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Indian intelligence involvement in Bangladesh land mass from 1947-today

We have nothing to discuss with these back stabbing dada's waging a covert war on our population using their agents in place. First order of business is, we need to find these agents one by one and neutralize them, not kill them without due process, but either put them in jail if there is sufficient evidence or expel them from the country if they are not our citizen.

We also need a defense plan as @Loki mentioned earlier in another thread. According to this plan, we need to go for nuclear power and develop as much nuclear tech in house as possible. We also need to work with China to reduce Indian influence in Burma.

North East states has on its 3 sides, Bangladesh, China and Burma. If China wanted to help North East states become independent or at least help keep the insurgency alive, they don't need Bangladesh to do it, they need to work with Burma for this project and feed the insurgents through the borders of these two countries. All we can do for now is provide moral support for such projects, as self determination is a universal human right.

Unless we are secured with nuclear deterrence and a strong military alliance with China and Burma (if China can turn them around), we cannot afford to get into adventures such as helping insurgents in North East states. Indians will use this as an excuse to meddle in our internal matters, that much should be obvious to all Bangladeshi's by now.

As for Islamic extremists using Bangladesh soil as a launching pad, they are as much a threat to Bangladesh as they are to India. So Bangladesh should have no problem to receive tips from India and catch these criminals in their tracks, if they try to use Bangladesh soil.
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We have nothing to discuss here. First order of business is, we need to find these agents one by one and neutralize them, not kill them without due process, but either put them in jail if there is sufficient evidence or expel them from the country if they are not our citizen.

We also need a defense plan as @Loki mentioned earlier in another thread. According to this plan, we need to go for nuclear power and develop as much nuclear tech in house as possible. We also need to work with China to reduce Indian influence in Burma.

I never said that :no:

North East states has on its 3 sides, Bangladesh, China and Burma. If China wanted to help North East states become independent or at least help keep the insurgency alive, they don't need Bangladesh to do it, they need to work with Burma for this project and feed the insurgents through the borders of these two countries. All we can do for now is provide moral support for such projects, as self determination is a universal human right.

If I'm not mistaken, China stopped supporting them back in the 80's. I'd rather leave that one as it is.

Unless we are secured with nuclear deterrence and a strong military alliance with China and Burma (if China can turn them around), we cannot afford to get into adventures such as helping insurgents in North East states. Indians will use this as an excuse to meddle in our internal matters, that much should be obvious to all Bangladeshi's by now.

As for Islamic extremists using Bangladesh soil as a launching pad, they are as much a threat to Bangladesh as they are to India. So Bangladesh should have no problem to receive tips from India and catch these criminals in their tracks, if they try to use Bangladesh soil.

I think we are going off-track here.

Though I agree with Joe that it is irresponsible on our part not to act in time against ULFA militants whose operations in India result in the killing of innocents.

I generally don't recommend making deals with foreign militant groups.

Let's get some things straight:

- India did share intel with BNP/Jamaat during their reign.

- Khaleda clearly stated that there would be no room for terrorists on Bangladeshi soil during her last meeting with PM Singh.

-She did not imply that BNP supported ULFA through material and logistical means.

So to say "the BNP represented the establishment of Pakistan in its independent Bangladeshi avatar" is a bit....off...

Given those, BNP supporting ULFA are accusations at best. Let's agree to disagree with them on this.

And who or what are those mysterious Islamist militant outfits that Jamaat was apparently supporting? I haven't seen any hint about those.

The Indians appear to be very uncompromising toward Jamaat. It's like as if it'd kill them if they engage in some sort of dialogue with Jamaat. At least it wouldn't hurt to try on their part even given Jamaat's controversy. So, I find this attitude strange and kinda extreme. Not a single meeting with them in history!

And last but not the least, @madx was asking about India's alleged role in supporting the Shanti Bahini. @Joe Shearer said that it is a complicated matter.

So apart from an old NYT article, we really do not know the full details about madx's initial query.
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I never said that :no:

If I'm not mistaken, China stopped supporting them back in the 80's. I'd rather leave that one as it is.

I think we are going off-track here.

Though I agree with Joe that it is irresponsible on our part not to act in time against ULFA militants whose operations in India result in the killing of innocents.

I generally don't recommend making deals with foreign militant groups.

Let's get some things straight:

- India did share intel with BNP/Jamaat during their reign.

- Khaleda clearly stated that there would be no room for terrorists on Bangladeshi soil during her last meeting with PM Singh.

-She did not imply that BNP supported ULFA through material and logistical means.

So to say "the BNP represented the establishment of Pakistan in its independent Bangladeshi avatar" is a bit....off...

Given those, BNP supporting ULFA are accusations at best. Let's agree to disagree with them on this.

And who or what are those mysterious Islamist militant outfits that Jamaat was apparently supporting? I haven't seen any hint about those.

