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There was resently a photo published of an IRIAA AB-214 armed a Dehlaviyeh missile. I hope both the IRIAA and the IRGC would upgrade the remaining fleet of AH-1Js to become AGTM capable.
The only likely client is Syria as there Air Force is in desperate need of some for of modernization after years of war.

Iraq and Yemen are also potential clients. Though in the case of Yemen, I am not sure how they could pay for it.

Actually, there would be many clients, especially in Africa, South America, and parts of Middle East and South East Asia. It all depends on the price and performance. Keep in mind many countries still have Mig-23, Mig-25, and F-5 in their air force; therefore, any plane that is much more advanced than those and still affordable money-wise is a win-win situation for them. They just need to ensure the plane is capable as Iranian military and govt officials claim.

To convince potential clients, the fighter jet should participate few air shows, that way its performance to other fourth generation fighter jets is evaluated. Iranians will need to emphasize its advanced features compare to others. Furthermore, an English, French, Swahili, and Arabic version of the below video would go a long way to give details to potential clients.

Actually, there would be many clients, especially in Africa, South America, and parts of Middle East and South East Asia. It all depends on the price and performance. Keep in mind many countries still have Mig-23, Mig-25, and F-5 in their air force; therefore, any plane that is much more advanced than those and still affordable money-wise is a win-win situation for them. They just need to ensure the plane is capable as Iranian military and govt officials claim.

To convince potential clients, the fighter jet should participate few air shows, that way its performance to other fourth generation fighter jets is evaluated. Iranians will need to emphasize its advanced features compare to others. Furthermore, an English, French, Swahili, and Arabic version of the below video would go a long way to give details to potential clients.

Well, Iran can't export a fighter jet while has kept it's radar completely classified, so all of these export talks are nothing beyond rumors.

There is an English translation to that video, if you look into its unveiling thread and dig up about 11 pages of irrelevant comments!
Actually, there would be many clients, especially in Africa, South America, and parts of Middle East and South East Asia. It all depends on the price and performance. Keep in mind many countries still have Mig-23, Mig-25, and F-5 in their air force; therefore, any plane that is much more advanced than those and still affordable money-wise is a win-win situation for them. They just need to ensure the plane is capable as Iranian military and govt officials claim.

To convince potential clients, the fighter jet should participate few air shows, that way its performance to other fourth generation fighter jets is evaluated. Iranians will need to emphasize its advanced features compare to others. Furthermore, an English, French, Swahili, and Arabic version of the below video would go a long way to give details to potential clients.

Well, Iran can't export a fighter jet while has kept it's radar completely classified, so all of these export talks are nothing beyond rumors.

There is an English translation to that video, if you look into its unveiling thread and dig up about 11 pages of irrelevant comments!

Not many governments on the planet would risk angering American corporations that practically run America by buying a reverse engineered American platform like the Kowsar fighter or the Toofan Helo not to mention the fact that Iran's production capacity is not yet enough to meet the countries own needs let alone produce enough of them for export.
In the future if Iran builds and mass produces it's own Airframe design that's powered by it's own engine design and produces enough of them and their spares to be able to provide spare parts and logistical support for a good size fleet for it's self 1st then maybe
Fighters are a platform that require constant maintenance, spare parts & weapons and if you can't provide those parts on a regular bases the aircraft wouldn't last any more than a few months in your fleet (Up to a year or two if enough spares are sold with the fighter on the initial purchase) and every Air Force on the planet knows this so until Iran designs it's own, mass produces them and keeps a large enough fleet in it's own Air Force active for a good period to prove to any potential customer that Iran can and will provide the post sale support the Aircrafts will need and until that happens no Air Force on the planet in their right mind would ever risk buying an Iranian produced fighter platform.
today I found this article
about the new Shaanxi Y-8F-200 aircraft (Chinese version of the AN-12) delivered to Kazakhstan, in the article they assert that:

"The plane is in service with the Air Force in six countries. Among them are Venezuela, Iran and Myanmar (Burma)"..........
"About six countries have them in their armed forces, in particular, Iran, Pakistan, Venezuela. The reviews are positive, so when choosing this aircraft, we were guided by what has already been tested over the years, has established itself."

