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Muslims of india and their hate for Pakistan

indian so called alleged "Muslims" are simply puppets, slaves of hindus. They are too weak, powerless and irrelevant to harm anything or anyone. Their opinions and beliefs on anything are meaningless and of no consequence. We Pakistanis should stop lowering ourselves by talking about such a inferior and worthless group.
I agree ,,, but beter not to talk about them rather than humiliating or hating them ,,, just ignore them if we cant help them ....

A bunch of wortless, inferior, irrelevant hindu slaves who think they are "Muslims" can "look down" on the world's 1st ever Muslim nuclear weapons state??????????......WTF!!!!!!!......A Muslim nation with a world class military that can now indigenously produce high tech advanced weapons systems!!!!!!!!........A Muslim nation that thanks to CPEC and other similar programs will become a virtually developed nation within 30 years......................and the indian so called alleged "Muslims" can judge that??????........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Do the opinions and thoughts of ants with regards to lions really matter? NO. Then neither do the opinions of indian so called alleged "Muslims" about Pakistan.

its good to be confidant but bragging to such a level. man its not funny but pathetic. i am sure people wont laugh.

Think you need a cold shower as you are coming to terms with the tragedy that you have to produce humans with something looking like this :lol::

i am sure you have ugly luli langda kids of yours. that you abuse others.
i toldu terrorist have no kindness even for kids. they bomb without thinking only for their disgust and frustrations.

tell me you dont have involvment in bombing. you have no know how. you people dont support bombing and killing behind closed doors?

i am sure someday when right people get you your generations will suffer in Guantanamo bay. then you will realise might of judgment.

like your other post you talk of nuke bomb islam these three words are always spoken together by you. it tells alot about your intention. if british authorities find u and catch you they will find these combinations all the times. you must be a terrorist.
Saudi & GCC countries treatment and thoughts about Muslims are completely irrelevant. They are small fry & now irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. The REAL Muslim nations and Islamic power is now held by Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and to some extent Indonesia. As far as Islam is concerned, these are the Muslims and Muslim nations that matter. indian so called alleged "Muslims" are not real Muslims. They are hindu puppets and slaves. In fact some of them are even converting to hinduism. It's not a question about Religion but Race and nationality.
That's what everyone claims :lol:. They are the real muslims. LOL! Give me a break.

Indonesia is far from being a true Muslim nation, I regard GCC countries are better compared to Indonesia.

Some are doing many things, some are forcibly converted to Islam in Pakistan and India. Is that what prophet (saw) intended?

Now speaking of true Islam, why we wear skull caps? Why pray to Dargahs, and graves and some even give sacred importance to mosques, shrines.

There are memorial buildings in the name of some great scholar or godman, magicians.

There are Sufi's. Following another path. Songs, graves, black magic.....

These are all against Islam. Lastly, why there are divisions among Muslims? Sunni-Shiya-Ahemmedi. Each claiming their own beliefs are true Islam.

Mullahs who are claiming to be descendants of H Mohammed (saw).

I don't wanna discuss the shia practices for obvious reasons.
It's all cramped together into something, and funny enough everyone claims this is the true path to Janna. Others will fall from sirat bridge. :enjoy:Nice.
its good to be confidant but bragging to such a level. man its not funny but pathetic. i am sure people wont laugh.

i am sure you have ugly luli langda kids of yours. that you abuse others.
i toldu terrorist have no kindness even for kids. they bomb without thinking only for their disgust and frustrations.

tell me you dont have involvment in bombing. you have no know how. you people dont support bombing and killing behind closed doors?

i am sure someday when right people get you your generations will suffer in Guantanamo bay. then you will realise might of judgment.

like your other post you talk of nuke bomb islam these three words are always spoken together by you. it tells alot about your intention. if british authorities find u and catch you they will find these combinations all the times. you must be a terrorist.

Lol....lol......keep going......:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Definitely is you there isn't :lol::

Muslims of India hating Pakistan (large majority of them do) a side effect of Partition. I have seen this problem more of those Indian Muslims who have become someone either in India or outside of India, they are two faced hidden snakes. For me a Hindu Indian or Muslim is the same thing.
That's what everyone claims :lol:. They are the real muslims. LOL! Give me a break.

Indonesia is far from being a true Muslim nation, I regard GCC countries are better compared to Indonesia.

Some are doing many things, some are forcibly converted to Islam in Pakistan and India. Is that what prophet (saw) intended?

Now speaking of true Islam, why we wear skull caps? Why pray to Dargahs, and graves and some even give sacred importance to mosques, shrines.

