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Narendra Modi raises his voice against cow slaughter

Gau-salas instead of Yateem khanas? is that what Modi is hinting?

That will be an kinder world indeed. A healthy society where all children have parents and guardians and do not need to grow up in yateem khanas and all old and sick animals have shelter and taken care of in various Gau-salas and other places.

Saudi Arabia is a Muslim nation, and they reserve the right to exercise Islamic teachings in their state constitution. And enlighten me about the laws in US where the follower of minority religion is prosecuted or marginalized because of going against the cultural values of the majority, by the state?

Saudi Arabia fashions its laws per the beliefs of its people. Likewise USA whose cultures is based on Judeochristian values. Which is why Christmas is a national holiday but Diwali and various Id's are not. Which is why Churches are given govt funds to carry out various community service programs but temples and mosques are not. Which is why building of a church anywhere and everywhere faces no resistance, but building of a mosque or a temple comes up against various hurdles. Which is why the court in USA has considered spying on Muslims legal.
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Saudi Arabia fashions its laws per the beliefs of its people. Likewise USA whose cultures is based on Judeochristian values. Which is why Christmas is a national holiday but Diwali and various Id's are not. Which is why Churches are given govt funds to carry out various community service programs but temples and mosques are not. Which is why building of a church anywhere and everywhere faces no resistance, but building of a mosque or a temple comes up against various hurdles. Which is why the court in USA has considered spying on Muslims legal.

Are you nuts? Government doesn't give money to churches, but their incomes from the donation are tax free, so it's valid for temples and mosques too. And why should the indigenous population celebrate Holi or Diwali? Neither they force us to celebrate their festivals. And there are temples and mosques in almost every town or cities. And it's good that they're preventing building of temples and mosques as mushrooms as it is in South Asia, where every unoccupied plot is up for building a temple or mosque.
And US spies on everybody, not just Muslims. And i'll be favorable if you can provide the link of that court judgement to prove what you said.
Are you nuts? Government doesn't give money to churches, but their incomes from the donation are tax free, so it's valid for temples and mosques too. And why should the indigenous population celebrate Holi or Diwali? Neither they force us to celebrate their festivals. And there are temples and mosques in almost every town or cities. And it's good that they're preventing building of temples and mosques as mushrooms as it is in South Asia, where every unoccupied plot is up for building a temple or mosque.
And US spies on everybody, not just Muslims. And i'll be favorable if you can provide the link of that court judgement to prove what you said.

Changing tack are you? From asking me about providing proof of persecution of religious minorities now you have moved on to applauding USA for preventing building of mosques and temples while every corner there has a church. The same prevention in India would have been termed as discrimination and violation of constitutional right to freedom of religion. So govt holiday for indigenous religions in USA is okay but for foreign religions is not? So what is wrong if India was to make all rules as per the indigenous religion and traditions rather than foreign religions and cultures?

Google up "Federal judge says it's okay for the NYPD to spy on Muslims." I am not able to provide links yet as per the forum rules.

Also google "Faith-Based Debate: Obama Signs Order on Funds for Churches"
Changing tack are you? From asking me about providing proof of persecution of religious minorities now you have moved on to applauding USA for preventing building of mosques and temples while every corner there has a church. The same prevention in India would have been termed as discrimination and violation of constitutional right to freedom of religion. So govt holiday for indigenous religions in USA is okay but for foreign religions is not? So what is wrong if India was to make all rules as per the indigenous religion and traditions rather than foreign religions and cultures?

Google up "Federal judge says it's okay for the NYPD to spy on Muslims." I am not able to provide links yet as per the forum rules.

Also google "Faith-Based Debate: Obama Signs Order on Funds for Churches"

So should they declare holiday in the name of Hawaiian God Lono? Or Ganesh Chaturthi? Or Eid Ul Bakra? And you're expecting a sovereign state to officially recognize the religious festivals of a nation who barely constitutes 0.5% of it's population? A bit much don't you think so? Have India recognized 'Hanukkah' of Jews as an official festival?

And no, there isn't any Church at every nook or corner of US cities and suburbs. Even there is a cap on the number of churches and it requires permission from the city council.

And even if there are more churches, still it makes perfect sense, as they have more followers of that particular faith. There are only 500 Indian families in the town i live, and yet it has 2-3 temples, while around 200,000 followers of Christianity. So by any logical means, you cannot equate the number of churches and temples in the city. they have allowed religious freedom, and one should be grateful for it.
India sends millions of cows to us every year. We slaughter them and eat their yummy meat. :D

So should they declare holiday in the name of Hawaiian God Lono? Or Ganesh Chaturthi? Or Eid Ul Bakra? And you're expecting a sovereign state to officially recognize the religious festivals of a nation who barely constitutes 0.5% of it's population? A bit much don't you think so? Have India recognized 'Hanukkah' of Jews as an official festival?

And no, there isn't any Church at every nook or corner of US cities and suburbs. Even there is a cap on the number of churches and it requires permission from the city council.

And even if there are more churches, still it makes perfect sense, as they have more followers of that particular faith. There are only 500 Indian families in the town i live, and yet it has 2-3 temples, while around 200,000 followers of Christianity. So by any logical means, you cannot equate the number of churches and temples in the city. they have allowed religious freedom, and one should be grateful for it.

Yes if they are their citizens. Parsis in India are less than 0.5% of the population yet Parsi New Year is officially recognized holiday in India. Jews being even lesser than 5000 in numbers in India do not have that their holiday recognized, but do you think that Hindu numbers in USA are same like Jews in India?

There are half a million churches in USA for a Christian population of 250 million (approximate), i.e. 1 church for every 500 believer. There are approximately 800 temples for a Hindu population of 3 million (2 million Indian/sri lankan/west Indian Hindus and another million white Hindus) which comes up to 1 temple for 3750 Hindus. Hindus are supposed to be grateful?

Like Christians and Muslims in India have been grateful?

Hindus in USA are hardly the "in your face" adherents of the faith unlike the foreign faith followers in India.
Most Indians eat beef, and Indians mostly eat beef. The principled non eaters of beef are a minority in India.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation UN (FAO) report titled Livestock Information, Sector Analysis and Policy Branch says the largest consumed meat in India is beef. The total consumption of beef in India per year is 26 lakh tonnes, as compared to 6 lakh tonnes of mutton and 14 lakh tonnes of pork. It is clearly the common choice of meat for the Indian population. In fact after meeting the local consumption, a United States Food and Drug Administration ( USFDA) data says India exports 1.28 million tonnes of beef, making it the third largest exporter in the world.
Please give source for these ridiculous claims
Whats the problem in eating beef anyways,its a free country ,i will do as I please.

I am gonna vote for bjp but this is height of bullshit

Same here.... Mr. Modi should rather address the real issues of Bihar, which is currently an underdeveloped s***house.
Behar is 100 times better than the jihad shithole called kerala.

Tell that to the countless migrants from Bihar who stand put together like cattle in the town centers of so many cities in Kerala to get hired as short term workers......
Tell that to the countless migrants from Bihar who stand put together like cattle in the town centers of so many cities in Kerala to get hired as short term workers......

N ur guys do the same in the gulf.
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