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Pakistani qadiani met Trump

LOL For Trump and his supporters a Qadiani is like a Mexican.

worse than Mexicans, he hate Muslims more than Latino people .. and once he knows that these Qadiyanis believe Mirza Gulam Ahmad is a Jesus incarnate , he will hate them more .. and wont even listen to their pleas .
worse than Mexicans, he hate Muslims more than Latino people .. and once he knows that these Qadiyanis believe Mirza Gulam Ahmad is a Jesus incarnate , he will hate them more .. and wont even listen to their pleas .

Na I doubt he will. Trumps own son in law is a jew and those guys hate Isa (as). American christians are just meh, they don't defend prophets like Muslims do.
worse than Mexicans, he hate Muslims more than Latino people .. and once he knows that these Qadiyanis believe Mirza Gulam Ahmad is a Jesus incarnate , he will hate them more .. and wont even listen to their pleas .

It is the same old white man's trick. It never gets old. Divide and rule. They did it during the colonial rule. They are doing it again today.

The white ordinary man couldn't distinguish a Qadiani from a bushman. A Qadiani is as alien to him as the native American savage. It is the intellectuals who form opinion and play the divide and conquer game.

Na I doubt he will. Trumps own son in law is a jew and those guys hate Isa (as). American christians are just meh, they don't defend prophets like Muslims do.

The Christians do defend their prophet Jesus, but the Zionist has infiltrated their church very effectively. The Orthodox evangelicals are brainwashed into believing how both Judaism and Christianity share hate against Islam. How both are similar and how Islam is evil and different. In reality Islam, Christianity and Judiasm share a lot. This is very logical since all three belong to the Abrahamic branch.

Look it up on YT. Listen carefully to their words. It is cunning, deceiving and hateful. The Zionists have played it quite effectively after Hitler was almost done with them.
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Na I doubt he will. Trumps own son in law is a jew and those guys hate Isa (as). American christians are just meh, they don't defend prophets like Muslims do.

Dude, White Supremacists don't even accept a Middle eastern Jesus , for them Jesus was White , blue eyes and Blonde hairs, now I challenge you and entire Qadiyani community , go to Southern Parts of America with Mirza Qadiyani pic and preach to those Americans that he is Jesus return and see the response :D
How do you know its true when you are not living in Pakistan ? Do you even know what is the problem here ? What Qadyani wants ? Why they were declared Non Muslims to begin with ? Why they were attacked ?

Yes I do but please enlighten us.
Dude, White Supremacists don't even accept a Middle eastern Jesus , for them Jesus was White , blue eyes and Blonde hairs, now I challenge you and entire Qadiyani community , go to Southern Parts of America with Mirza Qadiyani pic and preach to those Americans that he is Jesus return and see the response :D

Haha the qadianis can take up the challenge, ill just watch with you guys.
Commercial names are trademarked; religions are not. There is no problem if religion is kept where it belongs - in the personal domain, and not for monetary or other gains.

Having said the above, I do not wish to violate PDF rules by engaging in religious debate, least of all with a mod! :D
Yes, its best we do not start turning this into a debate regarding religion. I have seen them going wild pretty quickly. However while commercial names and trade marks are two different things, the people who ASSOCIATE themselves with a religion and introduce themselves with that religion feel the same way as a commercial company will feel if their name is being used. It is common sense. If someone will stand and start saying things that are against the very basic beliefs of Islam and call himself Muslim, that will become a problem. He call himself anything else and that is his own problem, however distorting the religion will never go well with the followers. Common sense i would say.

I am willing to listen to an argument or any claim but in this case I am just questioning the timing
I knew something will happen just before Imran's visit

the remark by US administration 2 weeks ago that it doesnt know about Imran visit
Kabul blaming Pakistan for Thursday attack
India to blame for any attack in occupied Kashmir or mainland India
and this religious persecution complaint

just to keep Pakistani delegation under siege and put so many claims, blames and accusations on it that it forgets about seeking any concessions any rewards or any fair deal for its side and ends up explaining itself in front of premade hostile media

it will be a rocky visit
Agreed. However its not surprising really. Hurdles will surely be put in way of any possible improvement of relations.
What a drama queen this old man is seriously ..........

Whining about 1974 in front of an American president in 2019. And he didn't even realise that if he had left it for God then why his meager pathetic soul is complaining in front of a president like trump. Hypocrites don't grow horns they look like normal humans.

And he finishes with "God bless you trump and grant you a long life" .........

Qadiyanis can practice and should practice their own religion, but should drop this hypocrisy. I haven't seen any people who are so ashamed of accepting their original identity, are you cowards?

The charge sheet against Mr. Ghulam Ahmed Mirza is simple.

1. No messenger, no prophet and no prophet messenger claimed Messenger-ship / Prophet hood in stages, all of them came out declaring straight forward that they are Messengers, Prophets and prophet messengers. Unlike Mr Ghulam Ahmed none of them gradually promoted themselves to prophet hood.

2. If Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza claims to be a prophet then all of the prophets and messengers were given divine books and instructions, where is that divine book? Moses informed about coming of Jesus and Muhammad Peace be upon him, Jesus informed about coming of Muhammad Peace be upon him ...... did Muhammad Peace be upon him inform about coming of a Qadiyani Prophet? Where is the proof? ....... if Khatim for Qadiyanis means stamp then where is the proof of that stamp ......... and if Khatim means seal ...... then how come Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza claim prophethood and remain a Muslim a follower of Muhammad Peace be upon him. Why the educated minds don't question ....... the need for coming of this Qadiyani prophet if Quran is the final complete revelation for all times.

