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Looks like its just a guidance system for the Army's stock of Neze'at-6 and Neze'at-10 unguided artillery rockets. This is a good development in my eyes because they were pretty useless without the guidance.View attachment 716369
if's an upgrade to older technology already in their possession, that's a totally different matter and very highly encouraged. I was actually worried that they were trying to imitate the Fateh/Zolfaghar line when they could purchase through IRGC.
So does HZ in Lebanon have these upgrades making even more of their stock also precise or semi precise now?
@camelguy You're banned now, but it's still worth mentioning you. What do you think about that?
It worth mention that Saddam bombed schools in iran cities and nobody in iraq or rest of the world made any complaint.
By the way dont say its a lie to made disturb relation of two neighbourly countries . one of the school that get bombed was my primary school.
Looks like its just a guidance system for the Army's stock of Neze'at-6 and Neze'at-10 unguided artillery rockets. This is a good development in my eyes because they were pretty useless without the guidance.View attachment 716369

I understand your point. This is of course a better case if it is only an upgrade program. But even still, why is Artesh doing these upgrades and not the real experts having 20 years of experience, either IRGC or defence ministry. And this is not the only case. Look at air force UCAV development. Why did they have to develop their own system which is on pair or MAYBE slightly better compared to IRGC and defence ministry systems from 10 years ago. IMO Navy is a role model for artesh. They buy the systems already available for example Simorgh (shahed 129) and tons other system from defence ministry. They then put their focus on hardware no one is producing currently, like the trimaran and destroyer ships.
Artesh and air force are on the other hand doing anything they can in order not to order from available domestic stock, karrar and s129 being two examples. I'm sorry to say but to me it looks like they are behaving this way out of spite.

Sadly this situation is not unique just to iran,you see this with a lot of nations militaries where the thought of using another services weapon is anathema,or the service in question just thinks that it can produce a better weapon.
Part of the big problem here is an apparent complete lack of general oversight on weapons programs as there does not appear to be any kind of single unified administrative body in overall charge of general vetting of weapons design and development proposals from all of branches of the military.
Iran can ill afford this sort of wastage of effort ,because the time and resources squandered in pointlessly reinventing the wheel could`ve been better used for much needed things.Probably one of the worst examples of this sort was the air force wasting years of effort to set up its own drone program that ultimately produced only one design of drone and even that still required the help of the irgc affiliated drone manufacturers in order for it to even be viable.Now imagine instead if the airforce had used some of those resources to modernise their small stocks of its own indigenously developed pgms from the 1990s,that would`ve been of far greater value to it and iran than an airforce only drone.
Exactly! There is no need to re-invent the wheel. There are tons of new systems that need attention.

Look I understand where artesh and airforce are coming from. They used to be the jewel of our defence and now they are left behind and in bad shape. I understand that there is a lot of frustation, but they need to come in terms with their situation and adapt. The path they are headed currently will only make a bad situation worse. They need to come to grips with reality, radically change their organization, start massive cooperation with other branches and together lay out a plan for a future where they make the best use of their current know how and knowledge.
I understand your point. This is of course a better case if it is only an upgrade program. But even still, why is Artesh doing these upgrades and not the real experts having 20 years of experience, either IRGC or defence ministry. And this is not the only case. Look at air force UCAV development. Why did they have to develop their own system which is on pair or MAYBE slightly better compared to IRGC and defence ministry systems from 10 years ago. IMO Navy is a role model for artesh. They buy the systems already available for example Simorgh (shahed 129) and tons other system from defence ministry. They then put their focus on hardware no one is producing currently, like the trimaran and destroyer ships.
Artesh and air force are on the other hand doing anything they can in order not to order from available domestic stock, karrar and s129 being two examples. I'm sorry to say but to me it looks like they are behaving this way out of spite.

Exactly! There is no need to re-invent the wheel. There are tons of new systems that need attention.

Look I understand where artesh and airforce are coming from. They used to be the jewel of our defence and now they are left behind and in bad shape. I understand that there is a lot of frustation, but they need to come in terms with their situation and adapt. The path they are headed currently will only make a bad situation worse. They need to come to grips with reality, radically change their organization, start massive cooperation with other branches and together lay out a plan for a future where they make the best use of their current know how and knowledge.
I literally couldnt have put it any better myself,well said..... :enjoy:
Now if only those running the airforce would see these posts and take note.
By the way dont say its a lie to made disturb relation of two neighbourly countries . one of the school that get bombed was my primary school.
Who said it was a lie? Are you paranoid?
if's an upgrade to older technology already in their possession, that's a totally different matter and very highly encouraged. I was actually worried that they were trying to imitate the Fateh/Zolfaghar line when they could purchase through IRGC.
So does HZ in Lebanon have these upgrades making even more of their stock also precise or semi precise now?

