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Pakistani flags in three places in Assam..wake up India

oh yes.. Indian muslim love affair is sooooooo much for india that..... buddy Kashmiris hate india, gujratis hate india, orassans hate india and oh.. here in south africa not a single indian decedent muslim likes india specially men, though some women do like and only the sari, dance, arts part... lol... and oh.lets say if pakistan and bangladesh were part of india "as many indans wish" you would have more then half your population of indians hating india..lol .. sharuk salman, bollywood pimps are not the idol muslims, so dont take them as example of how much Muslims love india.. ;)

Just ask South Africans and they will tell you who they love, probabaly answer will be Gandhi, Sharukh, Salman.
And listen no Muslim hates India, they may hate some extemists, but not India.
Wow, Shahrukh and Salaman are not muslims, because Mullahs can not divert their mind. Sorry to say 16 Crore Indian Muslims and many more Indians love them. Problem these days, Mullah minded people think that all other peace loving Muslims do not belong to Islam.
Just ask South Africans and they will tell you who they love, probabaly answer will be Gandhi, Sharukh, Salman.
And listen no Muslim hates India, they may hate some extemists, but not India.
Wow, Shahrukh and Salaman are not muslims, because Mullahs can not divert their mind. Sorry to say 16 Crore Indian Muslims and many more Indians love them. Problem these days, Mullah minded people think that all other peace loving Muslims do not belong to Islam.

oh i see.they love Ghandi and ur stars!!!.wow man u even know what is going through in the hearts of south african people haan!!!!....And u r blaming Mullahs for being narrow minded,they themselves r not peace loving??....kindly first define MUllah?? and how they consider peace loving Muslims as non Muslims..??.
oh i see.they love Ghandi and ur stars!!!.wow man u even know what is going through in the hearts of south african people haan!!!!.....

Yes man... I know... Any way I was answering and south africa came in a context. Lets not derail the thread...
well i also appreciated that u know abt south africans...but dude my questions were different,u can have a look on my previous post
I love the way Pakistani and Indians make it a pissing match each dreaming that the others country will break and eager to shoot the messangers instead of the message.

From the videos and press articles the following emerges

1. A couple of armed men planted a Pakistani flag in the middle of the night and then disappeared. This is different from Srinagar where the protestors openly waved the Pakistani flag and shouted slogans.

2. The identity of men is unkown unlike in Srinagar.

3. No slogans or message was found with the flags.

4. The flag was planted in a tribal area and not in a muslim majority area.

5. The tribals are not hindoos so its not a hindoo muslim riot like Gujarat so there are no need to draw comparisons. Its more like the settlers vs the red indians in the US or like the Balochs vs the settlers there. All countries have had this problem.

6. The bengali muslim settlers are like the Pashtuns they donot believe in borders and hence will frequently cross over for trade. India has to live with it or fence the border just like the forum members here wish to fence the Durand line and send all Afghanis back.

Now lets analyse the motives

1. The nearest muslim country is Bangladesh so the person who planted it had no intention of joining Pakistan or any love for it. Infact he was trying to sow distrust between both the countries. Hence most probably someone from the ISI or LET who do not like the peace process.

2. They planted it in a tribal area in a way to show the muslims in bad light and thereby get more of them killed and repeat the stereotype personifications of muslims as bad and hence they should be thrown out. Hence its probably the BODO army.

3. They planted the flag after seeing the media attention the flags got in Srinagar and the media fell hook line and sinker and the ruling Govt. got embarrassed. With elections round the corner they stand to gather votes. Hence the opposition party in Assam who for years have been fighting the elections on the illegal migration problem.

If you ask me the culprits in the order of culpability are as follows

1. BODO Army.
2. Opposition Party.
4. Last but not the least it could Sir MBI Munshi as he likes to piss of Indians anyway.

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can some one answer my question.. ok we know that one flag was "supposingly" hoisted by BDs who were armed with guns lol.. but what about the rest?:pakistan:
Let the Bodos decide to live with whom. If they dont like the immigrants let them flush out those people. why these illegal immigrants want to live with them. They should go back to their country. Gov should allow the Bodos to flush these illegal people out instead of sending military to calm down the situation. only the natives of that place can flush out the bengladeshi immigrants. And the Bodos have the right to burn the illegal immigrants houses. These Bengladehsis are now every where in India. A group of bengladeshi illegal workers were beaten up by the locals in kerala few weeks back. This should happen in every states.
Let the Bodos decide to live with whom. If they dont like the immigrants let them flush out those people. why these illegal immigrants want to live with them. They should go back to their country. Gov should allow the Bodos to flush these illegal people out instead of sending military to calm down the situation. only the natives of that place can flush out the bengladeshi immigrants. And the Bodos have the right to burn the illegal immigrants houses. These Bengladehsis are now every where in India. A group of bengladeshi illegal workers were beaten up by the locals in kerala few weeks back. This should happen in every states.