I did not know that Iran had bought this plane, I ask if there are photographs of the Y-8F with Iranian badges
thank you
today I found this article
about the new Shaanxi Y-8F-200 aircraft (Chinese version of the AN-12) delivered to Kazakhstan, in the article they assert that:

"The plane is in service with the Air Force in six countries. Among them are Venezuela, Iran and Myanmar (Burma)"..........
"About six countries have them in their armed forces, in particular, Iran, Pakistan, Venezuela. The reviews are positive, so when choosing this aircraft, we were guided by what has already been tested over the years, has established itself."

I did not know that Iran had bought this plane, I ask if there are photographs of the Y-8F with Iranian badges
thank you
Nope, we don't have the Y-8 or even the An-12. I think the only Chinese transport aircraft Iran has is the Harbin Y-12, in service with the IRGC.

Nope, we don't have the Y-8 or even the An-12. I think the only Chinese transport aircraft Iran has is the Harbin Y-12, in service with the IRGC.


yes, of the Y-12 I was aware as indicated in numerous information sites, but in the article that I had attached, they specifically indicate the Y-8 used in Iran
yes, of the Y-12 I was aware as indicated in numerous information sites, but in the article that I had attached, they specifically indicate the Y-8 used in Iran
The Y-8 has never been in service with either the IRIAF or the IRGCAF. The writers of the article are mistaken.
نمای پشت بمب هواسر جمرات

"The view behind the bomb of Hobsar Jamrat"


بمب هواسر جمرات این بمب، توسط جهاد خودکفایی نیروی زمینی سپاه پاسداران ساخته شده و قرار است روی برخی پرنده‌های این نیرو عملیاتی شود

"The Hobs bomb of this bomb is made by the Self-Defense Jihad of the Revolutionary Guards ground force and is supposed to be operational on some bird of this force."

Budget bill cuts is started showing itself.

15 Kowsar fighter jets will be delivered in 3 years!
one already delivered, seven airframes were on the production line, so completing each line will take 1.5 years.

It seems by announcing this news, Chief commander of airforce wanted to say don't expect anything from us!

تحویل ۱۵ جنگنده «کوثر» به نهاجا تا ۳ سال آینده

If this news is true then it Seems what we all expected. Kowsar was not received well by the airforce.

Another “token” order of 15 Kowsar was placed. (Similar to smaller token orders when Saeghe variants were shown off). Which will be mostly for training purposes.

Air Force is taking a wait and see approach. No point in ordering 40-50 Kowsar in next 3 years when it MIGHT be possible to buy foreign planes (SU-30, JF-17, etc).

Besides an advanced trainer, Kowsar may end up replacing F-5’s that are no longer air worthy. At this time F-5’s should be able to fly till 2025 so no pressing need currently to replace them.
Budget bill cuts is started showing itself.

15 Kowsar fighter jets will be delivered in 3 years!
one already delivered, seven airframes were on the production line, so completing each line will take 1.5 years.

It seems by announcing this news, Chief commander of airforce wanted to say don't expect anything from us!

تحویل ۱۵ جنگنده «کوثر» به نهاجا تا ۳ سال آینده
خوب اگه قرار با این جنگنده ها تیم آکروجت تشکیل بدن فکر کنم همون 15 تا هم از سرشان زیاد باشه.

به هرحال ممکن که اونها منتظر موتور جت قویتر از اوج هستن تا یک جنگنده بر پایه اون را جایگزین هواپیماهای فعلی بکنن.
البته امیدوارم تا اونمقع متالوژی ما اونقدر پیشرفت بکنه که بتونه جوابگوی تولید با حجم بالا باشه
Budget bill cuts is started showing itself.

15 Kowsar fighter jets will be delivered in 3 years!
one already delivered, seven airframes were on the production line, so completing each line will take 1.5 years.

It seems by announcing this news, Chief commander of airforce wanted to say don't expect anything from us!

تحویل ۱۵ جنگنده «کوثر» به نهاجا تا ۳ سال آینده

This is why working on light fighter jet's or small frigates like the Mowj class simply makes no sense in a country like Iran and Iran's military needs to do a better job working on force multipliers for platforms!

If your going to be producing jet engines, radars, avionics, sections of an airframe, landing gears, hydraulics,..... and all the little pieces that make up a fighter each at rates as low as 1 per month & lower then clearly your wasting your recourses if those personal and infrastructure are being used towards such a light and insignificant fighter platform.

Now if Iran was adding for example 15 fighters comparable to the J-20 or Su-57 to it's fleet in the next 3 years now that is a significant capability and is worth having personal and equipment spend a month trying to build and assemble each of the engines, Radars,.....
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