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Hindus, Muslims should fight poverty, not each other: PM Narendra Modi

Sangh is the result of Cold war politics.

not really... sangh is result of the pre-1947 british east india company politics... their connections are well-known - savarkar, for example.

and i am not ignoring their counterparts in the muslim community - the deobandis, who are as responsible in not letting progressives change india ( or the once unified india ).
not really... sangh is result of the pre-1947 british east india company politics... their connections are well-known - savarkar, for example.

During that time Sangh was against Partition and Savakar was arrested during the First world war.
you're being unfair, Modi has no agenda against Indian muslims.
You and me don't know that for sure, but his ministers and many of his party men do have an agenda against Indian muslims and we can see that through our news media on a daily basis...
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I would feel equally bad even if the person was not tied to armed forces. Let's not devalue/downplay the patriotism of people who are not associated with armed forces.
No, I am not downplaying the patriotism of the non-armed force personnel but rather questioning the Hindutva goons who claim themselves to be "nationalists" yet go on to kill the family members of those who protect our country and their motherly organisation(RSS/BJP) trivialize these killings...

Precisely why I loved it. I was scared that he might ask for apologies and beg and squirm. There was nothing - no hint of weakness. :tup:
I am not surprised, you would love it after all you have loved it in your earlier encounters. One such instance you go on to describe in detail...:cheers:
LOL..... would it have been ok if a guilty man was killed ? :cheesy:

There is stupid, and then there is perverted. I don't think you are stupid. Where is the humour at the thought of either an innocent man or a guilty man getting killed?

What kind of twisted logic makes you say such rubbish ?

Please specify: what was the rubbish?

Everytime you pay a bribe you break the law and disrespect it :lol: .........so spare me this pathetic attempt to climb the "high moral ground".

Somehow when you break the law its "small crime" but when others do it its "balatkar" ?

This is what happens when an inherently corrupt and compromised character such as yours assumes that everyone else is the same.

There are those of us who DON"T pay bribes. There are those of us who don't break the laws. What do you say to them?

UP is hardly the place one expects LAW and ORDER. So Vigilante justice and Strong arm Justice and tactics is the NORM in UP, not the exception. To pretend that its not true just so that you can shed "secular crocodile tears" is just pure hubris.


A situation is lacking in some one characteristic or the other. The solution? Contribute to ensuring that the lack continues.


You are not a pervert. You have surpassed all such barriers.

Precisely why I loved it. I was scared that he might ask for apologies and beg and squirm. There was nothing - no hint of weakness. :tup:

What you take for weakness is compassion and charitable feeling. What you are looking for is an automaton; you will get one soon.
Sangh is the result of Cold war politics.

Where you saw PM was silent ?

Union Tourism Minister Mahesh Sharma meeting the family of Mohammad Akhlaque
OK This is for you...




Hindus, Muslims should fight poverty, not each other: PM Narendra Modi on Dadri lynching | Zee News
Last Updated: Thursday, October 8, 2015 - 18:39
Nawada: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday broke his silence on the Dadri lynching over alleged beef eating, and said that it was time to put an end to communal politics.

“Every community needs to live together. Hindus and Muslims should decide whether they want to fight against each other or against poverty,” Modi said at a rally in Nawada, Bihar.

The PM said President Pranab Mukherjee's message has shown us the way.

Speaking on Wednesday in the backdrop of the Dadri lynching incident, the President had said that the core values of diversity, tolerance and plurality of Indian civilisation must be kept in mind and cannot be allowed to be wasted.

"I firmly believe that we cannot allow the core values of our civilisation to be wasted and the core values are what over the years the civilisation celebrated diversity, promoted and advocated tolerance, endurance and plurality,” Mukherjee said.

Stressing that “we should put an end to communal politics”, Modi appealed to everyone “not to listen to hate speeches”.

He further said that the nation must stay united.

The PM and President’s remarks came in the wake of lynching of a 50-year-old Muslim man in Dadri, Uttar Pradesh by an enraged mob over rumours that he had stored and consumed beef, which has sparked an outrage across the country.

This is a welcome statement but I would have fully praised him, had he specifically condemned this incident.

Some may argue that he is the PM of the country and cannot comment on each and every incident (which is a fair argument) but It is my belief that PM being the servant of the people should respond to such incidents wherever it is appropriate, more so when we have a PM in Modi who is probably the best communicator India has ever had in it's history.
Muslims are mostly deprived and suppressed in india, hence impoverished and when hindus kill them, they believe they are fighting poverty.............btw what was this terrorist modi thinking when he murdered 20000 innocent Muslim s in Gujrat in 2002?

