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Apr 8, 2007
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2013 Muzaffarnagar riots is the worst communal violence in India in the last decade. When communal and hate politics are taking center stage in Indian politics and society, the mainstream media cites' administrative failure as the reason for this widespread attack on Muslims. This film, is a simple collation of narratives of the survivors plight, anguish, sorrows and helplessness of riots victims. Through these testimonies film investigates into the ploy of the hate politics played out by the hindu right wing organizations in Western UP to tear apart the social fabric for electoral games. The film has unbelievable footage of live riots, people with guns and swords on the road, houses and shops burning and provocative speeches in the maha panchayat which has not yet come in the public domain. More than 180 women have been raped in Muzaffarnagar riots. But only 6 FIR's have been registered. According to official version 59 people including 13 Hindus have been killed. Independent estimates say more than 150 Muslims have been killed including the missing persons. The riots had displaced nearly 150000 Muslims. Thousands still remain in the relief camps. Search for justice continues ......
Yes Mulayam Govt failed to control riots and act against rioters.

But too My surprise, No so called secular include pseudo secular Muslims have objection against this riots. they simply played politics on the name of riot. Had it been in BJP rulled state, they would have made a huge noise.
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All media houses, NGOs, HR activists, political parties have almost completely forgotten these riots while are busy discussing the ones happened more than a decade earlier. Ironic isn't it.
Where are Mulayam Singh and other so called self styled 'secular' politicians? This is the face of so called 'secular' SP and Congress. Hope this will open eyes of many Muslims and other people who blame 'communal' Modi even after court cleared him and keep mum on these self styled 'secular' parties like SP and Congress.
These were secular riots ... no one talks about it in India anymore.
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