The Indians appear to be very uncompromising toward Jamaat. It's like as if it'd kill them if they engage in some sort of dialogue with Jamaat. At least it wouldn't hurt to try on their part even given Jamaat's controversy. So, I find this attitude strange and kinda extreme. Not a single meeting with them in history!

And last but not the least, @madx was asking about India's alleged role in supporting the Shanti Bahini. @Joe Shearer said that it is a complicated matter.

So apart from an old NYT article, we really do not know the full details about madx's initial query.

I did not mean that the details of the defense plan I posted were your ideas, what I meant was that you mentioned that we need a comprehensive defense plan.

Indians will try to catch at straws to find an excuse to interfere in Bangladesh internal matters. I think both of us agree on that.

Why should we care about what Indians think about Jamaat, they should not be in the business of meeting and talking with our politicians in the first place. Actually I am glad that they were not able to penetrate this org in any significant way, which makes it that much more valuable for Bangladesh and its fight for sovereignty.

About Shanti Bahini we will dig out as much details as possible and post them in this thread.
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I did not mean that the details of the defense plan I posted were your ideas, what I meant was that you mentioned that we need a comprehensive defense plan.

Indians will try to catch at straws to find an excuse to interfere in Bangladesh internal matters. I think both of us agree on that.

Why should we care about what Indians think about Jamaat, they should not be in the business of meeting and talking with our politicians in the first place. Actually I am glad that they were not able to penetrate this org in any significant way, which makes it that much more valuable for Bangladesh and its fight for sovereignty.

About Shanti Bahini we will dig out as much details as possible and post them in this thread.

And these brave acts will achieve what precisely?
I never said that :no:

If I'm not mistaken, China stopped supporting them back in the 80's. I'd rather leave that one as it is.

I think we are going off-track here.

Though I agree with Joe that it is irresponsible on our part not to act in time against ULFA militants whose operations in India result in the killing of innocents.

I generally don't recommend making deals with foreign militant groups.

Let's get some things straight:

- India did share intel with BNP/Jamaat during their reign.

- Khaleda clearly stated that there would be no room for terrorists on Bangladeshi soil during her last meeting with PM Singh.

-She did not imply that BNP supported ULFA through material and logistical means.

So to say "the BNP represented the establishment of Pakistan in its independent Bangladeshi avatar" is a bit....off...

Given those, BNP supporting ULFA are accusations at best. Let's agree to disagree with them on this.

And who or what are those mysterious Islamist militant outfits that Jamaat was apparently supporting? I haven't seen any hint about those.

The Indians appear to be very uncompromising toward Jamaat. It's like as if it'd kill them if they engage in some sort of dialogue with Jamaat. At least it wouldn't hurt to try on their part even given Jamaat's controversy. So, I find this attitude strange and kinda extreme. Not a single meeting with them in history!

And last but not the least, @madx was asking about India's alleged role in supporting the Shanti Bahini. @Joe Shearer said that it is a complicated matter.

So apart from an old NYT article, we really do not know the full details about madx's initial query.

I was hearing India was involved in supporting the shanti bahini. But was not sure that why India would help them.
Our involvement was also found with some indian terrorist groups. So no one is out of allegation.

@Joe Shearer I wanted to know more of this purulia arms supply. Seems like got my answer.
Purulia arms drop case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I was hearing India was involved in supporting the shanti bahini. But was not sure that why India would help them.
Our involvement was also found with some indian terrorist groups. So no one is out of allegation.

@Joe Shearer I wanted to know more of this purulia arms supply. Seems like got my answer.
Purulia arms drop case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tallies with the public facts.

The Anand Marg, a truly weird organisation, sincerely batty, was against the atheist Leftists, and it is possible that they had gained the attention of anti-left politicians who wanted the Left removed from power. Whether the arms were purchased by Anand Margis themselves - they had the money - or by some other influential politician or group of politicians, in effect somebody sought to arm these lunatic fringers and to turn them against the common enemy. This is speculation. Very little was proved.
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Tallies with the public facts.

The Anand Marg, a truly weird organisation, sincerely batty, was against the atheist Leftists, and it is possible that they had gained the attention of anti-left politicians who wanted the Left removed from power. Whether the arms were purchased by Anand Margis themselves - they had the money - or by some other influential politician or group of politicians, in effect somebody sought to arm these lunatic fringers and to turn them against the common enemy. This is speculation. Very little was proved.

Allegation was coming towards us. Its a mystery case and also interesting.

If you have nothing of value to add to the discussion on the topic, stay out and keep out.

