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Pakistani qadiani met Trump

This is the issue here, this is what we accept, but they don't.

I am all aboard on for the following.

But the issue is that they don't want to declare themselves as a separate religion. On one hand they say that they want to be called muslims on other hand they think all of us as non-Muslims and when we tell them that they have to declare themselves as Ahmedi's for identification they cry about persecution.

If the Qadianis demand to be accepted as mainstream Muslims we should simply ignore these pleas. It is impossible.
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Their choice, we do have minority seats you know. But if they don't want to be in minority then its not our fault. And about representation, its the way that community operates. For years, people have been confused on who is Ahmedi and who isn't in the government. Till this day people think of Musharrafs wife to be an Ahmedi. It's the deception that has made people of Pakistan much more attentive anything related to them.

Well then they shouldn't cry when law gets 'em. Btw, what TLP point of view is to enforce the law, till now we haven't been forcing the law. When the day comes that the law is properly enforced, jails would be flooded, not because they are Ahmedi's but because of forgery/deception and not following the law.
Dude, no one seems to have much interest in enforcing this sort of bigotry, at least not in urban population centers where all the power is. Mullah-parties, the original peddlers of this bigotry, are dropping off like flies. Malik Ishaq, gone. Hafiz Saeed, gone. Gauri Baba, gone. JI and Fazlu, almost gone. No one bloody cares about your bigotry. We are slowly headed towards a secular country.
No one bloody cares about your bigotry. We are slowly headed towards a secular country.

Yes, no body cares about your bigotry. And yes as IK said we are moving towards being a "Modern Islamic welfare state" just like Jinnah/Iqbal envisioned, where finality of prophet-hood isn't contested under the guise of bigotry, where alcohol consumption is not allowed for Muslims, where rights of minorities are ensured, where rights of poor and the needy are ensured etc.
Sounds like old Iqbal and that Modoodi bigot, certainly not Jinnah.

Read history again boy. Gandhi/Nehru wanted a secular state, Jinnah wanted an Islamic welfare state. It doesn't matter how a person lived his life but our leaders were always firm about how they wanted to see Pakistan. Bhutto loved to drink but he was the one that introduced ban on alcohol, Bhutto was the one who was supported by Ahmedi's, yet he was the one to present that amendment in the constitution.

As I said your bigotry isn't shared by majority of Pakistan and we will progress just like our forefathers Jinnah/Iqbal envisioned.
I am still waiting for some qadiyani to respond to my masoomana sawaal ... If I don't believe in Mirza gulam Ahmad and call him a liar than as per qadiyani standard am I a Muslim ?

And qadiyani crying for prosecution is not a unfair thing , but they need to understand that it's not just Pakistan but entire Islamic world has concensus over the finality of prophet Muhammad pbuh, so I think you should start complaining about these other countries as well, launch a complain to KSA why they don't allow you in Mecca and Medina .

I showed picture of Mirza gulam Ahmad to my wife and tell her this dude claim to be Jesus , you don't even want to know what her response was lol . I doubt Qadiyanis are that ignorant to go to a white supremacists president who is supported by evangelical Christians who even refused to accept a brown/fair skin Jesus from middle East , for them Jesus can only be a white man, blue eyes and blond hair .. any browniw from South Asia doesn't concern them .
Just to add these two videos for those delusional _____, who think Pakistan is going to become a secular state instead of a Modern Islamic welfare state.

timing is suspicious.

Not really, such meetings are set up with the White House months in advance. PMIK's meeting was set up separately and the timing is likely just a coincidence.

But just as you cannot introduce a cold drink in market today and name it Pepsi, naming ones own beliefs same as another different religion and claiming to be part of that religion when one is not is what is creating the problem.

Commercial names are trademarked; religions are not. There is no problem if religion is kept where it belongs - in the personal domain, and not for monetary or other gains.

Having said the above, I do not wish to violate PDF rules by engaging in religious debate, least of all with a mod! :D
So all he did was sold a 45 year old story, great achievement.

Discuss social issues and current events impacting Pakistan. Please refrain from discussing religious issues.

Sorry but currently these issues are right in the face. We should stop running away and have a decent debate at-least for once. It's now affecting the political scene as well as foreign affairs. I know there might be some hidden ahmediya mods here thats why any thread related to Ahmediya are instantly closed under the guise that the discussion would go down the abusive path.