There are memorial buildings in the name of some great scholar or godman, magicians.

There are Sufi's. Following another path. Songs, graves, black magic.....

These are all against Islam. Lastly, why there are divisions among Muslims? Sunni-Shiya-Ahemmedi. Each claiming their own beliefs are true Islam.

Mullahs who are claiming to be descendants of H Mohammed (saw).

I don't wanna discuss the shia practices for obvious reasons.
It's all cramped together into something, and funny enough everyone claims this is the true path to Janna. Others will fall from sirat bridge. :enjoy:Nice.

Being slaves of hindus automatically makes you non-Muslims.........:azn:
You don't need to be worried.Better care where flaming up minorities or target killing are norm.Even Islamic minorities are not safe.You don't have any minorities left factually.We bear more Muslims than whole population of Pakistan.Look at yourself first then judge us..And stop acting like Muslims are the only minority everywhere.
I guess Religious extremist like MModdy and Yogi are Head of the states in India not in pakistan
if you think otherwise can you please give me link to video where our PM was spewing venom against minorities and asking people to rape dead hindu women??
like i toldu you guys dislike everuthing thats not you.

you dislike them so much that u are willing to kill rape mutilate them. which is exactly a terrorist thinking.

you guys dont like brits hindu infact everyone non extremist. because they question your belief you just decide to kill them nuke them bomb them. you guys are not kind like rest of human. you dont accept forgive or forget. you bomb.
you people dont like your own country you fled for money and changed to radicals. now you are frustrated to level of murderers.
thats what is happening in uk. and why only uk or country where u have large number like paris. rest all the places are peaceful. i really hope theycatch you and find truth about you.
The irony is when you state 'you guys are willing to kill mutilate and rape them' this is exactly what Hindu gangs did to Muslims in the Gujurat massacres. Where is your evidence to you accusations we are killing British Hindus?
Being slaves of hindus automatically makes you non-Muslims.........:azn:
The Irony is when you fly that Union Jack in your flags. I mean CROSS:azn:. Serve the white masters well. People of the Book may grand you some guidance. And I care less for a Pakistani Muslim who live somewhere and teaching Indians Islam and guidelines. :rofl:
It is simple...Pakistan has made their life harder. For no fault of theirs, they are called traitors and looked down upon. They are at the lowest strata of the Indian soceity lower than dalits...all because of Pakistan.

No wonder Indian Muslims hate Pakistan...

I am glad you accept the reality of Muslims being lower than Dalits in India. However it is not because of Pakistan it is because of the lier Hindus like Gandhi and Nehru who fooled their forefathers about India being secular. I also blame the Muslims for accepting the lies. They had a option and they accepted the Hindu lies. Now after 70 years, the mask of secularism is off. People like Iqbal and Jinnah and others saw through the secular mask. Now the Indian Muslims have to fight their own fight, maybe again. We will support them.
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The irony is when you state 'you guys are willing to kill mutilate and rape them' this is exactly what Hindu gangs did to Muslims in the Gujurat massacres.
i dont support those murderer either. i am dead sure they will meet the fate. karma is a bitch.

who said there are not extremist in india and pakistan. we do have fair share.

but these people who left for monwy and now point finger of hate toward others. they are biggest problem we face.

your pakistani side had been through it and realised. our side is doing it now. future ia same. we are actually following your mistakes of past havent learnt.

your side if keep on track might lead the fight back against extremism.
why so pissed dude..
sure terrorism will be wiped out and someday all of their generations will be eleminated to get rid of violence.

Sir I'm so sorry that you are suffering from "lessser men" syndrome that affects males of the indian biology and persuassion :lol::



Think you are the biggest genocidal maniac here. You want to destroy races that don't lool like your kind. Look like this :lol::



I'm sorry you hate my race because we don't look like you..........:rofl:

The Irony is when you fly that Union Jack in your flags. I mean CROSS:azn:. Serve the white masters well. People of the Book may grand you some guidance. And I care less for a Pakistani Muslim who live somewhere and teaching Indians Islam and guidelines. :rofl:

Then why do these indians want to be or think they are Muslims? Why not become hindus then?
Sir I'm so sorry that you are suffering from "lessser men" syndrome that affects males of the indian biology and persuassion :lol::



Think you are the biggest genocidal maniac here. You want to destroy races that don't lool like your kind. Look like this :lol::



I'm sorry you hate my race because we don't look like you..........:rofl:

Then why do these indians want to be or think they are Muslims? Why not become hindus then?
u can laugh but not for long. what you gonna do when they come for you.

terrorism has no place in civilised world.
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