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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

You assume a claimed value is correct, and you start to justify it, which is a very weird approach. Also, please remember they have started putting the fins back, but smaller ones.

If an Iranian official tomorrow claims that Iran’s BMs have a CEP of 12 feet. @PeeD would take it as correct and start building his thesis around that.

Iran, Russia, US, etc. any country in the world exaggerating facts about its military capabilities.

The missile attacks on ISIS and Kurdistan, show Iran’s missiles can achieve accuracy. But they also show that Iran’s Missiles have problems with accuracy.

I am skeptical of this pinpoint accuracy.

Also the fact that Houthi’s launched this missile and there has yet to be a satellite photos shows either the missile probably missed or was intercepted.

Please remember the 2015 Ma’rib Tochka Missile attack that the Houthi’s used to score a direct hit on a small military forward base being used by Saudi and UAE.

1 Missile = direct hit = complete destruction

Yet Tochka-A has a CEP of 150m+ and Tochka-B with GPS and Radar/Optical terminal correction system brings CEP to 75-100M.

My point? It is highly unlikely Iranian missiles have a CEP of 10M. And any evidence showing an Iranian Missile scoring a direct hit doesn’t mean CEP <20M. As Houthi Missile attacked showed, pinpoint accuracy can happen even with BMs that have 75m+
You both are free to doubt it and I still do so too. My experience with IRGC capabilities tells me that the 10m CEP is most likely true.
It can be faked and only lucky hits of a 150m CEP missile being shown hitting the camera (Khorramshahr-2) or a tent (MaRV'ed Qiam).

As a Iranian I take Iranian claims and try to technically analyze and explain them. I expressed my doubts by saying something like this has never been achieved by any country and published openly.
Its sure true that nuclear warheads do not require such accuracy's, however lower yields and lighter warheads can be realized if the accuracy is so high (silo killing). The reason was rather that it as not technically feasible at and affordable cost for ICBMs and still not technically feasible without (and even with) terminal guidance corrections for a late cold war system like the Pershing II.

Ground based GPS is the most fragile method but and indigenous one. Could replace GPS effectively for peace-time operation against a country without high capability. Something Fateh series of older generation could use for pin-point accuracy.
As also mentioned, ground Radar correction is another method of the more fragile kind.
Basically anything that needs external input can be regarded as fragile. Button must be pushed and only physical destruction able to stop it hitting the right point (especially necessary in a nuclear war).
Also, please remember they have started putting the fins back, but smaller ones.

That's an aerodynamic issue with having a MaRV with fins: The aerodynamic instability caused by such canards would cause the TVC system to engage constantly to correct the instability. A TVC vane system that constantly works will create more drag and be ultimately the cause for lower efficiency that leads to lower range.
So the INS is sufficiently high grade to do so since the Qiam but its not worth to sacrifice range/payload for it.

It would make sense for a missile with gimballed nozzle TVC: There the corrections would not lower efficiency. That's why Khorramshahr-2 or DF-21C have no aft fins but MaRV fins.

Qiam was in essence a proof of concept there for INS quality level and canister/silo launch potential.
Remember this is no joke: North Koreans still needed fins for their HS-10 Khorramshahr equivalent. Their lighter PKG-1/2 missiles still also require fins.

I don't want to promote the Qiam INS too much and I still can't explain the accuracy levels claimed, but I try to find an explanation.
guys IRGC is going full hypersonic on UCAVs and Missiles development and its Navy these are really big news coming from IRGC.

General: Iran Extending Range of Missiles

The range of Iranian missiles are increasing constantly to counter the regional and extra-regional threats, a ranking military commander said.


for any body that is interested, Hormoz 1 missile can reach an speed of more then mach 1 in almost 6-7 seconds you can see the missile reaching mach one speed in below video at exactly 0:46 - 0:47, enjoy :-):tup:

That's an aerodynamic issue with having a MaRV with fins: The aerodynamic instability caused by such canards would cause the TVC system to engage constantly to correct the instability. A TVC vane system that constantly works will create more drag and be ultimately the cause for lower efficiency that leads to lower range.
So the INS is sufficiently high grade to do so since the Qiam but its not worth to sacrifice range/payload for it.

It would make sense for a missile with gimballed nozzle TVC: There the corrections would not lower efficiency. That's why Khorramshahr-2 or DF-21C have no aft fins but MaRV fins.

Qiam was in essence a proof of concept there for INS quality level and canister/silo launch potential.
Remember this is no joke: North Koreans still needed fins for their HS-10 Khorramshahr equivalent. Their lighter PKG-1/2 missiles still also require fins.

I don't want to promote the Qiam INS too much and I still can't explain the accuracy levels claimed, but I try to find an explanation.

@PeeD PLZ look at the this video from 2:23 to 2:35 and then look at the video that is playing in background i think i find a secret missile or weapon its looks some how that it uses cooled launch system but not exactly, as it has a small ejection booster and it has a very good speed it looks supersonic for sure, and its being fired vertical, it seems to me like an air defense missile but i do not know what it is so i would love to hear your thoughts on that.

@PeeD PLZ look at the this video from 2:23 to 2:35 and then look at the video that is playing in background i think i find a secret missile or weapon its looks some how that it uses cooled launch system but not exactly, as it has a small ejection booster and it has a very good speed it looks supersonic for sure, and its being fired vertical, it seems to me like an air defense missile but i do not know what it is so i would love to hear your thoughts on that.

interesting find, indeed
@PeeD PLZ look at the this video from 2:23 to 2:35 and then look at the video that is playing in background i think i find a secret missile or weapon its looks some how that it uses cooled launch system but not exactly, as it has a small ejection booster and it has a very good speed it looks supersonic for sure, and its being fired vertical, it seems to me like an air defense missile but i do not know what it is so i would love to hear your thoughts on that.

i think at 2:37 we have the lunch footage of that missile(which has been shown from 2:23 to 2:35)but in another angle........the footage shows that missile is zelzal or nazeat and just because of the sun's light the smoke of the missile is not so clear and it seems in first 2 or 3 sec of the lunch there is no fume.........
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