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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

One of interesting stuff in kowsartrading website was this decoy warhead which is released along the real warhead, up to 4 decoys can be placed in each missile. It will literally f@ck up any anti ballistic missile system.

Maybe that's why Saudis fired 5 Patriot missiles to intercept one Yemeni missile.
One of interesting stuff in kowsartrading website was this decoy warhead which is released along the real warhead, up to 4 decoys can be placed in each missile. It will literally f@ck up any anti ballistic missile system.

Maybe that's why Saudis fired 5 Patriot missiles to intercept one Yemeni missile.


This is a Fateh-style inflatable decoy warhead and is called Anvar-110. All Iran's more advanced Fateh-type missiles will probably have these. Saudis have no chance, their ABM stocks would be expended very quickly.
Yes these are for Emad, Khorramshahr and MaRV'ed Sejil.

Probably before separation a chaff cloud is released around the missile, and simultaneously decoys and separation takes place.
Once chaff cloud density decreases there are 5 or more slowly diverging RV-looking targets for the ABM systems radar.

The create confusion and kinetic energy loss effects for endo-atmospheric ABM systems such as Arrow-2 and Patriot.
With exo-atmoxpheric systems like THAAD and Arrow-3, they represent a serious problem if thermal signature is also mimicked.
Same for mid-course systems such as SM-3.

However they are no credible targets anymore once re-entering takes place and endo-atmospheric regime starts. They also can't be used effectively with depressed trajectory and quasi ballistic systems of the Fateh family.

Honestly I expected such decoys already in 2009 when Sejil was presented.
10m for a re-entering ballistic missile means destruction of hardened targets with a single shot.
It also means a very potent INS system has been developed.
I said previously here (light ICBM post) that pin-point accuracy requires an astro-navigation system for Khorramshahr-2 and a future pin-point strike ICBM, which may prove wrong.

The INS system seems to be so accurate by now, that it delivers the missile on exactly the right course. Then after separation of the MaRV, a very high G hardened accelerometer based wind correction (and random maneuvering) systems brings the MaRV to the target within 10m CEP. This is tremendous, as the Pershing-II needed a radar based terminal navigation system to guide its MaRV to (officially) 30m.

Now beside this Qiam variant, also the Ghadr or even Shahab-3 arsenal are upgraded to this pin-point strike capability.
This is nothing else than freighting for any enemy in Irans neighborhood.

As G hardening of the MaRV wind-correction and evasion system improves, as well as the fin steering system and thermal shielding, longer range rated MaRV will become possible.
Chinese equip their IRBMs with MaRVs with terminal guidance.

The INS system is no bottleneck of accuracy anymore for Iran anymore. If the Qiam INS achieves this, the same can also be used on a MaRV'ed ICBM.

We saw for the first time, what looked like <50m CEP in the Khorramshahr-2 test, but this is the first official number from Iran on the accuracy of this new generation of MaRV's.
Gen. Hajizadehs assigned project from the Leader can be hence called complete: Time to concentrate on booster/TVC and thermal shielding.
Still, let me stress that a mid-course INS fixing via GPS or more robust astro-navigation is what state of the art technology dictates.

We can hope that no GPS or Glonass is used and the most robust fixing method would be astro-nav.
Alone managing a 850km range BM to 10m CEP would require highest grade gyroscopes.
2000km of the Khorramshahr-2 would be beyond state of the art, in any way affordable gyroscope technology.

So either Iran has achieved an affordable technology on gyroscopes that would be a breakthrough. Or a robust solution like astro-nav for longer ranged systems beyond acceptable gyroscope drift levels. Or less robust solutions like GPS or radio position update.

Anyway even if the Qiam INS drift levels would result in 10m CEP at 850km it would speak much about the quality of technology Iran has achieved.
This is interesting,the us is tearing up the inf treaty which was the backbone of late cold war arms control


There could be both advantages and disadvantages for iran in this.
The advantage is that it would become even more difficult from an international political perspective for the us to demand concessions from iran over the size and capability of its missile forces,it would also likely mean that the mtcr is dead along with the imf and this would likely make it easier for iran to both acquire new missile technologies as well as potentially sell its own.The down side is that the restriction on the sales of certain western weapons such as cruise missiles with certain ranges may no longer be in effect and we may also start to see the us and western nations start to develop their own conventional short,medium and intermediate ranged missiles and possibly even offer these for sale as well.
I think that in light of this increasingly iran needs to very seriously look at developing an indigenous abm capability to compliment its new integrated air defence network.
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