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Pakistani flags in three places in Assam..wake up India

:) You are welcome.

Sir see the point was always that India was never an organized country rather a land where everyone has own rule. Its still applies to India many states only the nizams, mahrajas and matwalis have been changed to CMs and so on.

Plus the politics (democracy) which is so much presented as big achievment by India had always been based on religion and communal riots in India.

The Indian political parties have always been exploiting these points rather the Indian politics is based on religion instead of secular norms.

See its election time and few days back BJP claimed that ISI was pushing Bangladeshis ( i wish if he was right :P he would have seen the difference) into Assam under a planned conspiracy :) it also said that BJP will handel these people being sent by ISI. At the same time he said to Muslims in Assam that please dont worry, you need not to feel unsafe as BJP is there to protect them.

Now we can see what is going on there :agree:

No, India has always been/ is organised things may appear diff but there is a definite system in the madness. the law of the land is maintained, albeit slowly, the Judiciary, armed forces, legislature , bureaucracy.. all are in place, what else are indicators of a state ? No one has stepped into another's shoes.. no coups, no hanging of PMs,

The influence of religion in Politics may seem alien to u simply coz there is no other where u live . Democracy is easily the most significant achievement of India . something we have cherished & is paying dividends today. All along from the middle east to SE Asia, India stands out as the only sustained democracy & has remained so since independence ( with the possible exception of SL) .

Remember Mush saying that the rules & form of democracy (must) vary according to local conditions ( when he was trying to justify his ( sic) reelection)..well, this is the form & type we have evolved for ourselves in Indiaover 60 yrs.

Howsoever strange it may seem, rarely has the same Govt come back to power.. this alone is reason for it to perform or perish. BJP thought it was on pigs back but fell with a thud.

Politics is based on secular norms not religious as mentioned by you. Since we S Asians are clannish by nature, we tend to see things regionally first. In a way its good also, as leaders have to account for themselves regionally first ( ie. address the concerns of those who elected him..).

As regards Assam & NE is concerned, having lived there for a long time ( my work takes me there now also), what the BJP is saying is not entirely wrong .

I am sorry I have not been able to pen down the kind of reply u possibly were looking for..but having admitted to what I felt was wrong, I felt the 'rights' too needed to be highlighted.
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LOL, I think I smell something burning.

Watch Indians celebrating democracy. If this is your democracy then we rather not have any of it.:woot:
- Broadcast Yourself.[/url]

What'll u do wi our democracy ?

We change leaders thru the ballot not by storming the parliament.

We don't hang ppl ( Ex PM's ) on trumped up charges.

Our democracy is perennial not seasonal or enforced ( & grudged).
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Watch this, they are blaming ISI, sounds real funny, Just imagine Even if ISI was behind all this, WILL THEY TELL THEIR MEN TO HOIST PAKISTANI FLAG IN INDIA SO THAT ALL THEIR INVOLVEMENT is revealed?

Its not about Pakistani flags its about politics between Congress and BJP who want to win in these areas and want to make a permanent vote bank for themselves.

ISI or Pakistan are not Behind this incident, Indian politicians are Behind this incident so that they can a link Between HUJI, SIMI and ISI and they can target Muslims with full freedom
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The Pakistan flags were being waved by madarassa educated Bangladeshi illegal migrants, not the local population.

It goes well with the idea of an expanding "Greater Bangladesh", in conjunction with Pakistan, by flooding the surrounding regions with migrants till the demography is altered.

Why Pakistani flags and not BD ones if the ones waving them are BDs?
Throw them out to BD, and kill rest of them, this is only solution.......

How many will you kick out ?

How many will you kill ?

