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Pakistani qadiani met Trump

Pakistani Politicians have only one religion ........... exploit, loot and plunder.

Pakistani awam are a herd of sheep ........ you say meh and they will respond with meh meh meh ........

TTP was a reality my dear.

Present a solution dated 22.07.2019 not in 1973 or 1974. We do not have a time machine
Present a solution dated 22.07.2019 not in 1973 or 1974. We do not have a time machine

I already posted my charge sheet against Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza. Ask any of our Qadiyani friends here to answer that with valid arguments ......... by the way I never got an answer.
I already posted my charge sheet against Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza. Ask any of our Qadiyani friends here to answer that with valid arguments ......... by the way I never got an answer.

because they would come and say religious discussion is not allowed. we cannot tackle this as some issue of ijtehaad or something.

we have a law and order problem which we cannot solve without being propagated against for religious discrimination and racial discrimination.
Present a solution dated 22.07.2019 not in 1973 or 1974. We do not have a time machine

No solution is needed because there isn't any problem all such type of problems exist only in the brains of Desi liberals
No solution is needed because there isn't any problem all such type of problems exist only in the brains of Desi liberals

The problem for the GoP is two folds.

If they start crackdown against human trafficking(smuggling in general too) or money laundering, minority oppression card will be played, racial and religious in color.

It is what it is. This is used as blackmail by politicians and neighbouring states to further their agenda regarding crippling Pakistan into submission.
Yes, its best we do not start turning this into a debate regarding religion. I have seen them going wild pretty quickly. However while commercial names and trade marks are two different things, the people who ASSOCIATE themselves with a religion and introduce themselves with that religion feel the same way as a commercial company will feel if their name is being used. It is common sense. If someone will stand and start saying things that are against the very basic beliefs of Islam and call himself Muslim, that will become a problem. He call himself anything else and that is his own problem, however distorting the religion will never go well with the followers. Common sense i would say.

Religious discussion aside, the basic issue here seems to be how to best manage what the Constitution says in this regard versus the actual provision of equal rights under the law for all citizens of Pakistan.
Religious discussion aside, the basic issue here seems to be how to best manage what the Constitution says in this regard versus the actual provision of equal rights under the law for all citizens of Pakistan.
Constitution covers rights of minorities. They have liberty to practice their own religion. Just don't call it Islam. :)
No solution is needed because there isn't any problem all such type of problems exist only in the brains of Desi liberals

Nahh, there is a problem and the problem is deception/lying. These guys are hidden within important government positions. So much so that the common man is always second guessing whether the X person is a qaidiani or he isn't. I am not against them having a representation in GoP but they have to come out and say who they really are instead of disguising themselves. Law has to be implemented, the constitution had made it clear the definition of a Muslim.
Constitution covers rights of minorities. They have liberty to practice their own religion. Just don't call it Islam. :)

That is correct, but that is not how it is in real life, and it is this dichotomy is what others try to take advantage of against Pakistan.
That is correct, but that is not how it is in real life, and it is this dichotomy is what others try to take advantage of against Pakistan.
Agreed, people will exploit this weakness.

Even though the problem is NOT with implementation of rules regarding rights of minorities in particular but it is about the implementation of rules and law in general. Majority and minority!! However this weakness will always be exploited and we should not complaint about it as long as we go not get our own house in order.
What a drama queen this old man is seriously ..........

Whining about 1974 in front of an American president in 2019. And he didn't even realise that if he had left it for God then why his meager pathetic soul is complaining in front of a president like trump. Hypocrites don't grow horns they look like normal humans.

And he finishes with "God bless you trump and grant you a long life" .........

Qadiyanis can practice and should practice their own religion, but should drop this hypocrisy. I haven't seen any people who are so ashamed of accepting their original identity, are you cowards?

The charge sheet against Mr. Ghulam Ahmed Mirza is simple.

1. No messenger, no prophet and no prophet messenger claimed Messenger-ship / Prophet hood in stages, all of them came out declaring straight forward that they are Messengers, Prophets and prophet messengers. Unlike Mr Ghulam Ahmed none of them gradually promoted themselves to prophet hood.

2. If Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza claims to be a prophet then all of the prophets and messengers were given divine books and instructions, where is that divine book? Moses informed about coming of Jesus and Muhammad Peace be upon him, Jesus informed about coming of Muhammad Peace be upon him ...... did Muhammad Peace be upon him inform about coming of a Qadiyani Prophet? Where is the proof? ....... if Khatim for Qadiyanis means stamp then where is the proof of that stamp ......... and if Khatim means seal ...... then how come Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza claim prophethood and remain a Muslim a follower of Muhammad Peace be upon him. Why the educated minds don't question ....... the need for coming of this Qadiyani prophet if Quran is the final complete revelation for all times.

3. If Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza claims to be a Mehdi ... that is a fictional character, there is no Mehdi coming and that makes him a liar a believer of fairy tales and a person of unsound mind. If he claims to be reincarnated Jesus, Jesus died a normal death like any other human, he is not coming back (read Quran), and even if I accept the traditional (more of Christianity belief) of coming back of Jesus ......... Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza fails that test too.

4. And so if he never claimed prophet hood, but he successfully divided the Muslims, formed a new sect. Sectarianism in Quran is at par with making partners with ALLAH. He declared himself a loyal subject of Queen .... and so is this old man following footsteps of his spiritual leader or prophet or whatever he thinks of Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza.

And for goodness sake stop calling yourselves Ahmedis ....... the name is Ghulam Ahmed Mirza, the appropriate name in your case would be Ghulami not Ahmedi.
They are scared to openly identify
Just like muslims are in india
Or post 911 in America

For non Muslims there's different job qouta and to get Muslims jobs they pretend to be muslims
Question was why scared
And why overplay victimhood
For neutral
Victim always exaggerates
For a sympathiser
The narration is still not enough


poor and weak regardless of faith face persecution discrimination and injustice

So Ahmedi claims shouldnt shock us who are lucky to be born in correct faith and income group in Pakistan
You lunch them, persecute them in your country and then expect them to be silent about it and just die.
Agreed, people will exploit this weakness.

Even though the problem is NOT with implementation of rules regarding rights of minorities in particular but it is about the implementation of rules and law in general. Majority and minority!! However this weakness will always be exploited and we should not complaint about it as long as we go not get our own house in order.

The root weakness remains the answer to this question: Should the State have the right to define the religion of its citizens by force of law?
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