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Pakistani qadiani met Trump

grand conspiracy that from Argentina to Samoa Islands everyone is out to get Pakistan.

That's what cracks me up. There are more Ahmadis in Africa than in Pakistan. But these retards think themselves special that they invent conspiracy theories to make themselves believe everyone is out to get to them. Have they never wondered why it's only Pakistani Ahmadis, or Pakistani expat Ahmadis that come out in the media to condemn their actions in persecuting Pakistani Ahmadis, and not some Ghanian or Nigerian Ahmadi?
Don't play games with me old man, you know exactly what I mean. Now if you think Ahmadis deserve to be persecuted then you deserve to humiliated in international arena. It's not the minorities of Pakistan that are giving Pakistan a bad name, its your kind and your inability to think beyond religion. Its your choice really, either accept that Pakistan has serious problems when it comes to treating its minorities or continue to believe in the likes of Orya ''bakwas'' Jan in some grand conspiracy that from Argentina to Samoa Islands everyone is out to get Pakistan.

Go to Every Oreo thread and see my comment.

Please just tell me where is the constitutional persecution. Otherwise anyone can claim one sort of victimization or another in 3rd world countries.

You say Pakistan persecutes you religiously which is different from what Sikh Hindu Jain Bhuddist or Bahai would say
I know but that does not make it right. If India made laws to screw Muslims would the argumant "it's Indian law' be justified??

India has a rising intolerance due to its right wing government but the constitution of India does guarantee religious freedom and Indian Muslims are citizens of the country able to vote, access education and health. The condition of Indian Muslims cannot be compared with state sponsored persecution of Rohingiyya Muslims in Burma, Ahmadis in Pakistan or Bahais in Iran.
Leaving asides 'that community have you ever heard news about the Hazara Shia genocide in Quetta. No?

and still they did not go ranting to any external forces rather they complained to the govt which was their right and we all stood with them and we demanded they should be provided highest security and we condemned the attacks by the terrorist against them.

While this old satan is complaining to his master that his community is not allowed to pose as Muslims in Pakistan... what a ridiculous demand.
Well, he was propagating material disguised as muslim texts, which it isn't under the constitution of Pakistan.
Nopes, no one really cares about his views. The issue is the guy was going against the constitution of Pakistan.

The Pakistani constitution has no right to single out one particular sect and call it kafir, when in reality, fatwas of kufr are declared on each and every sect within Islam, by a different sect. Now, you will come out and say it was ijma of the ummah. In that case, why are Ahmadis still considered Muslims in around 50 other Muslim countries by the respective states?

Here you literally wrote non-muslim, so now please do quote how are Pakistani non muslims discriminated by Pakistan's constitution. Sure a non muslim can not be a Prime minister but other than that what else?

Here the main issue is, Ahmediya's are declared non-Muslim under the constitution of Pakistan, yet they call themselves muslim and lie in their identity documents(which is against the law). If constitution was properly enforced jail cells would be flooded.

You are a funny guy. The highest leadership offices of the country are pretty much disallowed to anyone who doesn't profess a particular religion.

Even when Ahmadis moved the Sharia court to allow us to worship as we like, as it was what was prescribed to us in our "religion", your mullahs had a problem. Don't even know what you guys want from Ahmadis anymore to be honest. Can't even agree on a particular brand of Islam yourself but want me to give up what I have.

Pehlay khud "ijma" kerke ek asl Islam dhund lo, phir dawah dena.
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Neither a mullah nor a clean shaved jihadi btw.

Well, he was propagating material disguised as muslim texts, which it isn't under the constitution of Pakistan.

Nopes, no one really cares about his views. The issue is the guy was going against the constitution of Pakistan.

Here you literally wrote non-muslim, so now please do quote how are Pakistani non muslims discriminated by Pakistan's constitution. Sure a non muslim can not be a Prime minister but other than that what else?

Here the main issue is, Ahmediya's are declared non-Muslim under the constitution of Pakistan, yet they call themselves muslim and lie in their identity documents(which is against the law). If constitution was properly enforced jail cells would be flooded.

Stop bullshitting mate, Pakistan is terrible when it comes to treating its minorities, the only way Pakistan can join the civilised world is by defeating extremism through education and becoming a secular democracy.
Stop bullshitting mate, Pakistan is terrible when it comes to treating its minorities, the only way Pakistan can join the civilised world is by defeating extremism through education and becoming a secular democracy.

You can advocate for it peacefully and politically.

Maligning the State till you get what you want is considered blackmail.
At this moment Pakistani citizens of every religion, province, caste, creed including Qadianis are fighting for Pakistan in every field and even the battle field.

Let's not please generalise any community, we are one nation.

you want to share this Enthusiasmus in that other thread where they are claiming religious persecution akin to genocide and saying pakistani State deserves the bad rapport.

would be awesome if you take your Soft Power there too.

you want to share this Enthusiasmus in that other thread where they are claiming religious persecution akin to genocide and saying pakistani State deserves the bad rapport.

would be awesome if you take your Soft Power there too.


after a long time i actually agree with your posts :D
you want to share this Enthusiasmus in that other thread where they are claiming religious persecution akin to genocide and saying pakistani State deserves the bad rapport.

would be awesome if you take your Soft Power there too.


No one said it was a genocide. Don't be a drama queen. Thori himmat rakho. Religious persecution? Yes, most certainly.

What the other guy said was Pakistan gets bad rep because of the way it treats its minorities. And I agree, if you think not, then that is simply your opinion.
No one said it was a genocide. Don't be a drama queen. Thori himmat rakho. Religious persecution? Yes, most certainly.

What the other guy said was Pakistan gets bad rep because of the way it treats its minorities. And I agree, if you think not, then that is simply your opinion.

his posts are there and post history of every individual is there as evidence enough.

you carry a religious bias against Pakistan.

Sikhs Hindus Jains Bhuddists do not claim persecution on State level.

I would not overreact if the choice of words would be appropriate.

You are a protected minority. do not Abuse your rights in such level

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