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Muslim leaders in India object to Yoga Day

Yup ..... Lots of stuff hidden in those Sanskrit texts ... but researching them = being communal.
Moron slave mentality of Indian Hindus.
Forgot to add half chaddi , sanghi , malaun , pagan worshippper.
Yoga in the Muslim world:







Al Jazeera documentary: who owns yoga ?

@Luffy 500

1st of all its unislamic and goes against the basic tenets of Islam. SO some ignorant "muslims" doing it won't change this fact . What's forbidden remains forbidden. Its Commonsense.

There r 1.6 bn muslim in the world. A minute portion of this pop. includes bollywood khan type "muslims" not to mention heretics and name only secular liberal "muslims". What this fringe group do has no bearing on Islam & muslims.

A lot of this also has to do with ignorance abt the faith and what's permissible & what's not.

no, you have to understand that it's not a strictly 'religious' thing or anything, you're not going to be any less christian or muslim or whatever if you do yoga !

it can be just a stretchy exercise too, like in the US, they have their own 'version' of it..and call it cat pose/bridge pose/lotus pose etc which has only the physical activity side of it, and that's fine

but the original yoga from here incorporates both mind and body, and includes the meditative aspects.. which again is not at odds with any other religion, muslims can and do meditate, just as christians and jews and people from whatever other faith do.. it's ancient science, just an exercise for the brain.. got nothing to do with 'religion'

Did u read the link i provided. Yoga is a pagan ritual with all aspects of idolatry worships included. No pagan denies that. And thus its against Tawheed and involves associating partners with Allah (swt), a sin that puts a person beyond the fold of islam. The biggest sin of all.

Yoga, its origins and the ruling on practising it - islamqa.info
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Not surprisingly, women outnumber men by about 4:1 among yoga devotees.

The business of yoga is growing fast, too. Americans are spending $10.7 billion a year on yoga classes and gear (pants, mats, bags, blocks), up 88% from 2008, the study found.

clearly shows who is doing it and who is encouraging it - wanting-to-become-thin brainwashed females and the "health and wellness" industry.

and i won't talk about the male component remainder which does yoga. :lol:

Almost 4 in 10 of those polled said they’d only been practicing a year or less, which underlines the quick rise in the popularity of yoga.

as have "quickly risen" frivolous consumerist items like cell phones and anti-socialist regime-changes.

And yoga, even separate from meditation, has recently been shown to improve symptoms of psychiatric disorders like depression, anxiety, sleep disorders and even schizophrenia.

psychiatry is a false science and especially in india is used by criminal-minded families to declare a family member as "unwell" and do away with him/her in case of differences ( financial or social ).

psychiatry should be abolished.

Of those polled who didn’t currently practice, 44% said they’d like to, making them “aspirational yogis.”

"aspirational yogis"... wonderful.

Follow me @alicewalton or find me on Facebook. Thanks to NAMASTA – the North American Studio Alliance.

hippie author getting information from a hippie/capitalist organization.

others say yoga – in any form – still benefits the practitioner, and helps open one to its original aims: heightened awareness, focus, oneness with the outside world.

ah, the final flourish !!!

i had typed a long passage but deleted it and will simply declare that i wanting a communist humanity find india so enlightened ( through heightened awareness ) and so one with the outside world. :tup:
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Forgot to add half chaddi , sanghi , malaun , pagan worshippper.
Nah these are labels bigots like @Luffy 500 use ... they are inconsequential ... like sneezing ... just symptoms.
The disease is the Hindu male....he has chopped off his B*lls and handed it to Khangressi,Communists,Islamists and Feminists.
1st of all its unislamic and goes against the basic tenets of Islam. SO some ignorant "muslims" doing it won't change this fact . What's forbidden remains forbidden. Its Commonsense.

There r 1.6 bn muslim in the world. A minute portion of this pop. includes bollywood khan type type "muslims" not to mention heretics and name only secular liberal "muslims". What this fringe group do has no bearing on Islam & muslims.

A lot of this also has to do with ignorance abt the faith and what's permissible & what's not.

Did u read the link i provided. Yoga is a pagan ritual with all aspects of idolatrous worships included. No pagan denies that. And thus its against Tawheed and involves associating partners with Allah (swt), a sin that puts a person beyond the fold of islam. The biggest sin of all.

Yoga, its origins and the ruling on practising it - islamqa.info
you are primed for ISIS recruitment, when you leaving for Ar-raqqah ?
Is it mandatory? If not, what's the issue? :what:
Yoga has idolatrous/paganistic origins and is clearly a hindu ritual and as such its absolutely not permissible for muslims. This pagan ritual is contrary to Tawheed and involves associating other deities with Allah, may He be exalted, and because it involves prostrating to the sun and repeating its names.

first time i agree with you.
He will be doing toilet cleaning there being a black Bengali man. No way the Isis will take these people as compatriots.
lol true, the isis arabs are some of the most racist people ever.. total islamo nazis freaks, and this fati lungi thinks he can just grow a beard, speak like a terrorist and be one of them.. good luck to him :)
Your Jurisdiction and your Business stops at the Borders of Bharat and Bangladesh.You can try your business in other Islamic countries though,we are not stopping you.
But in Bharat we You will be sent packing back to where you came from in a Lungi Parasail boat.

oh, but why?? doesn't yoga teach being "one with the world"??
If one goes by your criteria than a quarter of the global population is ISIS including 1/5th of Indian pop. :lol:
most of that 1/5th you speak about don't want anything to do with you "kill all the kuffar" lot, you are an embarrassment to them.

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