procurement including RAF's T1 which will be shown the door soon... so keep that in mind.. besides, everyone understands the difference between buying a candy and 500+ jets already in service compared with a prototype..
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