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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

do,nt worry
it high possibility

by now i think it has been reversed engineered

SS-N-30A (Kalibr 3M-14/3M-14T) ?
How much experience they gained from them? how many years forward it boosted irans missile industry?

I know there were rumours that 4-5 missilies "landed" in Iran, but maybe too dificult to reverse engineere because of possible damages during "accidently landing"

This Cruise missiles for sure dindt landed elegant like the RQ-170 which remained in perfect condition...

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SS-N-30A (Kalibr 3M-14/3M-14T) ?
How much experience they gained from them? how many years forward it boosted irans missile industry?

I know there were rumours that 4-5 missilies "landed" in Iran, but maybe too dificult to reverse engineere because of possible damages during "accidently landing"

This Cruise missiles for sure dindt landed elegant like the RQ-170 which remained in perfect condition...

Metallurgical analysis of various components of the engine if different then what Iran is already aware of would most definitely take years off R&D

If a new type of classified battery was used could potentially help point Iran in the right direction...

Depending on what type of warhead was used the analysis of the materials and design could take years off R&D...

How the airframe is constructed to facilitate a rear booster capable of a vertical launch could take years off R&D for an Iranian VLS system

so something very simple could save years and millions of dollars off costly trial and error R&D and you wouldn't need it to be in a good condition to do that
Welcome to party artesh. IRGC have been producing these types of missiles for 20 years now 😂
Honestly this makes me pissed off! Just buy the damn hardware from IRGC or the defense ministry! Why do you reinvent the wheel all the time. They are constantly 10 years behind in UAV and missile tech and they still insist to manufacture their own systems. Even when they are ahead with for example zolfaghar, irgc can come in and dwarf them with karrar. And it took them only a few years to setup limited production plant. then, out of spite, artesh refuses to place order on karrar and is publicly showing interest to buy t90s.
Artesh really needs a visionary leader like Navy in order to innovate and come out of this miserable shape. It’s embarrassing tbh.

Honestly this makes me pissed off! Just buy the damn hardware from IRGC or the defense ministry! Why do you reinvent the wheel all the time. They are constantly 10 years behind in UAV and missile tech and they still insist to manufacture their own systems. Even when they are ahead with for example zolfaghar, irgc can come in and dwarf them with karrar. And it took them only a few years to setup limited production plant. then, out of spite, artesh refuses to place order on karrar and is publicly showing interest to buy t90s.
Artesh really needs a visionary leader like Navy in order to innovate and come out of this miserable shape. It’s embarrassing tbh.

You are right on all counts. Competition is good but when one product is done they all should accept that...imagine logistical nightmare and spare parts and tech manuals and training courses for all almost similar hardware on both side.
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Honestly this makes me pissed off! Just buy the damn hardware from IRGC or the defense ministry! Why do you reinvent the wheel all the time. They are constantly 10 years behind in UAV and missile tech and they still insist to manufacture their own systems. Even when they are ahead with for example zolfaghar, irgc can come in and dwarf them with karrar. And it took them only a few years to setup limited production plant. then, out of spite, artesh refuses to place order on karrar and is publicly showing interest to buy t90s.
Artesh really needs a visionary leader like Navy in order to innovate and come out of this miserable shape. It’s embarrassing tbh.

I was thinking the same and said some thing similar when air force unveiled Kaman a few months back. Also, these missiles are a special weapon and IRGCASF are good enough in deploying and using them, there is no reason for redundancy with Artesh. Additionally, although it is not as likely now as before, Artesh might be a way for foreign infiltration to compromise the missile tech.
The speculation is incredible here on the forum, you know nothing about the improvement of the missile in question in its belly. The forum has been deteriorating for a while here. Do you work in the laboratory? Did you design the missile upgrades? When you know that Iran is improving a lot on artificial intelligence and nanatechnology you should be more careful with your conclusions. Iran still has the ability to surprise and make you lie

We need someone to raise the level on this forum
Honestly this makes me pissed off! Just buy the damn hardware from IRGC or the defense ministry! Why do you reinvent the wheel all the time. They are constantly 10 years behind in UAV and missile tech and they still insist to manufacture their own systems. Even when they are ahead with for example zolfaghar, irgc can come in and dwarf them with karrar. And it took them only a few years to setup limited production plant. then, out of spite, artesh refuses to place order on karrar and is publicly showing interest to buy t90s.
Artesh really needs a visionary leader like Navy in order to innovate and come out of this miserable shape. It’s embarrassing tbh.

Looks like its just a guidance system for the Army's stock of Neze'at-6 and Neze'at-10 unguided artillery rockets. This is a good development in my eyes because they were pretty useless without the guidance.
Honestly this makes me pissed off! Just buy the damn hardware from IRGC or the defense ministry! Why do you reinvent the wheel all the time. They are constantly 10 years behind in UAV and missile tech and they still insist to manufacture their own systems. Even when they are ahead with for example zolfaghar, irgc can come in and dwarf them with karrar. And it took them only a few years to setup limited production plant. then, out of spite, artesh refuses to place order on karrar and is publicly showing interest to buy t90s.
Artesh really needs a visionary leader like Navy in order to innovate and come out of this miserable shape. It’s embarrassing tbh.

Fastest and highest flying drone belong to army.
Our longest range suicide drones which is our second fastest drone also belong to army.

Armyand irgc have simply different doctorine and needs.
By the way army always operated artillery rockets and their range was about 100km now if they managed to increase the range to 300km and gave them percision strike then what is the complaint. And if the photo is correct the missile looks somehow smaller than Fateh missile that make it plus for it.
Honestly this makes me pissed off! Just buy the damn hardware from IRGC or the defense ministry! Why do you reinvent the wheel all the time.

Sadly this situation is not unique just to iran,you see this with a lot of nations militaries where the thought of using another services weapon is anathema,or the service in question just thinks that it can produce a better weapon.
Part of the big problem here is an apparent complete lack of general oversight on weapons programs as there does not appear to be any kind of single unified administrative body in overall charge of general vetting of weapons design and development proposals from all of branches of the military.
Iran can ill afford this sort of wastage of effort ,because the time and resources squandered in pointlessly reinventing the wheel could`ve been better used for much needed things.Probably one of the worst examples of this sort was the air force wasting years of effort to set up its own drone program that ultimately produced only one design of drone and even that still required the help of the irgc affiliated drone manufacturers in order for it to even be viable.Now imagine instead if the airforce had used some of those resources to modernise their small stocks of its own indigenously developed pgms from the 1990s,that would`ve been of far greater value to it and iran than an airforce only drone.
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