3. If Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza claims to be a Mehdi ... that is a fictional character, there is no Mehdi coming and that makes him a liar a believer of fairy tales and a person of unsound mind. If he claims to be reincarnated Jesus, Jesus died a normal death like any other human, he is not coming back (read Quran), and even if I accept the traditional (more of Christianity belief) of coming back of Jesus ......... Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza fails that test too.

4. And so if he never claimed prophet hood, but he successfully divided the Muslims, formed a new sect. Sectarianism in Quran is at par with making partners with ALLAH. He declared himself a loyal subject of Queen .... and so is this old man following footsteps of his spiritual leader or prophet or whatever he thinks of Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza.

And for goodness sake stop calling yourselves Ahmedis ....... the name is Ghulam Ahmed Mirza, the appropriate name in your case would be Ghulami not Ahmedi.
What a drama queen this old man is seriously ..........

Whining about 1974 in front of an American president in 2019. And he didn't even realise that if he had left it for God then why his meager pathetic soul is complaining in front of a president like trump. Hypocrites don't grow horns they look like normal humans.

And he finishes with "God bless you trump and grant you a long life" .........

Qadiyanis can practice and should practice their own religion, but should drop this hypocrisy. I haven't seen any people who are so ashamed of accepting their original identity, are you cowards?

The charge sheet against Mr. Ghulam Ahmed Mirza is simple.

1. No messenger, no prophet and no prophet messenger claimed Messenger-ship / Prophet hood in stages, all of them came out declaring straight forward that they are Messengers, Prophets and prophet messengers. Unlike Mr Ghulam Ahmed none of them gradually promoted themselves to prophet hood.

2. If Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza claims to be a prophet then all of the prophets and messengers were given divine books and instructions, where is that divine book? Moses informed about coming of Jesus and Muhammad Peace be upon him, Jesus informed about coming of Muhammad Peace be upon him ...... did Muhammad Peace be upon him inform about coming of a Qadiyani Prophet? Where is the proof? ....... if Khatim for Qadiyanis means stamp then where is the proof of that stamp ......... and if Khatim means seal ...... then how come Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza claim prophethood and remain a Muslim a follower of Muhammad Peace be upon him. Why the educated minds don't question ....... the need for coming of this Qadiyani prophet if Quran is the final complete revelation for all times.

3. If Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza claims to be a Mehdi ... that is a fictional character, there is no Mehdi coming and that makes him a liar a believer of fairy tales and a person of unsound mind. If he claims to be reincarnated Jesus, Jesus died a normal death like any other human, he is not coming back (read Quran), and even if I accept the traditional (more of Christianity belief) of coming back of Jesus ......... Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza fails that test too.

4. And so if he never claimed prophet hood, but he successfully divided the Muslims, formed a new sect. Sectarianism in Quran is at par with making partners with ALLAH. He declared himself a loyal subject of Queen .... and so is this old man following footsteps of his spiritual leader or prophet or whatever he thinks of Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza.

And for goodness sake stop calling yourselves Ahmedis ....... the name is Ghulam Ahmed Mirza, the appropriate name in your case would be Ghulami not Ahmedi.

This is a law and order issue not a religious issue.

What Trump understood was that Scientologists are milking billions and billions of Rupees from Pakistanis from all of this PR drama.
My constitution is Quran ......... its a simple matter of understanding. Their persecution based on their beliefs is wrong and should stop.

What persecution is everyone talking about? I do not get it. If Pakistan legislates to govern the people fairly it is treated as some form of persecution by one group or another. This blackmail needs to end
What persecution is everyone talking about? I do not get it. If Pakistan legislates to govern the people fairly it is treated as some form of persecution by one group or another. This blackmail needs to end

Pakistanis are a bunch of idiots, specially the mullahs. You don't need violence to answer and question every stupidity. Qadiyanis were Pakistanis, once they were declared non Muslims by state the matter should have ended ......... the tom dick and harry in every neighborhood didn't need to check the nuniz to confirm Muslim hood of any other citizen. It is their mehrbani that what should have remained within the bounds of Pakistan / india has spread to Africa, UK, Europe and Israel. Riots happened and killings happened too.
Pakistanis are a bunch of idiots, specially the mullahs. You don't need violence to answer and question every stupidity. Qadiyanis were Pakistanis, once they were declared non Muslims by state the matter should have ended ......... the tom dick and harry in every neighborhood didn't need to check the nuniz to confirm Muslim hood of any other citizen. It is their mehrbani that what should have remained within the bounds of Pakistan / india has spread to Africa, UK, Europe and Israel. Riots happened and killings happened too.

The matter has been settled by the State. It is a different issue that it keeps itself politically alive through one way or another by politicians who see short term political gains by flaring up these old forgotten issues.
Pakistanis are not out for blood of any minority nor the state has any interest in picking and choosing from its populace.
The matter has been settled by the State. It is a different issue that it keeps itself politically alive through one way or another by politicians who see short term political gains by flaring up these old forgotten issues.
Pakistanis are not out for blood of any minority nor the state has any interest in picking and choosing from its populace.

Pakistani Politicians have only one religion ........... exploit, loot and plunder.

Pakistani awam are a herd of sheep ........ you say meh and they will respond with meh meh meh ........

TTP was a reality my dear.
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