The problem with that is that the militant outfit attacking Bangladeshis is itself a separatist one.

By outsourcing the use of force to an unregulated power, the government is effectively saying that it cannot govern the territory.

One of the biggest mistakes made by Pakistan was the use of unregulated militia to do its dirty work. Lets not make the same mistake.

The right to use violence should rest firmly with the state , and nobody else.
Death toll in Assam anti-Muslim riots hits 49
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

GAUHATI, India: Clashes between ethnic groups in India’s remote northeast has left at least 49 people dead in four days including 19 killed on Monday, officials said. Another 100,000 people have fled their homes, they said.

The fighting in Assam state began Friday when a group of young ethnic Bodo men were attacked after patrolling their villages. Bodo leaders blamed the incident on relatively recent settlers, most of whom are Muslims, sparking the clashes, said Assam Home Commissioner Subhash Das.

The 49 people killed included 15 people who were fatally shot when police opened fire on violent mobs in at least four different incidents, Das said. Police have been authorized to shoot at anyone fighting in the streets.

An indefinite curfew imposed Friday in the northern Assam districts of Udalguri and Darrang continued Monday with small breaks to allow people to buy essential supplies. ``The army, police and paramilitary are out in strength and we are mobilising all resources to stop the fighting,’’ said Assam government spokesman Himanta Biswa Sarma, who is also a senior minister. Ethnic Bodos and Muslim settlers in Assam have a history of conflict and have fought in the recent clashes with bows and arrows and spears and machetes, and have burned each other’s homes and property, officials said over the weekend.

More than 150 people have been injured in the violence and more than 100,000 have fled their homes in some 30 villages, Das said. Authorities are also investigating whether the National Democratic Front of Bodoland, a Bodo separatist group with a history of violence, has played a role in targeting Muslim settlers.

“We are investigating reports that NDFB militants have jumped into the fighting,’’ Assam chief minister Tarun Gogoi said late on Sunday. In an e-mail sent to journalists Sunday night, the group’s spokesman, S Sanjarang, denied any role in the fighting. Animosity between the Bodos and Muslim migrants stems from long-standing land disputes. The groups clashed sporadically throughout the 1990s, leaving at least 250 dead and an estimated300,000 displaced. Nearly 100,000 people are still living in makeshift relief camps.

Death toll in Assam anti-Muslim riots hits 49
LOL, I think I smell something burning.

Watch Indians celebrating democracy. If this is your democracy then we rather not have any of it.

Relax...nothing is burning.

These things have been going on from before Independence, and things were far worse back then, except for the fact that much of the time there weren't any reporters around to document it.

With the information age you can see everything in real time. Good for you.

But don't mistake more information for more actual events.
Can I expect you all to stop bitching about one another?

DO NOT TALK ABOUT A MEMBER OF DEFENCE.PK! It is no one's right to be commenting about a member. Talk about the topic. If you disagree, then say you disagree. I don't understand how you all managed to stay alive till now. I mean is this how you disagree offline? Then why be this carefree mannerless individuals online?
Can I expect you all to stop bitching about one another?

DO NOT TALK ABOUT A MEMBER OF DEFENCE.PK! It is no one's right to be commenting about a member. Talk about the topic. If you disagree, then say you disagree. I don't understand how you all managed to stay alive till now. I mean is this how you disagree offline? Then why be this carefree mannerless individuals online?

Asim can you kindly consider the following for some moderation as well. Thanks

I don't think I have any more time for trolling. I never said that Bangladesh is a gutter. But your idiotic smile was very apparent, the same smile that appears in all threads which are about people being killed in terrorist attacks.

A sick idiotic silly smile.

The infiltrators (especially these flag waivers) are traitors and need to go back to the gutter.

Nothing to do with Bangladesh. Clear now?
Death toll in Assam anti-Muslim riots hits 49

Its not anti-Muslim.

It is anti-infiltrators who are indulging in anti-national activities and changing the demographics of the region.

An example of yellow journalism and sensational headlines.
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