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Hindus, Muslims should fight poverty, not each other: PM Narendra Modi


Apr 8, 2014
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Hindus, Muslims should fight poverty, not each other: PM Narendra Modi on Dadri lynching | Zee News
Last Updated: Thursday, October 8, 2015 - 18:39
Nawada: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday broke his silence on the Dadri lynching over alleged beef eating, and said that it was time to put an end to communal politics.

“Every community needs to live together. Hindus and Muslims should decide whether they want to fight against each other or against poverty,” Modi said at a rally in Nawada, Bihar.

The PM said President Pranab Mukherjee's message has shown us the way.

Speaking on Wednesday in the backdrop of the Dadri lynching incident, the President had said that the core values of diversity, tolerance and plurality of Indian civilisation must be kept in mind and cannot be allowed to be wasted.

"I firmly believe that we cannot allow the core values of our civilisation to be wasted and the core values are what over the years the civilisation celebrated diversity, promoted and advocated tolerance, endurance and plurality,” Mukherjee said.

Stressing that “we should put an end to communal politics”, Modi appealed to everyone “not to listen to hate speeches”.

He further said that the nation must stay united.

The PM and President’s remarks came in the wake of lynching of a 50-year-old Muslim man in Dadri, Uttar Pradesh by an enraged mob over rumours that he had stored and consumed beef, which has sparked an outrage across the country.
Indian constitution is a serious flaw and one sided , which provides religious cultural rights to everyone in one part, also in the meantime restricts them from practicing their religious and cultural belief in the other.
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good that he has realized it... therefore he should immediately disassociate himself from the sangh.
Your statement is as true as the fact that had he not made a statement people would hound him for being silent.
He was silent all this while trying to downplay it like his ministers but finally had to come out to say something about it.

And here its not a hindu-muslim fight but hindutva marauders(which included some people having ties with his party) killing a Indian soldier's father... so much for their "nationalism"
He was silent all this while trying to downplay it like his ministers but finally had to come out to say something about it.

And here its not a hindu-muslim fight but hindutva marauders(which included some people having ties with his party) killing a Indian soldier's father... so much for their "nationalism"

I would feel equally bad even if the person was not tied to armed forces. Let's not devalue/downplay the patriotism of people who are not associated with armed forces.
He was silent all this while trying to downplay it like his ministers but finally had to come out to say something about it.

And here its not a hindu-muslim fight but hindutva marauders(which included some people having ties with his party) killing a Indian soldier's father... so much for their "nationalism"
you're being unfair, Modi has no agenda against Indian muslims.
And yet again he shied away from sending a strong message to the lunatics by specifically condemning the massacre. It seemed a more generalized comment on religious harmony rather than particularly aimed at Dadri case.
He & his party has no moral right to ask anybody to fight poverty. First he should clear what is he doing to eradicate poverty. State of Punjab which is under NDA rule from last eight years has witnessed 49 farmers suicides in last 60 days. Almost 70% percent of cotton crop got destroyed in state due to fake pesticides scandal. Why is Modi & Modia (media) is silent on this issue ? They are asking poor farmers to fight poverty by providing compensation of less than 100 rupees per acre.
This statement from modi is just an false attempt to control the damage his party suffering due to its lunatic ideology.
This shit head terrorist turned PM instead of condemning dadri lynching is equaling both the killers and aggrieved by such statements . Muslims never starts any fight and are kept in defensive mode in India by these illiterate hindu masses .

Indian disintegration is not far if such polarizing policies of RSS and its arm BJP continues if they want india for Hindus only they will have to carve a big portion out for 20 crore plus muslims and I am sure east punjab , calcutta and even delhi will have to be given freedom from modi and his likes as all these places have muslims and sikh combine domination.
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