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Muslims of india and their hate for Pakistan

Muslims of India suffer from Stockholm syndrome. Feel sorry for them and move on.
like i toldu you guys dislike everuthing thats not you.

you dislike them so much that u are willing to kill rape mutilate them. which is exactly a terrorist thinking.

you guys dont like brits hindu infact everyone non extremist. because they question your belief you just decide to kill them nuke them bomb them. you guys are not kind like rest of human. you dont accept forgive or forget. you bomb.
you people dont like your own country you fled for money and changed to radicals. now you are frustrated to level of murderers.
thats what is happening in uk. and why only uk or country where u have large number like paris. rest all the places are peaceful. i really hope theycatch you and find truth about you.
Pakistanis denotes the Kashmir conflict as "jihad" and " war against non muslims" and they have committed crimes against Hindus of Kashmir in the process... And the terrorist attacks which also has religious angle make the propaganda against indian muslims much easier for some organizations.. Whenever any Indian muslim try to raise his opinion about Palestine or rohingyas the first reply will be " what about Kashmiri Pandits? " and they are then grouped into the same stocks as Pakistanis... So there hatred sometimes stem from the fact that the crimes committed by Pakistanis in the name of islam are making their own life tough.
What support are Indian Muslims going to show to Palestinians when their own government is becoming increasingly close to Israel? Still they rather shout and abuse Pakistan yet not a single word of condemnation towards their own government. Hypocrite people.
Muslims of India suffer from Stockholm syndrome. Feel sorry for them and move on.

Wrong ; they know the reality of Pakistan ; so they look down upon Pakistan

What support are Indian Muslims going to show to Palestinians when their own government is becoming increasingly close to Israel? Still they rather shout and abuse Pakistan yet not a single word of condemnation towards their own government. Hypocrite people.

Indian Muslims have expectations from their own Government

Not from any foreign country
Wrong ; they know the reality of Pakistan ; so they look down upon Pakistan

Every Indian suffers from this superiority complex. Religion has nothing to do with it.

I can understand where this pride is coming from.
Wrong ; they know the reality of Pakistan ; so they look down upon Pakistan

The so called reality is nothing but the lies that they are fed by India.

on other hand we don't look down upon them. We just feel sorry for them and pray that they are accepted by their country after 70 years.
It is simple...Pakistan has made their life harder. For no fault of theirs, they are called traitors and looked down upon. They are at the lowest strata of the Indian soceity lower than dalits...all because of Pakistan.

No wonder Indian Muslims hate Pakistan...
What fault is it of Pakistan if India's government mistreats its Muslim population? Pakistan is not asking Indian Muslims to support them and I'm certain many would not. The blames is with the Muslims of India who have a poor representation in the Indian democratic process.
The so called reality is nothing but the lies that they are fed by India.

on other hand we don't look down upon them. We just feel sorry for them and pray that they are accepted by their country after 70 years.

What fault is it of Pakistan if India's government mistreats its Muslim population? Pakistan is not asking Indian Muslims to support them and I'm certain many would not. The blames is with the Muslims of India who have a poor representation in the Indian democratic process.

IF Pakistan had really ACHIEVED something then Indian Muslims would have looked
at Pakistan with some hopes and fondness
I see this line used a lot, but frankly it isn't true in my opinion. I know many Indian Muslims in the U.K, there is no fear on them to prove their loyalty to anyone, yet here as well, they have nothing good to say about Pakistan and love India, (rightly so since it's their country).

It's only us Pakistanis who are deluded, partly a fault of the narrative imposed on us by our establishment, that the world's muslims look to us for guidance etc. This is such BS, the fact of the matter is, no one cares about Pakistan. But we stupid people of this country, feel the need to take the mantle of everyone else, apart from ourselves.

A prime example, even other Muslims of India look down on Kashmiris and support the Indian army in its occupation and some even serve as part of that occupying force. No other country in the world do I see protests or strong diplomatic efforts for Kashmir, no other Muslim country sacrifices ties with India over us or on the issue of Kashmir, yet we still cut ties with other nations on the behalf of others.

Yet here we are, worrying about others. I have to this day, never ever seen a single protest, rally etc protesting the atrocities against Kashmiris in another Muslim state apart from Pakistan. Yet we have protests every other day for Palestine, Jamatis in Bangladesh etc etc. Pakistanis should care about Pakistanis first.
In UK the Indian Gujurati Muslims also never talk about the 2002 Gujurat massacer of its people by BJP extremists. Yet the Sikhs are very vocal about 1984 Operation Blue Star and the killing of Sant Jarnel Singh Bhindrawaly. Big difference between the two communities. Indian Muslims are very fearful to challenge their present government. I see many Indian Muslims who take a stand for Palestine yet will never condem PM Modi and Indias close collaboration between India and Israel.
Wrong ; they know the reality of Pakistan ; so they look down upon Pakistan


A bunch of wortless, inferior, irrelevant hindu slaves who think they are "Muslims" can "look down" on the world's 1st ever Muslim nuclear weapons state??????????......WTF!!!!!!!......A Muslim nation with a world class military that can now indigenously produce high tech advanced weapons systems!!!!!!!!........A Muslim nation that thanks to CPEC and other similar programs will become a virtually developed nation within 30 years......................and the indian so called alleged "Muslims" can judge that??????........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Do the opinions and thoughts of ants with regards to lions really matter? NO. Then neither do the opinions of indian so called alleged "Muslims" about Pakistan.

IF Pakistan had really ACHIEVED something then Indian Muslims would have looked
at Pakistan with some hopes and fondness


Because the indian Muslims have achieved so much themselves havn't they?............:rofl:

On top of what I have written above, Pakistan is the ONLY country in the ENTIRE history of humanity that has managed to survive for 70 years despite being next to an enemy nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege. If indian so called alleged "Muslims" can even do 0.001%, that would be a HUGE achievement for them.
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Pakistan's conception is Islamic. So Pakistan first or Islam first is not even a question.

Humanity and islam is also interchangeable.

Problem solved?

And no Muslim ought to harm Islam. Definitions vary from culture to country.

In the end you are responsible for your actions to God.
Agreed partially but Pakistan is not representative of Islam ... We have many anti-islam law and biggest big interest and banking related law ...

But still better than others and something is better than nothing ... Pakistan is first steps towards Islam but destination is far far away ...
Wrong ; they know the reality of Pakistan ; so they look down upon Pakistan

Indian Muslims have expectations from their own Government

Not from any foreign country
Exactly my point why show frustration towards a foriegn country when they can't even condem their own government?
like i toldu you guys dislike everuthing thats not you.

you dislike them so much that u are willing to kill rape mutilate them. which is exactly a terrorist thinking.

you guys dont like brits hindu infact everyone non extremist. because they question your belief you just decide to kill them nuke them bomb them. you guys are not kind like rest of human. you dont accept forgive or forget. you bomb.
you people dont like your own country you fled for money and changed to radicals. now you are frustrated to level of murderers.
thats what is happening in uk. and why only uk or country where u have large number like paris. rest all the places are peaceful. i really hope theycatch you and find truth about you.


Think you need a cold shower as you are coming to terms with the tragedy that you have to produce humans with something looking like this :lol::

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