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Pakistani qadiani met Trump

This qadyani man in video with trump is spreading disinformation about Pakistan and I think he was backed by raw and other agencies otherwise no ordinary man can meet with trump like president .That is why blasphemer should be hanged and killed if they are allowed to go to foreign western countries they become propaganda tool against our country and inflict more damage to national interests and it could be easily avoided by killing such people .In future asia bibi and many others of bhensa group will do the same .All this is result of failure of our judiciary and establishment who free them by taking dollars from west but these enemies cause much bigger damage than small benefit which our govt take by getting few dollars from the west.Qadyanis are enemy of Islam and Pakistan from the beginning and want to create akhand bharat .This qadyani religion is made by british to cause damage to Islam and to trap simple Muslims with no knowledge to move away from Islam so that Islam no more remain in its pure form

u sound like rests of these idiots. ya just kill every one who dont share same opinion until we have obedient robots.
if someone is defaming Pakistan those who are ignoring such threats are idiot .If you look at video a man speaking in english speak before this qadiyani man who speak in urdu similar words after him which shows this was just propaganda and conspiracy to defame us and is a part of 5gen information warfare
u sound like rests of these idiots. ya just kill every one who dont share same opinion until we have obedient robots.
if someone is defaming Pakistan those who are ignoring such threats are idiot .If you look at video a man speaking in english speak before this qadiyani man who speak in urdu similar words after him which shows this was just propaganda and conspiracy to defame us and is a part of 5gen information warfare

ok let them bark all what you can do is prove them wrong. but execution is NOT a solution!
@Zibago Tries his best to introduce TLP into the Mix but somehow you dont give them credit.

i know the answer. dont worry.

Kahan kahan jakar teer chalaogay shane bhai?
Just doing my best to sar e am all lowkey sleeper cells :-)

It’s going to be declared a Red zone...

Also IK & PTI are already chums with Qadyanis Since day 1.

Search YouTube and you will see numerous photos and videos of meetings between IK / PTI members with Qadyanis .... and these ppl will make Riasat e Madina
Youtube videos yeah sure thing buddy you keep telling yourself that

You and I have different views on this subject, brother.

When I saw Imran Khan quote Dr. Israr Ahmad, that was when I knew 100% this is our genuine leader and the one to put the nooses on our corrupts.

Today I am glad to see N and PPP on the run.
He is a TLP supporter
do u know the translator ................... son of salman taseer (jahami)

The old man in the video is over 80 years old I think, he was arrested and put in prison for selling books related to Ahmadiyya community. This was his crime, for selling books which hold different views then mainstream ones. The Pakistani state by its constitution discriminates against its Non Muslims/Minority population, so don't be surprised when minorities want to flee Pakistan.

Also to the Mullah brigade on this forum both the one with the beard and the clean shaved hidden jihadis, you clowns can go and build your mosques around the world, preach your version of Islam in Non Muslim countries but have a problem when minorities want the same rights in your country? This is not Jinnah's Pakistan, If Jinnah was alive he would have been declared kafir long ago and most of you would blindly follow these hateful mullahs.
Pakistan does not have an issue with any religion but Qadianism cannot be accepted as a part of Islam and followers of this belief cannot be recognized as Muslims.

And if given official recognition, people will openly rebel against Islam and its teachings. How is this fair to status of Islam in Pakistan? Ponder over this.
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These guys and the quilliam types cause nothing but damage to Pakistan and Muslims.

They ask to be left in peace so everyone leaves them in peace, then they run round the world kissing colonialist a%&. The west would love us all to be weak and subservient like these stooges. Reminds me of the militant feminist movement that wants men to not be men.
Qadiyani was created by the British. His first major work for his masters was to declare jihad illegal...one thing that the Britisher rats feared the most.
Acts of Pakistan, as a state and society, against Qadianis, whether in accordance with the Pakistan's law or beyond it, are used internationally, to malign Pakistan. This aspect needs serious pondering.
Acts of Pakistan, as a state and society, against Qadianis, whether in accordance with the Pakistan's law or beyond it, are used internationally, to malign Pakistan. This aspect needs serious pondering.

Who cares international community sa kahen Karlo Jo Kar saktay ho our country our rules nahi to Azad mulk ka faida
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