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Pakistani qadiani met Trump

yes, so that their claims become legit. Indian muslims get lynched for eating/carrying beef, don't see them asking for asylum because of religious persecution.
what a thoughtless reply
why would anyone be persecuted in Pakistan in the first place?
its against the teaching of our faith and the foundations of our our country where Jinnah promised freedom and life without fear.

Trump is likely thinking why he isnt going back from where he came from, doesnt look interested at all.
yea he was visibily bored and disinterested
that person was a plant
and the timing is suspicious

I am in no way discrediting or questioning the genuine grievances of this community. they are the Dalits of Pakistan.

The President should be open to hearing views from all walks of life, as he leads a diverse country. Is there a problem here? Every person is entitled to his/her view and beliefs, equally, and to express them.
timing is suspicious.
The President should be open to hearing views from all walks of life, as he leads a diverse country. Is there a problem here?
No problem in the meeting as far as i can see.

Every person is entitled to his/her view and beliefs, equally, and to express them.
But just as you cannot introduce a cold drink in market today and name it Pepsi, naming ones own beliefs same as another different religion and claiming to be part of that religion when one is not is what is creating the problem.
what a thoughtless reply
why would anyone be persecuted in Pakistan in the first place?
its against the teaching of our faith and the foundations of our our country where Jinnah promised freedom and life without fear.

Claim = We are persecuted in Pakistan
Reality = They are not persecuted in Pakistan
Argument = So you'd rather they seek asylum after you lynch them?
Counter Argument = Yes, the claim should be made on truth/facts. India muslims who we have seen legitimate cases of mob lynchings don't go around the world seeking asylum based on religious persecution.

I personally don't want any persecution in Pakistan against minorities but first they have to accept they are a minority and they accept the constitution of Pakistan. Also when some one is claiming that they 'as community' are getting persecuted in Pakistan then we should at-least demand evidence for their claims.

grievances of this community. they are the Dalits of Pakistan.

You should visit Rabwa some time and see how dalits live. Wrong analogy. If Pakistani hindus were making the claim I wouldn't doubt about their condition. But not this community, they quite wealth and well settled, inside and outside Pakistan.
Claim = We are persecuted in Pakistan
Reality = They are not persecuted in Pakistan
Argument = So you'd rather they seek asylum after you lynch them?
Counter Argument = Yes, the claim should be made on truth/facts. India muslims who we have seen legitimate cases of mob lynchings don't go around the world seeking asylum based on religious persecution.

I personally don't want any persecution in Pakistan against minorities but first they have to accept they are a minority and they accept the constitution of Pakistan. Also when some one is claiming that they 'as community' are getting persecuted in Pakistan then we should at-least demand evidence for their claims.

You should visit Rabwa some time and see how dalits live. Wrong analogy. If Pakistani hindus were making the claim I wouldn't doubt about their condition. But not this community, they quite wealth and well settled, inside and outside Pakistan.
bless your heart

I met an Indian Muslim from Gujrat. he claims that Muslims are better off in India and much better than Pakistan and there is no issue.
I said to him

bless your heart

No problem in the meeting as far as i can see.

But just as you cannot introduce a cold drink in market today and name it Pepsi, naming ones own beliefs same as another different religion and claiming to be part of that religion when one is not is what is creating the problem.
I am willing to listen to an argument or any claim but in this case I am just questioning the timing
I knew something will happen just before Imran's visit

the remark by US administration 2 weeks ago that it doesnt know about Imran visit
Kabul blaming Pakistan for Thursday attack
India to blame for any attack in occupied Kashmir or mainland India
and this religious persecution complaint

just to keep Pakistani delegation under siege and put so many claims, blames and accusations on it that it forgets about seeking any concessions any rewards or any fair deal for its side and ends up explaining itself in front of premade hostile media

it will be a rocky visit
bless your heart

I met an Indian Muslim from Gujrat. he claims that Muslims are better off in India and much better than Pakistan and there is no issue.
I said to him

bless your heart

More than 200 million population, you think I am assuming every muslim is getting lynched in India? What I am saying is that Indian muslim can bring out the card of religious persecution but they do not.

Tell me the last time some one lynched an Ahmedi? Yet we see comments like 'they are treated worse than dalits'. Or Ahmedi living in Pakistan is like living in hell. ffs all they have to do is follow the constitution, and all their rights are guaranteed by the constitution. How hard is it to not follow the law?
bless your heart

I met an Indian Muslim from Gujrat. he claims that Muslims are better off in India and much better than Pakistan and there is no issue.
I said to him

bless your heart

I am willing to listen to an argument or any claim but in this case I am just questioning the timing
I knew something will happen just before Imran's visit

the remark by US administration 2 weeks ago that it doesnt know about Imran visit
Kabul blaming Pakistan for Thursday attack
India to blame for any attack in occupied Kashmir or mainland India
and this religious persecution complaint

just to keep Pakistani delegation under siege and put so many claims, blames and accusations on it that it forgets about seeking any concessions any rewards or any fair deal for its side and ends up explaining itself in front of premade hostile media

it will be a rocky visit

All planed as nothing new to be surprised. We all know as how many anti-Pakistan diplomatic forces are out there especially active in D.C. The recent episodes of Indian failures in Pulwama Blame to 27th Feb, BLA being declared terrorist outfit and Pakistan role in Afghanistan peace being widely acknowledged, Indian defeat in ICJ Pakistan strengthening foreign relations including Russia on top; have actually gave enough panic to the adversary. The timing here is important and subject is of no surprise. Not just that Qadyani is meeting Trump to malign Pakistan but we heard about Afghanis gathering in front of White House under the disguise of PTM to protest as well.

