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India army face off with India government

India's civil-military relations, steadily deteriorating for months under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's Congress party-led coalition, has recently suffered a further setback. The new low follows a report, hinting at an aggressive show of force by a disgruntled army chief, General V K Singh.

The influential Indian Express newspaper on Wednesday reported that in mid-January two army units, including a Special Forces battalion, had marched on New Delhi without telling the proper authorities. For 18 hours it reportedly panicked the government, already locked with Gen Singh in a legal row over his date of birth. The report hinted obliquely at a feeble, ill-conceived coup attempt by Gen Singh, but stopped just short of terming it one.

Two units from 1 Strike Corps, one of the army's three "sword arms", headquartered at Mathura, 150km (93 miles) east of Delhi, accompanied by around 50 armoured vehicles had marched, unannounced, on the capital.

BBC News - Why are India's army and government at loggerheads?

It seems General V K Singh of the Indian army is fed up with Indian regime. Something is cooking in India and it isn't curry chicken.
It's spoken by the Anglo, so even indians must agree it is true!

Is he a Sikh?

he is an indian.
India's civil-military relations, steadily deteriorating for months under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's Congress party-led coalition, has recently suffered a further setback. The new low follows a report, hinting at an aggressive show of force by a disgruntled army chief, General V K Singh.

The influential Indian Express newspaper on Wednesday reported that in mid-January two army units, including a Special Forces battalion, had marched on New Delhi without telling the proper authorities. For 18 hours it reportedly panicked the government, already locked with Gen Singh in a legal row over his date of birth. The report hinted obliquely at a feeble, ill-conceived coup attempt by Gen Singh, but stopped just short of terming it one.

Two units from 1 Strike Corps, one of the army's three "sword arms", headquartered at Mathura, 150km (93 miles) east of Delhi, accompanied by around 50 armoured vehicles had marched, unannounced, on the capital.

BBC News - Why are India's army and government at loggerheads?

It seems General V K Singh of the Indian army is fed up with Indian regime. Something is cooking in India and it isn't curry chicken.

kindly understand that the news about a military coup was rejected and rebutted both by army and the GoI. The Army was conducting
their usual training which are held every year to practice mobilizing troops around the nation. This time troops were moved to delhi to test and practice quick mobilization during thick fog in which they were successful. the media,as usual beefed the issue with their regular masala reporting skills.They simply forgot the fact that a large amount of troops along with equipment is stationed permanently in delhi,and if the army is planning a coup,they simply doesn't need to make troops "march" towards delhi,but can use the troops stationed within delhi.Indian Army is a perfect institution believing in democracy.
do we INDIANS have to answer these fools, or we can just stop posting and soon the thread becomes oblivion. Food for thought for the sane minds from INDIA, leave this thread and its die automatically
Lol look at all the noobs jumping around...this news is already been discussed and there was an official statement from the army saying it was normal training exercise. And also i read somewhere Pakistan will be supporting if its a coup....LOL @ that.. If there is really a "COUP" then its time for our "friendly" neighbors to panic.

@the noob who said Pakistan will be watching the show and show solidarity...
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