Hindus, Muslims should fight poverty, not each other: PM Narendra Modi on Dadri lynching | Zee News
Last Updated: Thursday, October 8, 2015 - 18:39
Nawada: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday broke his silence on the Dadri lynching over alleged beef eating, and said that it was time to put an end to communal politics.

“Every community needs to live together. Hindus and Muslims should decide whether they want to fight against each other or against poverty,” Modi said at a rally in Nawada, Bihar.

The PM said President Pranab Mukherjee's message has shown us the way.

Speaking on Wednesday in the backdrop of the Dadri lynching incident, the President had said that the core values of diversity, tolerance and plurality of Indian civilisation must be kept in mind and cannot be allowed to be wasted.

"I firmly believe that we cannot allow the core values of our civilisation to be wasted and the core values are what over the years the civilisation celebrated diversity, promoted and advocated tolerance, endurance and plurality,” Mukherjee said.

Stressing that “we should put an end to communal politics”, Modi appealed to everyone “not to listen to hate speeches”.

He further said that the nation must stay united.

The PM and President’s remarks came in the wake of lynching of a 50-year-old Muslim man in Dadri, Uttar Pradesh by an enraged mob over rumours that he had stored and consumed beef, which has sparked an outrage across the country.
Muslims are mostly deprived and suppressed in india, hence impoverished and when hindus kill them, they believe they are fighting poverty.............btw what was this terrorist modi thinking when he murdered 20000 innocent Muslim s in Gujrat in 2002?

All of us who are opposed to Modi are convinced that his role in Gujarat in 2002 was questionable. In that sense, we seem to be in agreement.

However, it does not help in the least little bit when a Pakistani poster puts the figure of Muslims killed in Gujarat in 2002 during the riots at 20000. Using false figures only weakens the case against him, and creates disbelief and scepticism when his supporters point out that the actual figure, a horrible figure even by itself, was closer to 750.

Please do not use such unreliable figures.
All of us who are opposed to Modi are convinced that his role in Gujarat in 2002 was questionable. In that sense, we seem to be in agreement.

However, it does not help in the least little bit when a Pakistani poster puts the figure of Muslims killed in Gujarat in 2002 during the riots at 20000. Using false figures only weakens the case against him, and creates disbelief and scepticism when his supporters point out that the actual figure, a horrible figure even by itself, was closer to 750.

Please do not use such unreliable figures.

Modi is a very smart man, or his advisers are but they are making a fatal mistake here. Masses sure can be fooled but not by using the same trick again and again.

Hindu Militancy is a wildfire which would burn indiscriminately - he cannot afford to play a passive aggressive game on this.He should either declare himself to be a Man many suspect him to be or he should make it clear that no acts of Militancy or rabble-rousing would be tolerated be it Hindu or Muslim and put every one involved in stoking the fires of religious tensions behind bar and throw away the key.
Modi is voted for development and helped by Congress by being shittier than anyone had ever thought. But it is depressing that some lunatics is destroying most of goodwill that he has created till now, and this is coming from a BJP supporter.

But atleast something is better than nothing and especially the part (which I feel most are missing here...) where he said..'"don't listen to politicians using incidents for petty gains, even if your PM says so, don't fall for it...". Also, the fact that our media 24x7 and 365 days a year blames each and every issue on Modi and asks for a statement regarding everything, it not only dilutes the PM's gravity but also, is practically impossible for him to express his views on everything. There is a reason why the government has Home Ministry, Ministry of State affairs, etc...
Modi is voted for development and helped by Congress by being shittier than anyone had ever thought. But it is depressing that some lunatics is destroying most of goodwill that he has created till now, and this is coming from a BJP supporter.

But atleast something is better than nothing and especially the part (which I feel most are missing here...) where he said..'"don't listen to politicians using incidents for petty gains, even if your PM says so, don't fall for it...". Also, the fact that our media 24x7 and 365 days a year blames each and every issue on Modi and asks for a statement regarding everything, it not only dilutes the PM's gravity but also, is practically impossible for him to express his views on everything. There is a reason why the government has Home Ministry, Ministry of State affairs, etc...

Now you sound just like a congress apologist defending the silence of MMS on scams or Pakistani apologist defending their establishment supporting militancy in India.

Carry on anyway
I get that our PM was not strong enough in his words. He should have been specific and should have condemned the whole thing, without conditions.

However Sir @Joe Shearer and @scorpionx what I feel repulsive is the Media which inflated the issue so much that people have to take sides in the debate cause anyone who comes neutral to such communal incidents cannot remain in a neutral stand. Cause if he does, people label as per the arguments put forward minus the context.

I hate to justify any of what happened but cannot ignore the statement by Nayantara Shagal on asking why she did not give the award back in 1984 this is all she could come up with

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