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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

That trajectory apply for qvasi ballistic issiles and hyper sonic glide vehicle, but conventional ballistic missiles trajectory is different,first fly verticaly at very high attlitude, than, depending on range, warhead fly back at certain angle... ICBM has re entry vehicle that moves outside atmosphere, which means once it reach space, it needs very little energy to fly at long distance. Without resistance it just need turn engine or jet vanes for few seconds and it will go as long as you want... than needs turn on engine/jet vanes again only when need path correction or brake... This ICBM trajectory and calcultuon is joke...
For example N. Korea latest ICBM tests were missile lunch to high attlitude, without actualy hit anything on the ground... and they actualy keep record with missile reached 4000km attlitude...but that was only thing they need to do,since that attlitude is far more than required for ICBM missiles capable to git any place on earth.... once re entry vehicle go out of atmosphere...with very small booster it can reach anywhere... since it doesnt need constant energy to move, instead need just small amount of energy to kick on vehicle few times when need path correction.. and thus one small booster if you want to have manueverable warhead capable to change trajectory at terminal stage.... So, basicly, for ICBM conversion, payload and range should not be just converted 1:1, technology is inter connected but positioning and speed up sattalitelite in orbit require few manuevers more than deliver re entry vehicle at certain attlitude...So if you have powerfull propulsion and missile to deliver payload out of atmosphere at attlitude required for ICBM , along with re entry vehicle technology, than it is irelevant 10.000,12.000 or 15k...

What you describe is a FOBS, its a little different to a pure ballistic missile.
Zoljanah uses very mature, safe and cheap solid fuel booster technology, proven from serial produced Sejil.

The larger or more advanced boosters are from the IRGC-ASF SSJ. These are much more powerful but also much more secret.

Soroush-2 is again a space agency project with commercial and safety interests, it has absolutely no military use.
Iran inaugurated a new solid propellant facility today:

See link for the video.

"Major General Mohamad Bagheri, about the combined solid fuel production center, said: Increasing the range and speed of missiles used in ground operations was one of the armed forces' needs and aim of manufacturing solid fuel.

Produced Solid Fuel will be used in different tactical surface-to-surface missiles, anti-tank, low altitude air defense missiles, among others."

The seeker of Iranian anti-radiation ballistic missile, Hormuz:



Hopefully they are not dumb enough to show this publicly without having a newer seeker in service!

Those images are over 8 years old and when they revealed it, that seeker was probably out of date even then. Iran controls what information is released quite strictly so whatever they release is done to send a message.
Hopefully they are not dumb enough to show this publicly without having a newer seeker in service!

this one was the first type seeker

when we had managed to make the second type seeker which can detect wooden ships and boat they published the first one.
so now think in what stage we are on ?

4th gen ??


One thing about that exercise that I keep wondering about for months now is that thaad radar that was used as target practice during the wargame. Was that just a simple radar dressed up as the thaad radar or was that an Iranian simulacre based on what is known about the radar or was that an actual sample somehow acquired. I would imagine even an Iranian made planar array radar made to resemble the thaad would still be expensive to use as target practice. That leaves either a real one was used of which I am skeptical or a it might have been a simpler, expendable radar dressed up as the thaad radar merely to make a point of anti radar capabilities of the weapon. Also, can HARM home in on PESAs?
So were the Misaghs 1 through 3 all imported up till now? I think the first debuted back in 2006.
Zoljanah uses very mature, safe and cheap solid fuel booster technology, proven from serial produced Sejil.

The larger or more advanced boosters are from the IRGC-ASF SSJ. These are much more powerful but also much more secret.

Soroush-2 is again a space agency project with commercial and safety interests, it has absolutely no military use.

Soroush-2 may not be viable for Ballistic Missile but t's military use for delivery of space based assets is of far more value than any ICBM.

If you can achieve sufficient accuracy you can potentially hid metal composite rods inside a satellite and launch rod at targets like fixed AIDS systems on the ground and cripple an enemies long range Air Defense system or coms or.... by using kinetic energy rather than a warhead. I guarantee you that the U.S. already has such systems deployed and the country that has it's own "Space Force" has no business telling Iran what missiles or sat's we can or can not have.

And I absolutely agree, Zoljanah may be the most powerful Solid Fuel missile Iran has so far made public but it's far from being the most powerful solid fuel missile Iran has or has ever tested...
Zoljanah boosters are basically comparable to the U.S. minuteman ICBM's, they basically give Iran the ability to produce a viable, comparatively low cost, comparatively transportable ICBMs.
One thing about that exercise that I keep wondering about for months now is that thaad radar that was used as target practice during the wargame. Was that just a simple radar dressed up as the thaad radar or was that an Iranian simulacre based on what is known about the radar or was that an actual sample somehow acquired. I would imagine even an Iranian made planar array radar made to resemble the thaad would still be expensive to use as target practice. That leaves either a real one was used of which I am skeptical or a it might have been a simpler, expendable radar dressed up as the thaad radar merely to make a point of anti radar capabilities of the weapon. Also, can HARM home in on PESAs?

So were the Misaghs 1 through 3 all imported up till now? I think the first debuted back in 2006.

Absolutely not!! This is just a new production line for newer enhanced variants.
Misagh 1&2 where exact copy's of Chinese version and likely produced with direct Chinese assistance and more likely than not with Chinese imported tools and parts.
MOD is saying that these new production line of various new variants are 100% Iranian and built using Iranian tools so I am inclined to believe them and this allows Iran to produce at far greater numbers than ever before with far greater level of security.
It also gives Iran far greater ability to produce various modified versions at far greater numbers.
Iran will no doubt want to produce various versions for different class UAV's, sea based versions, UGV versions,.... all of which would require specific modifications if want max effect and efficiency.
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