Why don't you look at the root cause behind all these, Even today many Christians are being killed and Govt is not taking any actions, If you start killing on these bases you would have to terminate more than 75 % of INDIA.
If u say Bengali's did this or who may ever did this, There is one thing i want to tell all PAKISTANIS, they hoisted these FLAGS NOT FOR THE LOVE OF PAKISTAN BUT BECAUSE OF THE HATRED FOR INDIA
If u say Bengali's did this or who may ever did this, There is one thing i want to tell all PAKISTANIS, they hoisted these FLAGS NOT FOR THE LOVE OF PAKISTAN BUT BECAUSE OF THE HATRED FOR INDIA

Just crap.... You do not understand Indian Muslims. Indian Muslims loves India and ready to give any Kurbani possible to save the nation. Every one know this work is not of Indian Muslims. There are only two possibilities 1) Bangladesh illegal immigrants or 2) Indian piliticians who are playing vote bank politics.

Next time think twice to comments against Indian Muslims.... We know in this whole world where every day and day out Muslims are getting killed...
How many will you kick out ?

How many will you kill ?

Why don't you look at the root cause behind all these, Even today many Christians are being killed and Govt is not taking any actions, If you start killing on these bases you would have to terminate more than 75 % of INDIA.

I said send back illegal immigrants, we do not need them, if they refuse take tough action against them. What wrong in this????

And who said Gov is not taking action?? till date 5 hindu's got killed in Police firing. Orissa gov is on verge of dismissal. You may hear news that Bajarang dal will be banned...

Though I can see new love for christians in our Pakistani friends.

Also in all non western countries, govs are some how against christian conversion. Do you know few days back China did not allow one Bishop to attend to catholic top meeting in west, they have is clear cut policy against christianity. I never heard any voice.....
Just crap.... You do not understand Indian Muslims. Indian Muslims loves India and ready to give any Kurbani possible to save the nation. Every one know this work is not of Indian Muslims. There are only two possibilities 1) Bangladesh illegal immigrants or 2) Indian piliticians who are playing vote bank politics.

Next time think twice to comments against Indian Muslims.... We know in this whole world where every day and day out Muslims are getting killed...

oh yes.. Indian muslim love affair is sooooooo much for india that..... buddy Kashmiris hate india, gujratis hate india, orassans hate india and oh.. here in south africa not a single indian decedent muslim likes india specially men, though some women do like and only the sari, dance, arts part... lol... and oh.lets say if pakistan and bangladesh were part of india "as many indans wish" you would have more then half your population of indians hating india..lol .. sharuk salman, bollywood pimps are not the idol muslims, so dont take them as example of how much Muslims love india.. ;)
oh yes.. Indian muslim love affair is sooooooo much for india that..... buddy Kashmiris hate india, gujratis hate india, orassans hate india and oh.. here in south africa not a single indian decedent muslim likes india specially men, though some women do like and only the sari, dance, arts part... lol... and oh.lets say if pakistan and bangladesh were part of india "as many indans wish" you would have more then half your population of indians hating india..lol .. sharuk salman, bollywood pimps are not the idol muslims, so dont take them as example of how much Muslims love india.. ;)

What Mr. ash means that out all the Muslims and Christians in India, majority does except India as there country and will fight for its freedom, but you always have few that create this racass. The few that do gets the headlines because that's what news does, they always report the bad before the good. This display of Pakistani flag is a point to create more anger, and the purpose was to create anger. That i might add is one great thing about India, atleast there is a freedom to wave some other countries flag and not get prosecuted. If this same senirio happened in China, they would definitly get presecuted or hanged.
It is new found love of those who wants to show anger against establishment. since burning of Indian flag (like in US) is a punishable crime, people tend to hoist Pakistani flag to vent their anger.

i 100% agree with you only this is the matter people angree against GOI thats why they wowed pakistani :pakistan:flag for show there anger
If Kashmir problem doesn't get solution soon, this Pakistan's flag raising "habit" of Indian Muslims will spread all over India whereever they are being oppressed by Hindu fanatics.

India should be concerned.

They are not Indian Muslims, they are illegal Bangladeshi immigrants.
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