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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Iran Intelligence Minister Hojatoleslam Mohammad Alavi: Test of Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile with range of 1800KM which destroyed moving target in Indian Ocean in IRGC "The Great Prophet 15" exercise
So were the Misaghs 1 through 3 all imported up till now? I think the first debuted back in 2006.
The misagh 2 production line was opened back in 2006
The misagh 3 is clearly different to its chinese based predecessors,as we can see from the missile itself with its brand new laser proximity fuse,its also possible that the ir seeker is iranian designed as well.So this also clearly proves that iran is indigenously producing the missiles at least.

I also cant seriously imagine iran just importing these things especially when they have vital components with use by dates such as the BCU [Battery-Cooling Unit] which need to be replaced and without which the system is effectively useless.
I did some further checking and found a sipri report that claims that iran was license producing both the misagh 1 and 2.
https://www.sipri.org/sites/default/files/files/PP/SIPRIPP38.pdf [pg40]
Good news. Presumably it will be based on the Soumar family line.
1500km still seems like its derived from the fixed turbojet version,perhaps just the basic hoveizeh cruise missile with a conformal fuel tank fitted.

I`m still hoping that at some point we will see a drop down turbofan soumar in limited production for the airforce and navy.
Fabian hinz does it again. Really nice read. Moral of the story is: embrace the suck and be self reliant, no matter how much you lag behind!

The team was lead by Ali Ghiamtyoun and included several people that had worked on a project to domestically produce TOW ATGMs before.
I took this above part from Fabian text..
For historical records For younger members of this forum".
Few days after new Revolutionary Government was in place in Iran. I was in Shiraz in the facility that TOW ATGM launchers were being calibrated and repaired (only facility in the entire middle east at that time). Full of early computerized (HP mini Computers) test stations and a giant granite slab (Iran used a single C-130 to carry the slab from California to Shiraz) The slab was used to mount all the optics of the launchers both for Tow ground and TOW helicopter for testing. A true state of art facility. (bombed by Iraqi's at the direction of Americans but done on a friday my guess is that since Americans knew and were friends with so many Iranians in that facility they made sure it is bombed on a Friday where no one is working..(.just my guess). I would not go in details but I can tell you the only experience Iran had with any missile were TOWs and possibly Maverick missile. The Idea of "missile" was not that entrenched ..it was all about Aircrafts.....They recognized the importance of it and built up on it.
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