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Muslim leaders in India object to Yoga Day

most of that 1/5th you speak about don't want anything to do with you "kill all the kuffar" lot, you are an embarrassment to them.

SO u a pagan with all your assumptions based on sheer ignorance represent them?
The only spiritual aspect in yoga is chanting of OM. Muslims can chant whatever they feel like.

no, how dare those evil jihadis refuse ( Om Is the Vibration of the Universe | Jeff Cannon )??

from ( Om - The Sound of the Universe | Art of Living India )...
In Bible too, it is said, ‘In the beginning there was a word and the word was with God and the word was God’. That is Om.

yes, prophet jesus and prophet muhammad were "art of living" followers... mystery solved !!!
SO u a pagan with all your assumptions based on sheer ignorance represent them?
I don't represent anyone but my self, and I'm not a "pagan" :pleasantry:

but there is nothing wrong with yoga or meditation, no one's forcing you to do it
Morons will remain morons regardless. Even I recite 'Om' thrice during meditation classes in gym...does that make me a Hindu ? I do suryanamaskar every freaking day...does that make me Hindu ? We are sons of this soil and this is our culture. But people with confused mindset about their background and cultural heritage never get shy of spewing such foolish statements. We don't realize that we are belittling the very same things which we should be proud of just bcz of third grade petty politics. Be Indian & PROUD !!
Yoga teacher Dui Mora holds a class with veterans and active-duty men and women at the Pentagon in Arlington, Va. The Veterans Health Administration has launched four pilot programs offering yoga, acupuncture and equine therapies as part of an effort to reduce the dependence of tens of thousands of veterans on opiate painkillers.

@Luffy 500

Kyon Bey Bangladeshi

Has any body ask your Filthy opinion here,this is a Hindu Majority country with 14.2% Muslims many of them eat pork,visit Hindu Temple marry with non Muslims.... So why are you becoming the Thekedar.

And send some more Taslima Nasren Here.

Now chant OooooMmmm :lol:

Yoga teacher Dui Mora holds a class with veterans and active-duty men and women at the Pentagon in Arlington, Va. The Veterans Health Administration has launched four pilot programs offering yoga, acupuncture and equine therapies as part of an effort to reduce the dependence of tens of thousands of veterans on opiate painkillers.

View attachment 227323

1. are those flags "kill marks" of the nations regime changed by usa military??

2. many of those "veterans" doing yoga participated in genocides, regime-changes and illegal wars.

good associating. :tup:

please not another yoga article for me to analyze and deconstruct.

this is a Hindu Majority country with 14.2% Muslims many of them eat pork,visit Hindu Temple marry with non Muslims

don't spread disinfo... this is what sanghi goons do or say when muslim men are in love with hindu ladies...

Love Jihad : 2 held for aiding Muslim youth in ‘abducting’ Hindu girl in Mathura - Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Nanded in clutches of love jihad ! - Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

from ( Bijnor : Tension prevails in the town after Love Jihadi ‘elopes’ with Hindu girl - Hindu Janajagruti Samiti )...
Early Wednesday, a group of armed men — travelling in three cars — reached the youth’s uncle’s house and started beating up the members of the family, including women. They also ransacked the house, police said. By the time police arrived, they had left.
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1. are those flags "kill marks" of the nations regime changed by usa military??

2. many of those "veterans" doing yoga participated in w

enocides, regime-changes and illegal wars.

good associating. :tup:

don't spread disinfo... this is what sanghi goons do or say when muslim men are in love with hindu ladies...

Love Jihad : 2 held for aiding Muslim youth in ‘abducting’ Hindu girl in Mathura - Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Nanded in clutches of love jihad ! - Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

from ( Bijnor : Tension prevails in the town after Love Jihadi ‘elopes’ with Hindu girl - Hindu Janajagruti Samiti )...
Bijnor court allows married Hindu man, Muslim woman to live together

And 100s of such news

Stop quoting me,you are not worth it so F off
These ppl think they brought knowledge to this hallowed land. Hilarious.

Hahaha..dont try to show me that you are the great Wise One straight from Caves of Gangotri. You and @jaatram are pleasuring yourselves by spinning accolades on your so called superiority.

You are born in post independence India. Our country's ghulami to foreign invadors dosent have any affect on your phyche. You have not seen that. Neither have I. So dont come up with silly excuse like we are affected by the foreign rule.

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