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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

Organize pork festival in front of their university in return...no need to protest or fight.....

Indian chains already serve Pork in the same restaurant but not beef. So go ahead. It doesn't matter to Muslims.

It just struck me and I quoted it. I eat right from the fried Tarantulas in Cambodia to the ordinary chicken though my wife is a vegetarian.

We are seeing a trend here, the wives seem to be the main source of vegetarianism and keeping the men away from their manly rights to chew down a nice juicy steak.

I can't recall the name of the place
but still remember that it was located near Kala Ghoda in South Mumbai
Went there just once
Had beef just once
Only thing was
Beef was just one component of the pizza..
Also had chicken in it...

Yeah cause as I the other gentleman pointed out, none of the major fast food chains go near beef.
Indian chains already serve Pork in the same restaurant but not beef. So go ahead. It doesn't matter to Muslims.

Which Indian Chain? I don't remember any that serve red meat whether its pork or beef.
I do no subscribe to the view of Anthony Bourdain as he had quoted it in American context - he had claimed in another episode that the quote holds good except for Indian vegetarianism or something related to religion. It just struck me and I quoted it. I eat right from the fried Tarantulas in Cambodia to the ordinary chicken though my wife is a vegetarian. She cooks chicken and mutton for me though I get to eat beef or other meat at restaurants. I respect her feelings and I am grateful that I can eat homemade non-veg food. So here I feel is a mini-representation of India at my home. Maybe because of this reason, it annoys me when someone want to have beef festivals which I feel is meant to hurt other people's sentiments. But I feel that India should allow beef and other meats as personal choice as it can have more people get nutritious food at low cost.

I have also said that I understand religious convictions of a Hindu who needs to be a vegetarian, but not those animals have feelings rights type guys. Although in such cases I do not agree with the religious conviction in preventing non-Hindus from eating beef or those who think you get impure by eating beef.

Which Indian Chain? I don't remember any that serve red meat whether its pork or beef.

Pizza Hut, Dominoes...
He certainly has better manners than you.

Mani Shankar Aiyar was a student in cambridge/oxford in 1962 and so heavily influenced by Communism that he took active part in rallies orgainsed by local comunist groups in London, in support of Communist China in its then ongoing 1962 border clash with India.
We are seeing a trend here, the wives seem to be the main source of vegetarianism and keeping the men away from their manly rights to chew down a nice juicy steak.

Wives do a lot more to the "manly rights" of their husbands post becoming wives contrary to what they actually found attractive when they were still girlfriends.

No bikes.

No meat.

No fighting/aggro.

No stubble.

No booze.

No friends.

No bankruptcy.

No what-cannot-be-mentioned-on-family-channels-like-this.
Reminds me of a quote by Anthony Bourdain.

“Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, and an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food. The body, these waterheads imagine, is a temple that should not be polluted by animal protein. It’s healthier, they insist, though every vegetarian waiter I’ve worked with is brought down by any rumor of a cold. Oh, I’ll accommodate them, I’ll rummage around for something to feed them, for a ‘vegetarian plate’, if called on to do so. Fourteen dollars for a few slices of grilled eggplant and zucchini suits my food cost fine.”

But IIRC when this same man came to India (as a part of 'No Reservations') , was bowled over by the vegetarian food.
Pizza Hut, Dominoes...

Are you sure? I must check out ..... its been a long time since i checked one of their menus. I only pay the bill, and its always meat lovers or pepperoni.

Edit: Just read what you guys were discussing. Yes, pepperoni is pork classically, though I've read somewhere that what we get is actually chicken-ized "pepperoni".
What he was trying to tell you in polite and simple terms was that 'it' was not a god.


You have missed the intent of my words. At one place he says that the cow is not worshipped which is another way of saying the cow is not a god, and at another place he says the cow is a god.
Don't know? Can any Indian member confirm that ?

Pizza Hut menu – Checkout our exciting range of Pizzas

Check out the last non-veg pizza - pepperoni.

Are you sure? I must check out ..... its been a long time since i checked one of their menus. I only pay the bill, and its always meat lovers or pepperoni.

Edit: Just read what you guys were discussing. Yes, pepperoni is pork classically, though I've read somewhere that what we get is actually chicken-ized "pepperoni".

Dominos pizza order online with home delivery

Pepperoni can be made of ground meat and then baked into long tubes and finally cut into slices. I have never seen it done with chicken. Unless you are mistaking it with Salami.

We get beef pepperoni, in Dubai.
Check out the last non-veg pizza - pepperoni.

Check vsdoc's reply

Edit: Just read what you guys were discussing. Yes, pepperoni is pork classically, though I've read somewhere that what we get is actually chicken-ized "pepperoni".

There is no red meat in Indian chains as far as as I know. Beef is not sold as they don't want to loose Hindu clientele and 140 million Muslim clientele is too large for any MNC or food chain to ignore by selling pork.
Apparently its been done before.

Chicken Pepperoni Recipe

That pretty much makes the Pizza Hut of India haraam for Muslims, unless they have separate utensils for everything and separate pizza ovens too.

Check vsdoc's reply

There is no red meat in Indian chains as far as as I know. Beef is not sold as they don't want to loose Hindu clientele and 140 million Muslim clientele is too large for any MNC or food chain to ignore by selling pork.

It says there on the menu - pork pepperoni.
But IIRC when this same man came to India (as a part of 'No Reservations') , was bowled over by the vegetarian food.

There were couple of episodes in India where he liked the Indian veg food. The episode about Rajasthan where he has thali in a restaurant . Another one was in Kerala where he got to eat vegetarian food as part of a temple festival.

As I said before, he clarified his statement in another episode (I do not remember which one) that he did not mean Indian vegetarianism when he made that statement.
Organize pork festival in front of their university in return...no need to protest or fight.....

Why? It wasn't organized by Muslims to hurt Hindu sentiments. There is no Muslim involved in this whole mess.
Don't know? Can any Indian member confirm that ?

Pizza Hut menu – Checkout our exciting range of Pizzas

Well sir,

As vsdoc pointed out, any food joint in india which has a beef/pork ingredient in its product when sold abroad, offer the same product in india by always replacing the beef/pork ingredient with mutton/chicken. This is true for Macdonalds, Pizza Hut, Dominoes. A tiny smearing of beef/pork fat in a rifle catridge very nearly decimated the Britsh rule in India in 1857, and i am sure these MNC food joints have taken due note of this history.

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