I wanted to create this thread yesterday after I saw that video, but I forced my-self not to because of the flawed policies of this site but recently I saw a Bangladeshi member post a clip from the video, so here I am creating the Pakistani version for the same subject.

This isn't a sectarian thread, its a thread based on the topic of religious persecution. Is it a lie or is it a reality? Btw, can someone tell me please when did the last time we lynched some one from that community? These guys go around the world asking for asylums, lying not just in Pakistan but outside Pakistan too.

@Yaseen1 Don't know who else might be interested in this topic....
Yes he is Salman Taseer. Why is this old guy enemy of state. To be honest what he is saying is true.

How do you know its true when you are not living in Pakistan ? Do you even know what is the problem here ? What Qadyani wants ? Why they were declared Non Muslims to begin with ? Why they were attacked ?
Not surprised by a certain select few who support this group. The same names over and over again on the forum.

Qadianism itself is 'sectarian'. The end goal of this group is to convert Muslims to their religion. There is reason this group randomly pops up in several Muslim countries and that's because these people go out of their way to convert Muslims. It is up to the Muslim governments to keep them in check and punish them if they go out of line. It is their duty to enjoin good and forbid evil.

We have armies which protect us in the physical sense, they protect our lives and our honour. Likewise it is up to the state to protect people's Islam from these types of groups. Losing your life is nothing is comparison and I don't say that without thought. You die and you will be resurrected one day and if you die a Muslim then you'll go heaven sooner or later. But lose your religion, then the hellfire is eternal.

Of course you shouldn't loot their shops or kill them in mobs. But should they be restricted by the government in what they can do in the country? Absolutely. Was this man punished justly for printing qadiani literature? Absolutely.

There are more Ahmadis in Africa than in Pakistan.

Lol I honestly doubt that unless a large number of south asian qadianis migrated there.
I am still waiting for some qadiyani to respond to my masoomana sawaal ... If I don't believe in Mirza gulam Ahmad and call him a liar than as per qadiyani standard am I a Muslim ?

And qadiyani crying for prosecution is not a unfair thing , but they need to understand that it's not just Pakistan but entire Islamic world has concensus over the finality of prophet Muhammad pbuh, so I think you should start complaining about these other countries as well, launch a complain to KSA why they don't allow you in Mecca and Medina .

I showed picture of Mirza gulam Ahmad to my wife and tell her this dude claim to be Jesus , you don't even want to know what her response was lol . I doubt Qadiyanis are that ignorant to go to a white supremacists president who is supported by evangelical Christians who even refused to accept a brown/fair skin Jesus from middle East , for them Jesus can only be a white man, blue eyes and blond hair .. any browniw from South Asia doesn't concern them .

LOL For Trump and his supporters a Qadiani is like a Mexican.

Not surprised by a certain select few who support this group. The same names over and over again on the forum.

Qadianism itself is 'sectarian'. The end goal of this group is to convert Muslims to their religion. There is reason this group randomly pops up in several Muslim countries and that's because these people go out of their way to convert Muslims. It is up to the Muslim governments to keep them in check and punish them if they go out of line. It is their duty to enjoin good and forbid evil.

We have armies which protect us in the physical sense, they protect our lives and our honour. Likewise it is up to the state to protect people's Islam from these types of groups. Losing your life is nothing is comparison and I don't say that without thought. You die and you will be resurrected one day and if you die a Muslim then you'll go heaven sooner or later. But lose your religion, then the hellfire is eternal.

Of course you shouldn't loot their shops or kill them in mobs. But should they be restricted by the government in what they can do in the country? Absolutely. Was this man punished justly for printing qadiani literature? Absolutely.

Lol I honestly doubt that unless a large number of south asian qadianis migrated there.

The Qadiani history is not a secret for anyone. It popped up during British rule in British India for a specific purpose. That is obviously not a coincidence. The founder had unswaying loyalty towards the colonialists. He was basically an asset of the colonial rulers.

Of course we won't accept Qadiani belief system as part of Islam. When you challange the finality of the prophet PBUH you challange the spirit and essence of Islam. The white man has every stake in helping any sect that challanges the fabric of Islam. Be it Qadiani or any other group.
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