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Anyone for PM but Narendra Modi: Amartya Sen

Isn't it? The election is all about economics, specifically about how Congress has failed to unlock the high growth India desperately needs. An economist like Sen must consider India's economy as the foremost priority, so his refusal to endorse Modi suggests he has dismal expectations of Modi's ability to run the economy.

Its not Modi's manifesto, its BJP's economic policy. He is not rejecting BJP he's talking about Modi personally, even though Modi is corruption free. That's purely personal opinion on an individual and there is no need for you to stretch logic as always.
Isn't it? The election is all about economics, specifically about how Congress has failed to unlock the high growth India desperately needs. An economist like Sen must consider India's economy as the foremost priority, so his refusal to endorse Modi suggests he has dismal expectations of Modi's ability to run the economy.

Amratya sen is a leftist politician.Congress was following his economic model which has ruined India.His policy prescription are responsible for burgeoning deficit and runaway inflation.He is firm believer in hand out economics.

Regarding Noble: Noble prize in anything barring pure Science is based on politics, not merit. Amratya sen got Noble prize because in the same year when he was selected for Noble, Enron Scam was unearthed thus delegitimatizing Right wing or neo-Liberal economics and Noble committee has to award Noble to some left wing developmental Economist, of whom Sen was a front runner.

He is an ideologically motivated Economist and his endorsement counts for nothing.
Isn't it? The election is all about economics, specifically about how Congress has failed to unlock the high growth India desperately needs. An economist like Sen must consider India's economy as the foremost priority, so his refusal to endorse Modi suggests he has dismal expectations of Modi's ability to run the economy.
Amartya Sen's antagonism towards Modi is not based on any economic arguments. Which is why his status as a reputed economist has no bearing.
Amartya Sen is India's most respected economist and the most internationally known academic that India has produced. His rejection of Modi makes me doubt Modi's suitability.
Sorry buddy that would be Mr.Hargovind Khorana(Nobel laureate in Chemistry),the man who discovered the DNA sequencing back in 1968 or it can be Mr.C.V.Raman(Nobel laureate for Physics) famously known for his Raman Effect....
Sorry buddy that would be Mr.Hargovind Khorana(Nobel laureate in Chemistry),the man who discovered the DNA sequencing back in 1968 or it can be Mr.C.V.Raman(Nobel laureate for Physics) famously known for his Raman Effect....

Of course yaar.
Economics is not exactly a science in the first place,especially sen's philosophical economics.

QUIT HATING ON HIM....his daughter is hot.
Perhaps Amartya Sen is one of those handful of people like Arundhati Roy who would openly endorse terrorism in Kashmir. I really do not like this man. . . I mean what has he got to loose?I if something happens in India I bet he would be one of the first few to flee and take refuge in some peaceful Northern European countries.These so called intellectuals could go to any extent and make any comment to satisfy their pseudo secular hypocrisy.
Indians bash Amartya Sen, Arundhati Roy and Burkha Datt but praise Najam Sethi and Hamid Mir, Parvez Hoodbouy..... Interesting.
having your view is ok but influencing someone else's because of political hatred will bring reaction.:coffee:
Indians bash Amartya Sen, Arundhati Roy and Burkha Datt but praise Najam Sethi and Hamid Mir, Parvez Hoodbouy..... Interesting.
Aaho yaar indians are very chaval:rolleyes:

Tu das bai ki patt laenga:p
Perhaps Amartya Sen is one of those handful of people like Arundhati Roy who would openly endorse terrorism in Kashmir. I really do not like this man. . . I mean what has he got to loose?I if something happens in India I bet he would be one of the first few to flee and take refuge in some peaceful Northern European countries.These so called intellectuals could go to any extent and make any comment to satisfy their pseudo secular hypocrisy.
He dosen't even live in india to flee in the first place:rolleyes:
He dosen't even live in india to flee in the first place:rolleyes:
I do not know why and I accept that I may be crossing a line here since he ,is, after all a noble laureate Amartya Sen seems to have an opinion about everything under the sun.If ever got the opportunity I would like to ask him about his take on Muslims calling for shariyah in parts of India!!
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