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Pakistani-American Delegation visits Israel

What is the purpose of this visit? Just because majority of Arab states have accepted Israel, doesn’t mean Pakistan has to follow them. Pakistan don’t support Palestine cause because we want other muslims to support Kashmir cause. We support them because it’s the right thing to do. It’s our job to highlight Kashmir issue on the world stage. To get the message out.

Talk to People of Palestine who are stateless, whose have been and are currently being evicted from their land. What they go throw and how Kashmiris are facing a similar predicament. Yet, few Pakistanis here think we should have active engagement with Israel. What good will that bring?

Of course if religion is not important to one, they do whatever they please. But as a muslim , we need to support our brothers where ever they are. That includes Uyghur muslims, Yemeni and where ever muslims are being prosecuted.
The day Pakistan recognizes Israel, Pakistan will permanently lose Kashmir.
You have to make a decision, Kashmir or relations with Israel.
For those thinking Israelis have never harmed us, your very naive. Israelis have harmed Pakistan more than Indians.

The day Pakistan recognizes Israel, it will go against the very principles that made its existence possible. If Pakistan recognizes Israel, there is no Pakistan anymore. Israel goes against the ideology Pakistan was founded on.
How can you screw them all by working with an entity that is hostile to Pakistan.

No one knows the implications of it though, will our IMF stuff be cleared if we recognize it?

The same entity that has killed 0 Pakistanis. Apart from india and af-ghandistan, Pakistan has no enemies.

Thats true. But this isnt about palestinians….right?! Its about the soul of a whole civilization.

What soul? Most Pakistanis don't even follow Islam properly. Muslims in name only. Are you referring to the same soul that allows the not-so-sharrifs to rule Pakistan?........Israel is 10× better than them.
If it is in Pakistan's best interest to have relations with Israel then so be it. Pakistan FIRST!!!!!!!!!!
If it's in your interest to drink cow wee then so be it. Cow p!ss first.

The same entity that has killed 0 Pakistanis. Apart from india and af-ghandistan, Pakistan has no enemies.

What soul? Most Pakistanis don't even follow Islam properly. Muslims in name only. Are you referring to the same soul that allows the not-so-sharrifs to rule Pakistan?........Israel is 10× better than them.
Israeli is an apartheid regime, if you support Israel you support apartheid.
The same entity that has killed 0 Pakistanis. Apart from india and af-ghandistan, Pakistan has no enemies.

You do make a point but they wanted to de nuke us.


Israeli is an apartheid regime, if you support Israel you support apartheid.

Do you think if Qaid e Azam said yes to Israel our psyche as a people would be different regarding this issue?

The day Pakistan recognizes Israel, Pakistan will permanently lose Kashmir.
You have to make a decision, Kashmir or relations with Israel.
For those thinking Israelis have never harmed us, your very naive. Israelis have harmed Pakistan more than Indians.

The day Pakistan recognizes Israel, it will go against the very principles that made its existence possible. If Pakistan recognizes Israel, there is no Pakistan anymore. Israel goes against the ideology Pakistan was founded on.

Do you see Pakistan as the final stand against Muslim countries recognizing Israel?
If it's in your interest to drink cow wee then so be it. Cow p!ss first.

Israeli is an apartheid regime, if you support Israel you support apartheid.

I couldn't give a damn. Non-Pakistani Muslims think s**t of Pakistan and Pakistanis anyway. If relations with Israel means less american/zionist pressure on us and more economic opportunities for Pakistan then so be it. PAKISTAN and Pakistani interests FIRST!!!!!!!!!...........The ones who want to sell out Pakistan and Pakistani interests to are the biggest cow pi*s drinkers and sellers of their mothers and sisters......... 8-)

You do make a point but they wanted to de nuke us.


Do you think if Qaid e Azam said yes to Israel our psyche as a people would be different regarding this issue?

Do you see Pakistan as the final stand against Muslim countries recognizing Israel?

Can you provide a source that confirms Israel wanted to nuke Pakistan?
I REALLY do advise some of you on here, to go read up on Isreal activities it did for india in IOK since 90s freedom uprising

Do not give this tel aviv a jail free card like these American Pakistanis muppets did, idiots

Jews have been helping india hold on to IOK from 90s
Have you visited Israel yourself ? I have it in my bucket list, once and if I get American Passport, and few other stuff which I want done before I do something like that, The place is historic and as per hadith, there is not a single place or space in that city Jerusalem where a Nabi has not Prayed. I wonder if its going to be expensive going there ? can someone with Green card and Pakistani Passport can visit ?
I will Inshallah.
You do need to go as an American but I highly encourage it. Plus, max waiting on a green card is 5 years so you probably are on yr 3.

Don’t make it all about Jerusalem, there’s other places including the assumed burial of Hazrat Ibrahim AS! Imagine that if it is the actual site and being able to offer fateha at Wali Allah’s abode!

So, there is a lot.. besides that… @Beny Karachun .. besides Jerusalem, there’s the dead sea.. bethlahem, and other rather well set areas.

Honestly to me its the same about India or any other place as well. Its Allah’s earth, my right to go anywhere and even if I disagree with the rulers of the area and their actions, I can build relationships with the people and bring a message of peace.. isn’t that what Islam is in the first place?
I couldn't give a damn. Non-Pakistani Muslims think s**t of Pakistan and Pakistanis anyway. If relations with Israel means less american/zionist pressure on us and more economic opportunities for Pakistan then so be it. PAKISTAN and Pakistani interests FIRST!!!!!!!!!...........The ones who want to sell out Pakistan and Pakistani interests to are the biggest cow pi*s drinkers and sellers of their mothers and sisters......... 8-)

Can you provide a source that confirms Israel wanted to nuke Pakistan?

Enjoy your glass of cow wee , weak minded hindjew.
Enjoy your glass of cow wee , weak minded hindjew.

Looks like I a hit a nerve........... :azn: ............do the palestinians/arabs care about Pakistan and Pakistanis/Kashmiris?...........:azn:..........TBH Pakistanis and Kashmiris are not worth s**t to arabs/palestinians yet you want to worship/venerate them..........:disagree:
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I REALLY do advise some of you on here, to go read up on Isreal activities it did for india in IOK since 90s freedom uprising

Do not give this tel aviv a jail free card like these American Pakistanis muppets did, idiots

Jews have been helping india hold on to IOK from 90s
India has been diseased by Israeli racism, oppressing people, randomly killing civilians, stealing lands , demolishing houses and disregarding UN resolutions.
Pakistan has a principled position when it comes to Israel Palestine, which is 2 states solution. Pakistan like many countries want Israel to go back to pre 1967 positions and exist just like any other state. We aren't anti-semite who want to anihiliate jews just because they are Jews.

There is a stalemate due to American backing of Israel, however table talks and diplomatic pressure can solve this problem as military solutions have failed so far due to numerous reasons.

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