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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

”Expanding” is one of putting it. Another way is running from the fateh series missiles!

They need more time to react, SRBMs are too fast for them to handle, but moving further way is exactly what Iran wants, Iran's goal is to push the US out of the region, pulling back to the Red Sea is essentially giving Iran supremacy in the gulf and expulsion of US forces along with giving Iran more time to react to the US as well.

The conditions now need to be made where the Red Sea is also very unsafe and impossible for them to operate in war conditions.

The Navy is the key to Yemen
Yemen is then the key to this.
This does not bode well for our recent successes:

Top Navy Intel Officer Hopes China Will Keep Dumping Money Into Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles
The Navy is strongly hinting that it feels it is well on its way to mitigating the very real threats posed by anti-ship ballistic and cruise missiles.

This does not bode well for our recent successes:

Top Navy Intel Officer Hopes China Will Keep Dumping Money Into Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles
The Navy is strongly hinting that it feels it is well on its way to mitigating the very real threats posed by anti-ship ballistic and cruise missiles.

Why do you post China related news on Iranian thread bro???
Why do you post China related news on Iranian thread bro???

Because though this article references China; Iran and China both use anti-ship ballistic missiles to target US Navy Ships as part of a A2/AD strategy. The very fact that this US Navy officer is implying that they have countermeasures to such systems is important to note for Iran, esp in light of recent jubilations in hitting a target using a BM in an anti-ship role 1800km away
Because though this article references China; Iran and China both use anti-ship ballistic missiles to target US Navy Ships as part of a A2/AD strategy. The very fact that this US Navy officer is implying that they have countermeasures to such systems is important to note for Iran, esp in light of recent jubilations in hitting a target using a BM in an anti-ship role 1800km away
where this article refer Iran
Are you retarded?
was i talking to you???
This does not bode well for our recent successes:

Top Navy Intel Officer Hopes China Will Keep Dumping Money Into Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles
The Navy is strongly hinting that it feels it is well on its way to mitigating the very real threats posed by anti-ship ballistic and cruise missiles.

Thanks for posting the article..It does relate to Iran as well. China and Iran the only two countries that actually have this capability..

I read the article: two points...why would US navy tell China hey you are wasting your money on a weapon we are not afraid of...does that make sense...They are afraid and they do not have counter measure.

second point: I copied this from the article "Right now, though, there's no guarantee that ships tasked with missile defense will be in an optimal position relative to an incoming strike involving ballistic missiles with maneuvering reentry vehicles, let alone ones tipped with hypersonic boost-glide vehicles. Even if they are, they may well be overwhelmed by the total number of incoming threats. A barrage of low-flying high-supersonic or hypersonic cruise missiles could similarly threaten to overwhelm close-in defenses on individual ships".

Translation...We do not have any thing now and if we had would be easily countered


Syrian Arab Army tested a new cruise missile on a fast boat !


Iranian Ghadir has a range of 300km
That trajectory apply for qvasi ballistic issiles and hyper sonic glide vehicle, but conventional ballistic missiles trajectory is different,first fly verticaly at very high attlitude, than, depending on range, warhead fly back at certain angle... ICBM has re entry vehicle that moves outside atmosphere, which means once it reach space, it needs very little energy to fly at long distance. Without resistance it just need turn engine or jet vanes for few seconds and it will go as long as you want... than needs turn on engine/jet vanes again only when need path correction or brake... This ICBM trajectory and calcultuon is joke...
For example N. Korea latest ICBM tests were missile lunch to high attlitude, without actualy hit anything on the ground... and they actualy keep record with missile reached 4000km attlitude...but that was only thing they need to do,since that attlitude is far more than required for ICBM missiles capable to git any place on earth.... once re entry vehicle go out of atmosphere...with very small booster it can reach anywhere... since it doesnt need constant energy to move, instead need just small amount of energy to kick on vehicle few times when need path correction.. and thus one small booster if you want to have manueverable warhead capable to change trajectory at terminal stage.... So, basicly, for ICBM conversion, payload and range should not be just converted 1:1, technology is inter connected but positioning and speed up sattalitelite in orbit require few manuevers more than deliver re entry vehicle at certain attlitude...So if you have powerfull propulsion and missile to deliver payload out of atmosphere at attlitude required for ICBM , along with re entry vehicle technology, than it is irelevant 10.000,12.000 or 15k...
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