I just noticed that the video is from an unveiling ceremony dating back to the 3rd of October 2019.
Photos: Iran’s Army unveils new tactical armored vehicles, smart robots (theiranproject.com)

You can even see the Labek-1 missile name written on the poster. I don't know why Reza_mad's twitter account is passing this video off as though it was a resent event.

In regards to Hezbollah, I have heard that they are following a similar program of building new guidance sections for their vast stocks of pre-existing unguided rockets in order to give them a precision strike capability without causing a lot of financial burden .
Good find "Baharm"...looking at those yellow carrier trays reminded me of a story (that is what old men become ..story tellers..lol)..

Back during the shah ..I was working in shiraz and with me was a very nice older American from Hughes aircraft..We had an Iranian executive who was very Tough, very educated and very patriotic so he would force the Americans to justify every dollar they charge Iran for various military hardware..so me and this fellow were walking and we came across a single tray similar to the ones above...He turned to me and said .."you know your Iranian boss is so hard on us americans..so we in turn recover our money by charging Iran for stupid items like this tray..we charged you guys $25000 for each tray and you are getting 5 of them...!!! all we needed was one!
Those yellow trays above look fabulous..lol
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Good find "Baharm"...looking at those yellow carrier trays reminded me of a story (that is what old men become ..story tellers..lol)..

Back during the shah ..I was working in shiraz and with me was a very nice older American from Hughes aircraft..We had an Iranian executive who was very Tough, very educated and very patriotic so he would force the Americans to justify every dollar they charge Iran for various military hardware..so me and this fellow were walking and we came across a single tray similar to the ones above...He turned to me and said .."you know your Iranian boss is so hard on us americans..so we in turn recover our money by charging Iran for stupid items like this tray..we charged you guys $25000 for each tray and you are getting 5 of them...!!! all we needed was one!
Those yellow trays above look fabulous..lol

Thank you for sharing your story. It just goes to show how the U.S takes its client states for a ride and how Iran is able to achieve so much on its own despite having one of the lowest defense spending budgets in the region.
Just a reminder for those to understand who Iran is dealing with.

Not targeting those bunkers in Ain Al-Assad was a mistake.

Just goes to show what absolute pieces of Sh!t are the self professed "Persians" who would love nothing more for the United States to carry out such actions against Iran!
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Just goes to show what absolute pieces of Sh!t are the self professed "Persians" who would love nothing more for the United States to carry out such actions against Iran!
It's bad enough for the roaches outside of Iran, but the worse are the lowlife cannibal insects in the country who freely want these things in their online posts and get away with it! If you are going to arrest shirtless parkour guys posing with their women, then please go after the dirty roaches who openly pray for the country's destruction in online posts or any public venue.
Honestly this makes me pissed off! Just buy the damn hardware from IRGC or the defense ministry! Why do you reinvent the wheel all the time. They are constantly 10 years behind in UAV and missile tech and they still insist to manufacture their own systems. Even when they are ahead with for example zolfaghar, irgc can come in and dwarf them with karrar. And it took them only a few years to setup limited production plant. then, out of spite, artesh refuses to place order on karrar and is publicly showing interest to buy t90s.
Artesh really needs a visionary leader like Navy in order to innovate and come out of this miserable shape. It’s embarrassing tbh.

Labayk-1 missile(upgrade of Nazeat-6,10) has entered service two years ago, as IRIGF commander has announced these projects are developed with the assistance of IRGC ASF and MOD.


What is new here is the 300km ballistic missile for IRIGF which is most probabely the Fateh-110 which was previously mentioned by Brigadier Pourdastan.


Also Karrar is not an IRGC project, it is developed by MOD.
Worlds first Bunker-Busting MaRVs for hardened aircraft shelters when?

Or is that not necessary,


US & Israel working on Arrow-4 knowing they have fallen deeply behind the latest generation of Iranian missiles (Dezful, Haj Qasem, Raad-500 etc...)

@PeeD Interested to see what you think about their latest designs.

View attachment 717540

US & Israel working on Arrow-4 knowing they have fallen deeply behind the latest generation of Iranian missiles (Dezful, Haj Qasem, Raad-500 etc...)

@PeeD Interested to see what you think about their latest designs.

Seems a little desperate move to counter Iranian gliding MaRV and future HGVs.

It may work in some kinds of engagements but generally an expensive solution against an inexpensive weapon.

At the moment they have no counter at all, so at least it will boost the more to have something that may work in some way.
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