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LCA naval variant’s first flight on Friday


Jul 6, 2009
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United States
LCA naval variant’s first flight on Friday

After almost two years since its rollout, the naval prototype (NP-1) of the country’s Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) will take to the skies on its maiden flight this Friday.

The flight is slated for 10 am. But it will fly with some unresolved problems. The maiden flight, however, does not mean the team LCA has overcome all the technical glitches that had forced it to miss several deadlines in the past.

The Centre for Military Airworthiness & Certification (CEMILAC), sometime last week, gave its clearance for High Speed Taxi Trial (HSTT) and flight.

The flight will last 20 minutes with the National Flight Test Center (NFTC) pilots doing a sortie over a designated flight path besides testing the systems onboard for performance.

But they will not retract the undercarriage, as they do not want to take a chance. “It is potentially risky to retract it,” a source said, indicating that there are some problems still persistent. The undercarriage is retracted to reduce the drag experienced by aircraft.

Compared to Tejas, the IAF version of LCA, the LCA NP-1 will be different with a longer and stronger gear, front fuselage droop for better over-the-nose vision, an additional control surface to reduce carrier landing speed and consequential changes in various systems and will fly with a GE-F404-IN20 engine.

Designed specifically for ski jump take-off and arrested landing, the aircraft was faced with heavy undercarriage problem, which sources fear might not have been addressed completely. The undercarriage was bulkier by 500 kg.

The aircraft is likely to replace Indian Navy’s Sea Harrier squadron, and already orders for six aircraft have been placed. While the NP-1 is a twin-seater trainer, the NP-2 will be a single-seat fighter.
Am just amazed if we continue at the same speed. We will soon be a very good force to reckon with. :tup:
Damn man things are going to fast its getting hard to catch up with all these new developments
Looks like we can't be stopped before we can finish rejoicing for the first they have given us two more.
BR is down so no confirmation. Checking tarmak. But my net seems to have issues. Can you do it Plz ???
BR is down so no confirmation. Checking tarmak. But my net seems to have issues. Can you do it Plz ???

Only the main page is down. Google BR and you can access the forums. Deccan herald reported that it flew at 9.55 AM, but no other confirmatory links.
Only the main page is down. Google BR and you can access the forums. Deccan herald reported that it flew at 9.55 AM, but no other confirmatory links.
I just spotted it(or something) flying :yahoo:
Unretracted gear and all. Looks majestic.
Its cloudy here though.
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