LOLL; a Fatwa surfaces! @Loki, its heartening to see such moves. :lol: Did you abdicate your job as a Mod? And Kallu took over?
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The following means that Indian intelligence role was not with Mujib before 1971 but others in and outside of Awami League.

cross posted from another thread:

Mujib was not pro-India until after 1971, after he was freed from jail in Pakistan. I just found out from Major Dalim’s book, Ami Major Dalim Bolchi, that Mujib’s 6-point movement was created by Ford Foundation economists to teach a lesson and a warning to Ayub Khan by USA because he was getting close to China, a US enemy at the time.
Six point movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mujib was a lesser known politician with dubious reputation. True to his Gunda (goon) origin under Suhrawardy, he killed deputy speaker of parliament in an assault using broken chairs and microphones as projectiles:
Shahed Ali Patwary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It was “20th September 1958, the date scheduled for reopening the East Pakistan Legislative Assambly…”
“Speaker Abul Halim complained to President Mirza that he had been threatned with physical violence by Awami League leaders including Mujib if he entered the Legislative building.”
“Despite the threats he did assume the Speaker’s chair when the assembly convened. But legislators began physically assaulting each other, liberally using as weapons whatever they could find to hand, including microphones and staff bearing the national standard. The Speaker shouted out an adjoinment order and fled the chambers. As the Awami League members refused to obey that order, Deputy Speaker Shahed Ali took over.”

On 23 October (1958),“despite illness and reluctance to get embroiled in the Awami League’s disputes with its critics, Shahed Ali Conceded…” Missiles including parts of the chamber’s furniture were thrown and a chair hit the Deputy Speaker in the head.” These (injured) men,(Mujib was not one of them) and the Deputy Speaker were taken to hospital where two days later, Shahed Ali expired.” There was a gang of six Awami League members who were instrumental at throwing chairs with Sarkar and his loyalists; one of the chairs hit Shahed Ali.

During this time, Mujib was starting to be the driving force within the Awami League the Party now slowly being taken over by Suhrowarthy. Realizing this trend Bhasani previously left Awami League to start a new party called the NAP.

6 point movement catapulted Mujib to popularity. Then Ayub Khan govt. tried to suppress 6-point movement by arresting Mujib and many top AL leaders based on false charges against them connecting them to Agartala Conspiracy (a true treason case connected with RAW), although these AL leaders including Mujib had no connection to this treason case.

Bhashani came up with the 11 point movement mobilizing student activists to free Mujib and other leaders, all of whom were false charged by Ayub Khan govt. Due to these mass movement, Mujib was released, the case against him and others (to frame them) was dropped, and a young undeserving Mujib was catapulted as the undisputed national leader, as there was no one else available to speak as the voice of united East Pakistan. So here is the summary of sequence of events:

- unfair treatment and domination of West Pakistani-Mohajer elite and their usurpation of national power alienated Bengali elite (business, professional, bureacratic, armed forces, law enforcement and political class)
- Bengali elite joined with Bengali masses to press for end of Military rule, which was being used by minority West Pakistan-Mohajer elite to rule over majority Bengali’s in Pakistan
- 6 point movement was funded and initiated by USA to teach Ayub Khan a lesson when he got close to China, an enemy of USA at the time
- Mujib and other top AL leaders were falsely charged with connection to Agartala Case (a true conspiracy case with some minor figures that was actually hatched by RAW) to frame these national leaders as Indian agents and traitors
- Bhashani launched 11 point movement to free Mujib and others in a mass movement led by student activists
- Ayub Khan govt. fell as a result, Mujib and others were freed and Agartala case was dropped
- Bhasani was already 90 years old in 1970, so instead of this true visionary leader, an undeserving younger Mujib became the face and voice of East Pakistan, whose sole goal was autonomy, as strictly instructed by his US handlers, but never to go for breaking Pakistan in a move for secession
- when Mujib was jailed and Operation Searchlight was initiated, Pakistan Army was unleashed on a defenceless Bengali population, the Bengali members of armed forces revolted and declared independence (Zia) and initiated the armed struggle for liberation
LOLL; a Fatwa surfaces! @Loki, its heartening to see such moves. :lol: Did you abdicate your job as a Mod? And Kallu took over?

What do you expect from the kind of intellect that derives its history from reading Ami Major Dalim Bolchhi?
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taking the risk of going off topic, I want to point out on thing.

There are few members here who ridicule RAW as inefficient agency

on other hand they don't miss a chance to blame RAW for anything bad in their country, what kind of hypocrisy is this?
What do you expect from the kind of intellect that derives its history from reading Ami Major Dalim Bolchhi?

Should I even be surprised that Dalim who was a Murderer; should peddle some untruths and half-truths as facts to justify his actions?
Should I even be surprised that Dalim who was a Murderer; should peddle some untruths and half-truths as facts to justify his actions?

Oh trust me my friend, if it was half truth and the country didn't approve of his actions, there would have been hardcore riots. But a teacher of mine said that people were actually jumping in the streets the day later. And why not? they escaped from the BAKSAL, rakkhi bahini and thuggish rule ;)
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