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Anyone for PM but Narendra Modi: Amartya Sen

Indians bash Amartya Sen, Arundhati Roy and Burkha Datt but praise Najam Sethi and Hamid Mir, Parvez Hoodbouy..... Interesting.
We might have bashed Arundhati Roy for provocative anti-national statements made by her in J&K.And I do not know what u made of my comment but atleast I was not bashing him.It's something called disagreeing or differing from someones point of view and that too on an internal matter.As far as that Bi*ch Arundhati Roy is concerned I would humbly like to ask u as to what fate was meted out in your own nation to people like Akbar and Brahamdagh Bugti?? And who bashed Burkha Dutt? And yes we do like people like Najam Sethi.Hamid Mir and Hoodbhuoy because they speak the truth and these are the kind of people who could talk sense into the Pakistani populace brainwashed over the years!!
We might have bashed Arundhati Roy for provocative anti-national statements made by her in J&K.And I do not know what u made of my comment but atleast I was not bashing him.It's something called disagreeing or differing from someones point of view and that too on an internal matter.As far as that Bi*ch Arundhati Roy is concerned I would humbly like to ask u as to what fate was meted out in your own nation to people like Akbar and Brahamdagh Bugti?? And who bashed Burkha Dutt?

I haven't seen your post, nor i commented on that. I was talking about what i see here and social media. So your argument is misdirected

QUIT HATING ON HIM....his daughter is hot.
wtf is this ... I love it !!!!
Of course yaar.
Economics is not exactly a science in the first place,especially sen's philosophical economics.
Are Paa ji i was just refuting his claim that Mr.Sen is the best known Indian academic in the international arena.I know that he won the Nobel prize for his work in welfare economics....:coffee:
In a recent interview to a news channel, Nobel Laurate Amartya Sen said that a government led by prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi won't be the best for the country.

Amartya Sen had long maintained his position against Modi. He had yesterday said that he thought Modi was not a good candidate for the prime minister's seat. He had come all the way from New York to cast his vote after 13 years in Bolpur, West Bengal, his hometown. He further added, in the interview that it would had been better if anyone else but Modi had led the BJPin the elections.

Amartya Sen stressed that he is not anti-BJP but also said that BJP will never be his party. He mentioned that he wasn't pro-Congress either, as according to him it had a poor record.

Sen who has always been compared to economist Jagdish Bhagwati dismissed speculations that they were rivals but he felt that Bhagwati focused on him too much. He said, "He likes discussing me, I don't like discussing him." He had earlier said that Bhagwati and his collaborators had written 24 articles against him but he had never written any on Bhagwati.

Anyone for PM but Narendra Modi: Amartya Sen | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
& it can only get worse for Mr Sen. There is a chance that Jagdish Bhagwati may become Modi's advisor, should Modi become the PM.. & Mr Sen will have to start talking about Bhagwati then! :lol:
Indians bash Amartya Sen, Arundhati Roy and Burkha Datt but praise Najam Sethi and Hamid Mir, Parvez Hoodbouy..... Interesting.

Uncle, we respect him as an Economist & thats what he is. He has no RIGHT to DICTATE to Indians whom they should elect. It's the Right of each & every individual to elect whomsoever he/she wants, & if this time it's Modi so be it, who is he to oppose the Majority??
I haven't seen your post, nor i commented on that. I was talking about what i see here and social media. So your argument is misdirected
In that case just accept it as a justification from a common Indian.
Uncle, we respect him as an Economist & thats what he is. He has no RIGHT to DICTATE to Indians whom they should elect. It's the Right of each & every individual to elect whomsoever he/she wants, & if this time it's Modi so be it, who is he to oppose the Majority??

Chal bay - hypocrite

who is he?

Allegedly name mentioned in thread title.

PS: I don't know, i am relaying on one liner written under that picture.
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