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India wants cordial ties with Pakistan but Islamabad must 'change its approach': Rajnath Singh!

First of all the new generation in Pakistan doesn't give a shyte about India, very honestly. It is just another country in the region for them.

And there is no ego problem based on history there, it is very visible when Pakistnis/Indians meet on a neutral territory, you must have heard it from many Pakistanis and Indians on PDF as well. I have first hand experience.

Having said that, terrorism that Pakistan is facing is real. Indian support for this terrorism and proxy war in Pakistan is real. You can go on and deny it, but you know it, I know it and even the world knows it.

So can you have friendly relations with India as long as she does not revise this policy? If you think you can play like you played with Sri Lanka (i.e. supporting terrorists like LTTE and at the same time kept telling Sri Lanka you are their best friend), you are completely mistaken. Pakistanis do not forget and forgive that easily.

Hell when it comes to pride, we are even ready to face off USA fully knowing the consequences. What is India in comparison?

So I whole heartedly wish that India stops this proxy war in our region and instead starts working like a mature nation. Learn few things from Chinese in this regard.

lolzz you can keep caressing your nations bruised ego with all such fancy nations but we dont caree nioether do any other nation in the world as to what pakistanies think

so in short good realtions with us is your nations cumpulssion not owrs keep doing what you had been doing for last 68 years we know what to do and how to respond to it peace or no peace we will do what is in owr best interests not pakistan ... dream on
Pakistan has changed approach back in days of Musharraf. It did not raise Kashmir question with India for a long time. It kept quiet at India's provocations. Pakistan had evidence for a long time that India is engaged in subversive activities in the country. It did not raise this point in international forum until now.

Did India change its inimical approach toward Pakistan in the last decade? No. On the contrary, it took lull from Pakistan as some weakness and in the last 7-8 years, terror in Pakistan expanded manifold devastating innocent civilian lives.

India is weak in Kashmir. Knowing India policy toward Pakistan, Pakistan should revert to its old policy of supporting and funding freedom fighters.
so in short good realtions with us is your nations cumpulssion not owrs keep doing what you had been doing for last 68 years we know what to do and how to respond to it peace or no peace we will do what is in owr best interests not pakistan ... dream on
mind your trollish english :D :D :D

India is weak in Kashmir. Knowing India policy toward Pakistan, Pakistan should revert to its old policy of supporting and funding freedom fighters.
Since the last standoff that nearly led to outbreak of a nuclear war, Pakistan had no choice but to cut back on its funding of Jihadis in Kashmir :D :D :D
Sure we want cordial relations, likelihood is remote though and we won't compromise out national security for a shot at it.

At the same time, India must and I am sure are taking reasonable steps actively to see the enemy defeated, even in times of 'peace'.

Same for Indian army, Iranian army and so on. All national armies need external threats to remain "relevant". What kind of argument is that? :D :D :D

Larger powers are not dependent on one enemy. The more India grows, the more it needs its armed forces to be in sync with our geo-political ambitions and necessary force projection.

You think the pipeline of multiple aircraft carries, battle groups, nuke subs are meant for Pak? :azn:
India as a state survives on its hatred for Pakistan and Muslims. Should there be peace between the two nations and patch up over J&K, India will disintegrate.
have you gone bonkers ?? or have you mispelt pakistan with India... no one give two hoots abt muslims or pakistan here... and we despise you bangis to core... get your illegal lot out of India..
Ask yourselves...who is to lose the most if the issues are settled once and for all?
China, a superpower. :rofl:
Keep laughing, baniya:
Could be. This used junk is not going to work against future superpower China anyway :D :D :D
well why treat china like we treat pakistan in the first place ?

you sir are too learned and intellegent enof to know what is owr chinese policy and how are we making owr arrangements on owr core philosophy of "hope for the best but keep prepairing for the worst" + china knows it has too many venemous snakes in its backyard and it will be the biggest looser if it ever engages india thru its militarry machine ;)
Keep laughing, baniya:

Is that supposed to mean anything?

By that logic, India has a greater GDP than Russia, so are we a comparable military power? :what:

I though you were a sensible Pakistani. :tsk:

No one but delusional Chinese and even more delusional Pak fanboyz take the notion of China as a super-power seriously.

China has neither the political influence, neither the military power to be remotely close to being a super-power.
you sir are too learned and intellegent enof to know what is owr chinese policy and how are we making owr arrangements on owr core philosophy of "hope for the best but keep prepairing for the worst" + china knows it has too many venemous snakes in its backyard and it will be the biggest looser if it ever engages india thru its militarry machine ;)
Unlike Superpower India, China has no toilet and electricity generation problems :D :D :D

By that logic, India has a greater GDP than Russia, so are we a a comparable military power?
Russia is still a military might as it produces most of its defense equipment. India has to buy the most :D :D :D

China has neither the political influence, neither the military power to be remotely close to being a super-power.
Wait a few years :D
Unlike Superpower India, China has no toilet and electricity generation problems :D :D :D
is this thread about china ?

is this thread about toilets and electricity genration ?

forget china what is your nations condition on providing law and order , justice , health , education and sanitation and electricty to your own citizens :haha:

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