So, it is the clear case of Hostile plan to weaken our visit, create a pressure so that instead of any advantageous achievement, the delegation may put under pressure which left nothing else to discuss but defend and come back. That Qadyani can chose any day to say such, although been doing so from sometime but this time, event, occasion & timing is perfect mix of anti Pakistan propaganda.
Timing is so bloody convenient, just before PM of Pakistan is on a very important bilateral visit.

And then these people bloody moan why 220 millions Pakistanis look at the them with suspicion.
This is what the constitution has to say to them: keep your head down like good dog, and I will let you rummage through my leftovers.


They see us as non-muslim, we see them as non-mulsim. We being in a majority have solidified the definition of being a Muslim. Sorry but you might think that our constitution sees them as a dog, but I have to disagree with that. Neither I, nor our constitution sees them as a dog. They are human and they have rights under Pakistani law, but for that they have to follow the law. No one is above the law and if by following the country's law one becomes a dog according to you then we all are dogs. Some are dogs of England, some are of US, some are of India..... Law has to be followed.

They see us as non-muslim, we see them as non-mulsim. We being in a majority have solidified the definition of being a Muslim. Sorry but you might think that our constitution sees them as a dog, but I have to disagree with that. Neither I, nor our constitution sees them as a dog. They are human and they have rights under Pakistani law, but for that they have to follow the law. No one is above the law and if by following the country's law one becomes a dog according to you then we all are dogs. Some are dogs of England, some are of US, some are of India..... Law has to be followed.
To abide by a tyrannical law, which taxes the invidual without due representation in the upper echelons of government, is morally reprehensible. People are obliged by justice to resist such laws.
Yup, its an issue. Some even go so down as calling themselves homosexuals or even convert to Christianity and then contact the Church to help them out with asylum process. Gives such a bad name, but Ahmedi's have much easier path, 1st of all their community is quite strong outside Pakistan, don't know about Britain but in Germany its really strong. Agar koi jugar na lagay then they go for the asylum route. They are really strong financially even in Pakistan. I don't particularly have problem with that or their unity, but what I have issue is that they don't declare what they are in Pakistan and lie about it almost all the time.

Qadianis receive preferential assistance from the West. There is no doubt about that.

The West isn't helping them due to charity or persecution. They are helping them to sow further divide. It is in the Western interest to help out groups that have controversial demands.

We need to be smart. We won't accept the Qadianis as Muslims because they are not Muslims. The Qadianis defy basic tenants of Islam.

We should simply allow Qadianis to practice their own Qadiani faith.
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which taxes the invidual without due representation in the upper echelons of government

Their choice, we do have minority seats you know. But if they don't want to be in minority then its not our fault. And about representation, its the way that community operates. For years, people have been confused on who is Ahmedi and who isn't in the government. Till this day people think of Musharrafs wife to be an Ahmedi. It's the deception that has made people of Pakistan much more attentive anything related to them.

People are obliged by justice to resist such laws.

Well then they shouldn't cry when law gets 'em. Btw, what TLP point of view is to enforce the law, till now we haven't been forcing the law. When the day comes that the law is properly enforced, jails would be flooded, not because they are Ahmedi's but because of forgery/deception and not following the law.
The old man in the video is over 80 years old I think, he was arrested and put in prison for selling books related to Ahmadiyya community. This was his crime, for selling books which hold different views then mainstream ones. The Pakistani state by its constitution discriminates against its Non Muslims/Minority population, so don't be surprised when minorities want to flee Pakistan.

Also to the Mullah brigade on this forum both the one with the beard and the clean shaved hidden jihadis, you clowns can go and build your mosques around the world, preach your version of Islam in Non Muslim countries but have a problem when minorities want the same rights in your country? This is not Jinnah's Pakistan, If Jinnah was alive he would have been declared kafir long ago and most of you would blindly follow these hateful mullahs.

It is wrong to have arrested the old man. The Qadianis should be allowed to practice their own faith. Anyone who instigates violence against Qadianis needs to be locked up. The Qadiani community should fully participate in Pak society like other minority groups.

At the same time Qadiani demand to accept them as mainstream Muslims cannot be entertained. Simply because Qadiani faith breaks basic rules of Islam. There is no prophet after the final prophet (PBUH).

Also this timing is important. This meeting between Trump and the Qadiani man happened by design. The Americans are sending a message here.

Imran Khan is due to meet Trump. This is a message to Imran Khan that the US leadership and media is in a hostile mood.

Imran Khan needs to be smart and quite direct during his US tour. He needs to be sharp and fight US rhetoric with extreme care and vigiliance. This is not a normal diplomatic visit. This is diplomatic war.

The Americans want something from us, but on their terms and conditions. We also want something from the Americans, but on our terms and conditions. We must not cave in. Imran Khan needs to prepare, look them straight in the eye and convey the message.
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We need to be smart. We won't accept the Qadianis as Muslimd because they are not Muslims. The Qadianis defy basic tenants of Islam.

This is the issue here, this is what we accept, but they don't.

I am all aboard on for the following.

We should simply allow Qadianis to practice their own Qadiani faith.

But the issue is that they don't want to declare themselves as a separate religion. On one hand they say that they want to be called muslims on other hand they think all of us as non-Muslims and when we tell them that they have to declare themselves as Ahmedi's for identification they cry about persecution.
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