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Real 'Yahoodi Agents are Exposed' in Pakistan. 'Great change': Israeli president says received delegation of Pakistani expats

Then why are American blaming pakistan for the defeat.
From your answers I am beginning to think u are very young?
My age is 30.

My education background is this:

B.A. Honours Political Science Degree - Carleton University
Legal Secretary Diploma - Seneca College

But my parents wanted me to pursue higher education in Canada.

Then why are American blaming pakistan for the defeat.
From your answers I am beginning to think u are very young?
America can blamer anyone for anything.

Since when did you start believing in the United Satans of America??
Why is Israel so desperate to get Pakistan's recognition, even their president gets excited just to meet a Pakistani TV anchor LOL
Incase which is most likely India Pakistan war conflict escalating into full Nukes
1 nuke for Isreal as by product of India Pakistan conflict escalating into mega nuke show down.
They are pissing in pant due to this purely.

I will get ban for saying this but is mr personal opinion from many years

Israel is training Pakistani Qadiani men and women in Israel.
This Qadiani force will act against Pakistan, whenever Israel want.
It is horrible plan prepared by Israel and America.

Simply not true. I am pasting a link from one of the largest Anti Ahmadi websites, since you won't accept Ahmadi sources, even they refute it here: https://ahmadiyyafactcheckblog.com/2016/10/28/ahmadis-in-the-israeli-military/

Pakistani Ahmadis don't need to go out of the country to get military training. Many of us proudly serve or have served in our security forces in this very country.

On topic: There can never be any recognition of Israel until and unless we see the establishment of a free Palestinian state in the Holy Land.
My age is 30.

My education background is this:

B.A. Honours Political Science Degree - Carleton University
Legal Secretary Diploma - Seneca College

But my parents wanted me to pursue higher education in Canada.

America can blamer anyone for anything.

Since when did you start believing in the United Satans of America??
MashAllah... I wish u well and good success 🙌.

Lol I am allergic to America especially since 911.
All post ww2 wars were wrong and all started by America
MashAllah... I wish u well and good success 🙌.

Lol I am allergic to America especially since 911.
All post ww2 wars were wrong and all started by America
What is your age bro?

MashAllah... I wish u well and good success 🙌.

Lol I am allergic to America especially since 911.
All post ww2 wars were wrong and all started by America
Haha, the "United Satans of America." That was coined by a Chinese guy.

Or Indiot for an Indian.
Simply not true. I am pasting a link from one of the largest Anti Ahmadi websites, since you won't accept Ahmadi sources, even they refute it here: https://ahmadiyyafactcheckblog.com/2016/10/28/ahmadis-in-the-israeli-military/

Pakistani Ahmadis don't need to go out of the country to get military training. Many of us proudly serve or have served in our security forces in this very country.

On topic: There can never be any recognition of Israel until and unless we see the establishment of a free Palestinian state in the Holy Land.
Not meaning to offend I was just stating an opinion of mine .
Israel is a treacherous state and I also know that Sunni & Sh’ite Pakistanis are involved in this plan to destabilise Pakistan on behest of other countries for their own nefarious designs .
I’m also of the opinion the regime change was planned by USA in collaboration with Israel with an eye on denuclearising Pakistan and they won’t stop at anything until it achieves this aim .

If it was Sunni trained like Israel does with the Bedouin Arabs against Palestinians I’d still call it as it is .
some guy mentioned a letter that was sent to the illegitimate state form chota chor boot palshia. Is it true?
Pakistan elite, both army and politicians are just to stupid they do not understand what it means to have nukes and what power it brings. Fear to others.
Simply not true. I am pasting a link from one of the largest Anti Ahmadi websites, since you won't accept Ahmadi sources, even they refute it here: https://ahmadiyyafactcheckblog.com/2016/10/28/ahmadis-in-the-israeli-military/

Pakistani Ahmadis don't need to go out of the country to get military training. Many of us proudly serve or have served in our security forces in this very country.

On topic: There can never be any recognition of Israel until and unless we see the establishment of a free Palestinian state in the Holy Land.
Then why does your jammat have an office in Israel?
Then why does your jammat have an office in Israel?

Jamat-e-Ahmadiyya in what is now Israel predates the creation of Israel. It has a following amongst both "Israeli" Arabs and Palestinians in West Bank/Gaza so naturally there would be an organizational structure there as well.

FYI, Ahmadis have offices in nearly all the countries in the world. Nothing unique about Israel in that regard.

Not meaning to offend I was just stating an opinion of mine .
Israel is a treacherous state and I also know that Sunni & Sh’ite Pakistanis are involved in this plan to destabilise Pakistan on behest of other countries for their own nefarious designs .
I’m also of the opinion the regime change was planned by USA in collaboration with Israel with an eye on denuclearising Pakistan and they won’t stop at anything until it achieves this aim .

If it was Sunni trained like Israel does with the Bedouin Arabs against Palestinians I’d still call it as it is .

Not offended at all, I have no problem in you believing whatever you like. But when you believe or share something, you need to have irrefutable sources otherwise it is just hearsay.

As for treachery, I don't care what religion/sect/ethnicity someone is, if they raise arms against the state of Pakistan, they are my enemy.
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Jamat-e-Ahmadiyya in what is now Israel predates the creation of Israel. It has a following amongst both "Israeli" Arabs and Palestinians in West Bank/Gaza so naturally there would be an organizational structure there as well.

FYI, Ahmadis have offices in nearly all the countries in the world. Nothing unique about Israel in that regard.

Not offended at all, I have no problem in you believing whatever you like. But when you believe or share something, you need to have un-refutable sources otherwise it is just hearsay.

As for treachery, I don't care what religion/sect/ethnicity someone is, if they raise arms against the state of Pakistan, they are my enemy.
Ahamadis have a very strong presence in Japan, as well.
Explain it to me smart Alec why its in Pakistan interest to recognize Israel ???????????
1. Another source of credit
2. Great source of technology
3. Acknowledgement of source of weapons Pakistan already rcvd
But mostly, correcting your own mistake.

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