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India wants cordial ties with Pakistan but Islamabad must 'change its approach': Rajnath Singh!

We do not trust each other..... the best possible solution can be......

1) Ignore each other for 5 years -

My 5 cents....

That's what the Indian govt is trying it's best to do....but looks like that's not what pakistani's want.
Yepp. Operation Gibraltar, Operation Kargil, Operation Kashmir etc were all preemptive strikes by Pakistan :D :D :D

Yes we were going to annex Pakistan like we annexed Bangladesh :)

oh wait nevermind :/

:rofl: :omghaha:

That's the best joke I've heard from a 'mature' Pakistani since a long time!!

But.......on second thoughts, that was an extreme and epic fail! :P

so he is serious dude.
Same martial BS mentality led to East Pakistanis declaring independence from West Pakistan. But our generals never learn apparently :D :D :D
No shut up you RAW stooge it was evil banyas who did everything ,they were mind controlling all Bengali via mind chip which were received from USA/Russia/Israel.
and 1 mulsim kill 10 indians easily. Believe me bro you guys have martial race thing going on for you. All hindus are short/black poor for you guys :D
I am 6ft 3 inch so can i have pakistani citizenship pretty please? :pakistan:
And I'm a 6ft tall dark and handsome dude! Even Pakistani girls were bowled over by my beef in Lahore!! :D
and pakistans main problem is there pride and ego which thinks indians and hindus are thier subordinates as they think they ruled indians for 1000 years which as per many pakistani media personalities like hassan nisar is baseless as that rule was of "chand muslim khaandans" but pakistani soiety is stil feudal minded and carries on same bagage while the world has mooved on

as per promoting terrorism or using it as a foriegn policy tool just look inwards

who and why used afridi tribesman to attack maharajas kashmir in 1948 and what are its implications on future of this regeon?

who and why instigated "operation gibralter" and what are its implications on this regeon ?

who and why feulled khalistani and kashmiri movements against india and what are ists implications on this regeon ?

who and why with help of CIA and saudi money creted Taliban and other such groups to fight against USSR and what are its implictaions on this regeon ?

who and why did kargil misadvanture and what are its implications on this regeon ?

who and why kept people like azhar mehmood , hafiz saeed , lakhwi and dawood and comapany and gave them state protection and what are its implications on this reageon ?

and pakistanies want india to trust pakistan :haha:

thanks but no thanks we are happy the way things are and instead of a reckless and untrustworthy "friend" like pakistan we would rather have a strong intellegent and hardworking "opponent" in China

baki lagge raho who cares :coffee:

First of all the new generation in Pakistan doesn't give a shyte about India, very honestly. It is just another country in the region for them.

And there is no ego problem based on history there, it is very visible when Pakistnis/Indians meet on a neutral territory, you must have heard it from many Pakistanis and Indians on PDF as well. I have first hand experience.

Having said that, terrorism that Pakistan is facing is real. Indian support for this terrorism and proxy war in Pakistan is real. You can go on and deny it, but you know it, I know it and even the world knows it.

So can you have friendly relations with India as long as she does not revise this policy? If you think you can play like you played with Sri Lanka (i.e. supporting terrorists like LTTE and at the same time kept telling Sri Lanka you are their best friend), you are completely mistaken. Pakistanis do not forget and forgive that easily.

Hell when it comes to pride, we are even ready to face off USA fully knowing the consequences. What is India in comparison?

So I whole heartedly wish that India stops this proxy war in our region and instead starts working like a mature nation. Learn few things from Chinese in this regard.
They have to. Can't change your neighbors, sorry :D :D :D
guess what we perfectlli know what your thinking about us and also the fact its not going to change then why waste time on so called "mutual trust and peacefull relations" with land of the pure :devil:

one more thing for pakistanies thinking that despite all what pakistan gave to us in last 68 years "india has to" lolzz forget it as we also dont forget or forgive and will /can never trust pakistani nation + your nation is in no postion to force its will on us and we wont mind menatining the "status quo"
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Hell when it comes to pride, we are even ready to face off USA fully knowing the consequences. What is India in comparison?

Og anyone can fight anyone bhaizaan but main thing is you gotta win you know ? :wave:
Yepp. Operation Gibraltar, Operation Kargil, Operation Kashmir etc were all preemptive strikes by Pakistan :D :D :D
Sure they were but we are from south asia, fighting over our land

Netanyahu is Polish, their foreign minister was Georgian, thw jews in israel are as niddle eastern as the japanese are, what the juden did was a colonial land grab of a innocent peoples lands and homes
Sure they were but we are from south asia, fighting over our land
I thought we already got enough land in 1947 partition of India? :D :D :D

Netanyahu is Polish, their foreign minister was Georgian, thw jews in israel are as niddle eastern as the japanese are, what the juden did was a colonial land grab of a innocent peoples lands and homes
Netanyahu was born in Israel. Sorry for inconvenience :D :D :D
Benjamin Netanyahu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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